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Naturalization Lists

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  • Naturalization Lists

    Every month the London Gazette published a list of persons who, in the previous month, had been granted British nationality. These may prove useful. Each list was preceded by this official wording:
    LIST of ALIENS to whom Certificates of Naturalization or of Readmission to British Nationality have been granted by the Secretary of State under the provisions of the Act 33 Vic., cap. 14, during the Month of ...

    For each person on the list the following information was given:
    Country (of origin)
    Date of Certificate
    Place of Residence

    I am only posting the names but if you need the additional info on any individual let me know. I will be posting in 6 month blocks starting January 1887.

    January 1887
    Abelson, Nathan
    Aknafsky, Isaac
    Babrooskie, Barnett
    Barnett, Abraham
    Barnett, Ephraim
    Barnett, Henry
    Baum, Asher
    Bearman, Ephraim Moses
    Beere, Louis Edward
    Behrens, Heinrich Friedrich
    Bernstein, Jacob
    Besso, Joseph Sabbato
    Brodie, Moses
    Brown, Ephraim
    Chaumont, Gustavo Joseph Etienne
    Cohen, Jacob
    Crona, Rudolf Clacs
    Eintracht, Joseph Mendel
    Eisenberg, Abraham Harris
    Epstein, Gershan
    Evers, Henry Matthias Clement
    Festenstein, Israel
    Finklestone, Neyman
    Finestone, Moses
    Firestone, Joseph
    Fleischl, Paul
    Franklin, Edgar James
    Germer, Carl
    Goodman, Moses
    Harris, Abraham
    Hyams, Emanuel
    Hyman, Abraham
    Jonas, or Jones, Hertz
    Kargus, Charles Edward
    Kaufman, Joseph
    Kober, John
    Koetter, Charles Henry
    Kolkenbeck, Edward William Emil
    Kramer, John
    Kreienberg, Paul Alexander
    Kristianpoller, Simon Wolf
    Kiihn, Francis Joseph
    Lalonde, Emile Gustave
    Lazarus, Abraham
    Lebovitch, Morris
    Levine, Reuben
    Levy, Harris
    Levy, Robert Isaac
    Manzig, Leo
    Marat, Charles Frederick
    Marx, Herman
    Metzendorf, Louis
    Mistrovski, Lazarus
    Mommers, John
    Reisfield, Abraham
    Reisfield, Morris
    Rciss, Louis
    Rich, John
    Rosenberger, Edward
    Roscnbloom, Isaac
    Rosenstiel, Felix
    Rotenberg, Morris
    Rotenberg, Myer
    Sabbatella Gianovaiia
    Shaper, Joseph
    Sharkofski, Jacob
    Sliirwint«r, Gecel
    Spiro, Naplitaly
    Steinberg, Herman
    Stelling, Ludewig Gustav Ernst
    Tennenbaum, Marcus
    Vassiliades, Constantine Demetrius
    Voigts, Hermann Frank
    Weiler, Siegfried Hermann
    Weinburg, Jacob
    Weiser, Benito
    February 1887
    Abrahams, Woolf
    Albert, Edward Wenzel
    Anderson, Niels Peter
    Bernstein, Joseph
    Bovenschen, Carl
    Brand, Frederick Christian
    Chapman, Lewis
    Clemont, John
    Cohen, Davis Solomon
    Cohen, Saul
    Cootner, Phillip
    Dams, Charles Joseph
    De Lange, Hendrik Daniel
    Dierken, William Henry
    Droege, Albert
    Ehemann, Julius Charles Joseph
    Eichardt, Johanny Fredrich Wilhelm
    Ehrlich, John Gustav
    Eprile, Philip
    Esterson, Simon
    Fritsch, Joseph
    Gebhard, Christian Frederic
    Gluck, Adolph Abraham
    Goodman, Harris
    Goodman, Woolf
    Gregoriades, Constantine
    Goundtvig, Charles Frederick
    Gruner, Georg Peter
    Guerrciro, Emma Bond
    Halbmillion, Jacob
    Harris, Phillip
    Heck, Heinrich
    Hellen, Theodore
    Hieser, Samuel
    Katz, Robert
    Kanenhoven, Theodore Albert
    Koenigsberg, Joseph Woolf
    Kopp, Joseph Francis
    Kozminski, Daniel
    Kramer, Frederick
    Kurth, Mathias
    Lacayo, Jorge
    Lang, John Frederic
    Levene, Simon
    Levy, Bernard
    Lindenbaum, Moses
    Lipoloskie, Isaac
    Littaur, Herrmann
    Maas, Max Friedrich
    Marks, Harris
    Miller, Elias
    Pavion, Harris
    Pavion, Louis
    Pick, Henry
    Podeshwa, Barnet
    Purgold, Thomas Jules
    Reese, Jacob Moses
    Eeincke, Hans
    Reingpach, Charles Albert
    Rosenbaum, Nathan
    Rosenberg, Martin Barnett
    Scheerboom, Andrew
    Schnitzler, August
    Tuskind, Joseph
    Vajani, Alexander
    Wegner, William Theodore
    Weiner, Samuel
    Werkendam, William
    Zackrinskie, Jacob
    March 1887
    Alexander, David
    Ananiadi, Gregory
    Auerbach, Hugo
    Baker, Nathan
    Batnmann, Hermann Ludwig
    Bammaun, Peter
    Bechmann, Nathan
    Bernstein, Samuel
    Blascheck, Charles Philip
    Blumberg, Isaac
    Bongers, Henry Augustus
    Cohen, Benjamin
    Cohen, Louis
    Criscuolo, Michael
    Dimitriou, Emmanuel Pappa
    Eylert, Carl Hugo
    Falberg, Friedrick
    Freedman, Israel
    Friedman, Barnet
    Friedman, Hyman
    Furst, Conrad Wilhelm Theodor
    Gadow, Hans Friedricb
    Galli, Dominic
    Germer, Otto
    Ginsberg, Isaac
    Goldberg, Harris
    Golden, Moses
    Goldman, Elkon
    Goldstein, Jacob Simon
    Goldstein, Marks
    Golinsky, Nathan
    Grasdorff, Carl Hermann Wilhelm
    Harrison, David
    Henks, Frederick Conrad Christian
    Hirscbfield, Isaac
    Homes, Albert
    Isaacs, Barnet
    Jacob, Lucien Charles
    Johansen, Frederick Charles
    Joseph, Mosea
    Kruppeit, Wilhelm
    Lazarus, Benjamin
    Ledermann, John Hans
    Levy, Elkon
    Levy, Morris
    Lipman Harris
    Lubelski, David
    Lubman, Harris
    Luhtnann, Henry
    Marti, Ernest
    Miesch, Alexander
    Mohman, John Frederick
    Morris, Abraham
    Morris, Israel
    Moses, Henry
    Myers, Hyman
    Myers, Jacob
    Nathan, Carl
    Pelissier, Louis
    Rabin, Frederick Melchior
    Raupert, Hans Gottfried Ferdinand
    Riemschneider, Heinrich Leopold
    Rosenberg, Barnet
    Rosenbom, Abraham
    Rosenhead, Elias
    Sablovski, Joseph
    Saffer, Nathan
    Saipe, Barnet
    Saipe, Samuel
    Schlesinger, Richard Alphonse
    Segall, Joseph
    Straus, Ludwig
    Tuck, Herman
    Von Bischoffshausen, James John Gustav Frederic Otto Maximilian
    Von Bockum (alias Von Doeffs), Louis Wilhelm
    Werby, Barnet
    Wunderlich, Ferdinand
    April 1887
    Abrahams, Daniel
    Aschkenasi, Israel Isaiah
    Aslukoff, Alexander
    Backer, Kaufman
    Benachi, Luke Antonio
    Bernasconi, Pascal
    Bernstein, Abraham
    Clements, Marks
    Cohen, Ryer
    Cruesemann, Edward Carl Wilhelm
    Dancygor, Samuel
    Fardully, Mina
    Fauser, Eugene John
    Friend, Henry
    Haff, Max Joseph
    Holzapfel, Max Engelbert Adolph
    Hyman, Abraham
    Jaeggi, Emil Robert
    Joseph, David Christopher
    Jungling, Adolphe
    Keul, Heinrich
    Keutgen, Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard
    Kieser, Jacob Henry
    Klein, Edward Emanuel
    Kotz, Ernst Heinrich
    Kranse, Francis
    Lagemann, Charles William
    Landan, William
    Lang, George
    Lauenstein, Gustav August Hermann
    Levy, Abraham
    Lucotte, Louis
    Morris, Eli
    Mosbacher, Sail
    Pelissier, Anton Friedrich
    Prager, Ezekiel William
    Regensburg, Hermann Leopold
    Richter, Linus
    Rosenbloom, Samuel
    Rosenthal, Adolphe
    Rube, Charles Ernest
    Sauer, Jacob
    Schlund, Joseph Friedrich
    Schainwald, Levy
    Solomon, Lewis
    Solomons, Julius
    Tomasczewski, Hugo Friedrich Eugen
    Tramm, Frederic
    Wolfensberger, John Henry
    May 1887
    Binet, Jules Francois
    Calestroupat, Francois Eugene
    Cohen, Abraham
    Cohen, Harris
    Cramer, Hero
    Dauques, Edouard
    Gerstenberg, Gustav Theodor
    Grassman, Adolph
    Hinrichs, Hermann
    Hoerz, Alfred Louis Adolf
    Jervelund, Albert Nielsen
    Kociotkowski, Philip
    Kuttner, Adolph
    Levin, Otto Ludwig Wilhelm
    Mayer, William Theophilus Henry
    Ohlsen, Alexander Charles
    Paulsen, Max Ludwig Heinrich Wilhelm
    Perossi, Achille
    Rosenberg, Louis
    Rubens, Paul Victor
    Samuel, Abraham
    Schmidt, Friedrich Rudolf
    Tekotskey, Solomon
    Volke, William
    June 1887
    Anten, Karel
    Apfel, Sigmund
    Apfel, Theodor
    Ash, Simon
    Bernstein, Moses
    Blumenthal, Isidor
    Carmouche, Henry
    Carrally, John
    Coenen, Wilhelmus Antonius
    Colecha, Sotiri Hlia
    Crepin, Hyppolite
    Cushelson, Cushel
    Dufau, Angelique Charlotte Alix (Veuve) nee Dorte de Tissan
    Dufau, Phillippe Emmanuel Paul, otherwise Dorte
    Dunk (formerly Dinkelspiel), Sigmund
    Fieber, Abraham
    Giwelb, Morris
    Goldstein, Davis
    Goldstein, Morris
    Iaeger, Carl Wilhelm
    Ichenbauser, Julius
    Irthum, John
    Kosminski, Samuel
    Krotoski, Phillip
    Lange, Carl Friedrich Paul
    Lebhar, Julius
    Lichtenfeld, George
    Lubinski, Marks
    Saltman, Harris
    Samuels, Lewis
    Stahlknecht, Johann Fredrich Theodor
    Strobach, Herman
    Von Boselager, Karl Maximilian Antonius Ignatius Joseph Maria

  • #2
    July to December 1887

    July 1887
    Berg, Victor Emanuel
    Borner, Hermann
    Bronkhorst, Antonius Engelbertus
    D'Auriol, Jules Eugene Frederic
    Goerke, Albert
    Gottlieb, Seligman
    Gysin, John
    Hosanski, Benjamin Williams
    Jacobsen, Fritz Magnus Christian
    Kahn, Henry
    Karberg, Peter
    Kaul, Adam
    Kolesar, Frank
    Lambros, Constantino George
    Lichtenberg, Christian Adolph
    Lorenz, Robert Ernst
    Maas, Maximilian
    Meyer, Charles Hippolyte
    Moller, Ricardo
    Nagel, Charles Nicholas...
    Neubauer, Adolph
    Pahud, Auguste Alphonse
    Pratti , Ruggero
    Price, Aaron
    Radmilovic, John
    Rahtz, George Wilhelm
    Rotter, Carl Gottlieb
    August 1887
    Adler, Gottliebe
    Amon, Jomtov Nissim
    Brown, William
    Cohen, Morris
    Consection, Mariano Lupistica
    Contaras, Paul Constantine
    d'Andria, John Nicholas
    Deneke, Paul Robert
    Deneke, Philipp Moritz
    de Yong, Simon
    Eisenschmidt, Caroline Agatha
    Fifer, Abraham Harris
    Goldstein, Morris
    Goodman, Louis
    Green, Myer
    Guthe, Julius Ernst
    Herbold, Frank
    Heyden, Eugene
    Hoffmann, Frederick
    Jacobs, Aaron
    Kaufman, Levi
    Laupmann, George Constantine
    Levison, Simon
    Levy, Solomon
    Marcuse, Myer
    Norup, Lars Peter
    Oelsner, Isidor
    Oppenheimer, Bernhard
    Petersen, William
    Hies, Robert Hermann
    Rosenberg, Abraham
    Scheuermann, George
    Senstius, Johan Heinrich carl
    Simmelkier, Thomas
    Toby, Hasday Raphael
    Warschawsky, Myer
    Wirth, John Christian
    September 1887
    Arnold, Hermann Carl Heinrich Franz
    Baker, Abraham
    Baum, Harris
    Bowman, Henry
    Blumenstock, Conrad
    Cohen, Arthur
    Cohen, Bernhardt
    Cohen, Phillip
    Froomberg, Marka
    Gilis, Saul Nathan
    Grancini, Mario Luigi
    Gumpright, Samuel
    Hartung, Carl Wilhelm
    Hazzopulo, Stephen Assimaki
    Hiller, Abraham Israel
    Hormuth, Maurice
    Jaag, Friederich
    Levy, Aaron
    Levy, Davis
    Margoliouth, George
    Marians, Isaiah
    Mieville, John Louis
    Montezinos, Joseph Levy
    Morris, Isaac
    Nussbaum, Julius
    Statman, Coleman
    Statman, Isaac
    Stern, Jacob
    Thies, Georg
    Voigt, Siegfried Eberhard
    Walter, Adolph Otto Heidrich Gustav
    Weber, William
    Weil, Adolf
    Weilenmann, August
    October 1887
    Albers, John Henry
    Appleton, Abraham
    Bauer, John Christopher Christian
    Beyer, Frederick Julius George
    Chevalier, Frederick
    Cohen, Magnus Arthur
    De Lassoe, Albert Frederick
    De Mesanis, Rudolph
    De Wette, August Christoph Rudolph
    Edelshain, Adam
    Ellehberg, Simon
    Fanghanel, Paul Gustav Adolf
    Frank, Sigmund
    Glass, Moss
    Goldman, Henry
    Goldman, Ignatz
    Goldstein, Alexander
    Goldstein, Hyara
    Goldstein, Julius
    Goldstein, Oscar
    Greenbaum, Phillip
    Heimsoeth, Hermann
    Herzberg, Rudolph Lawrence
    Jacobs, Aaron
    Kirmse, Woldernar William Erdman
    Krautenfield, Hyman
    Lewis, Abraham
    Libotton, Gustave Corneille
    Loesch, Jean Frederic
    Lohnstecin, Louis
    Markson, Samuel
    Marx, Hermann
    Pizer, Solomon
    Satainsky, Solomon
    Riquelmecz, Joseph Saez
    Rosenthal, Jacob
    Shapero, Myers
    Shibko, Abraham
    Siegert, Ferdinand
    Silge, Ladilas Peter
    Spero, Alexander
    Spindler, Theodor Julius William
    Stahl, Charles
    Ubele, Henry Ernest
    Vos, Joseph Benedictus
    Walters, Solomon
    Zamek, Alexander
    Zapp, Julius
    November 1887
    Abdullah, Hassan
    Bassi, Antonio Stefano
    Beel, Emil Frederick
    Ellin, Morris
    Fox, Aaron
    Fugl, Leopold Bernherdt
    Giannini, Giulio
    Gil, Benjamin
    Heydemann, Paul Charles Godfrey
    Heymann, Jacob
    Hirsch, Morris
    Hirschberg, Eduard
    Keser, Jean Samuel
    Kreisman, Philip
    Laboubere, John- Louis JohnClaude Alfred
    Laforest, Friedrich Abert Thiard
    Lehmann, David
    Lisky, Hyman
    Michalowski, Saul
    Nino, John Baptist
    Palenboam, Nathan
    Schapiro, Louis Selig
    Schmidt, William
    Schwartz, Oscar
    Wagner, George
    Wechsner, Harris
    December 1887
    Allamand, Louis Gustave
    Berkovitch, Solomon
    Daymard, Jean
    Degenhardt, Christoph
    De Rounebeck, Charles Berthauld
    Dolb, Alexander
    Elyan, Meyer
    Esserman, Moses
    Grausse, John
    Hartmann, Theodor
    Herskind, Peter Anton Emil
    Hesse, Fredrich Christoph
    Hirschland, Edward
    Honrichs, Alexander Emil Hugo
    Jackson, Woolfe
    Jensen, Rasmus
    Marks, Solomon
    Nord, Erik
    Przedecky, Asher
    Ristori, Emmanuel Joseph
    Robinson, Alexander
    Schlutersdorff, Henry Leonard Schunack
    Schneider, Frank Adolphus
    Shlor, George
    Sulaw, Christian
    Vecqueray, Arthur Hermann
    Weyer, William
    Willmere, John
    Zimmer, Carl Gustav Ferdinand


    • #3
      Hi Chris

      Great work !!

      I wonder if Samuel Kosminski ( under June 87) is the younger brother of Martin, born in 1856 and came over from Kalisch Poland ?

      Listed at 170 Aldersgate St EC in the 1891 Jewish Chronicle.


      • #4

        One Woolf Abrahams (Feb 1887) looks interesting. Aaron's brother(-in-law)?
        Kind regards, Sam Flynn

        "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
          One Woolf Abrahams (Feb 1887) looks interesting. Aaron's brother(-in-law)?
          Yes, that is Aaron's brother Woolf. You can find details of his naturalisation papers, together with some others, here:


          • #6
            Hi guys
            Details as follows in the lists for the two mentioned:

            Name: Samuel Kosminski
            Country: Russian Poland
            Date of Certificate: 14 June 1887
            Place of Residence: York House, 357 City Road, London

            Name: Woolf Abrahams
            Country: Russia
            Date of Certificate: 27 January 1887
            Place of Residence: 62 Greenfield Street, Whitechapel

            As Chris G said, this is the brother in law of Kosminski
            Hope these details help


            • #7
              Thanks, Chris - and Chris!
              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


              • #8
                hey I would like to know more info on LAMBROS CONSTANTINO GEORGE 1887, thanks!


                • #9
                  As requested below:
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Chris, those lists aren't exhaustive. I went looking for my grandparents' naturalization records and couldn't find them, although I know they were naturalized sometime in the first ten years of the 20th Century.


                    • #11
                      And a notice about him from 1917
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Chris Scott View Post
                        Hi guys
                        Details as follows in the lists for the two mentioned:

                        Name: Samuel Kosminski
                        Country: Russian Poland
                        Date of Certificate: 14 June 1887
                        Place of Residence: York House, 357 City Road, London

                        Name: Woolf Abrahams
                        Country: Russia
                        Date of Certificate: 27 January 1887
                        Place of Residence: 62 Greenfield Street, Whitechapel

                        As Chris G said, this is the brother in law of Kosminski
                        Hope these details help
                        Hi Chris and Chris

                        Let's not get our Chrises mixed up again.

                        Although I have written about furrier Martin Kosminski in the past in Ripperologist, I believe the post pointing out the brother-in-law connection between Woolf Abrahams and Kosminki was by Chris Phillips.

                        Good work in making these period Naturalization Lists public, Chris Scott.

                        All the best

                        Last edited by ChrisGeorge; 02-05-2009, 12:37 AM.
                        Christopher T. George
                        Organizer, RipperCon #JacktheRipper-#True Crime Conference
                        just held in Baltimore, April 7-8, 2018.
                        For information about RipperCon, go to
                        RipperCon 2018 talks can now be heard at


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ChrisGeorge View Post
                          Although I have written about furrier Martin Kosminski in the past in Ripperologist, I believe the post pointing out the brother-in-law connection between Woolf Abrahams and Kosminki was by Chris Phillips.
                          The post was by me, but Woolf was Aaron's brother, not his brother-in-law (like all the other members of the family except - some of the time - Aaron, he took the surname Abrahams in England).


                          • #14
                            Naturalization List

                            Ludewig G E Stelling in the Jan 1887 list was my Great-grandfather and I would be interested in seeing the full entry.
                            Many thanks
                            John Seakins


                            • #15
                              Hi John
                              The entry you are interested in is below
                              Attached Files

