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Question on the Millers Court murder

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  • Question on the Millers Court murder

    Mary Kelly and a Blotchy faced man enter the archway and proceed to the door to Marys room in Millers Court. Just behind them Mary Ann Cox entered the passageway. As Mary Ann passed she wished them goodnight, Mary Kelly was barely able to respond being quite inebriated. Mary Ann Cox went out again, past Marys door, and returned around 1am again. Mary was singing, as she had been since shortly after entering her room. Mary Ann went out again. Elizabeth Prater came into the passageway near 1:30, stopped briefly at the tuck shop inside the archway, and went into the house to go upstairs. She noticed no sound nor light emanating from the other side of the flimsy partition wall segmenting Marys room off from the house. Sarah Lewis came to the courtyard after 2am and noticed a man watching the courtyard as she entered the passageway. Mary Ann Cox returned to her room at 3am. All was dark and quiet in Marys room. Sarah Lewis dozed in chair in room 2 in the courtyard, she woke at around 3:15-3:30 and was awake until 5am. At around quarter to 4 the silence is interrupted by a call out by a woman, this is heard "as if at the door" by Sarah inside the courtyard, and by Elizabeth Prater upstairs in her room.... "as if from the court". They reported hearing this at approx the same moment.

    Question: If Hutchinson had come forward on Friday, would there be the exceptional issuance of a Pardon offer for an Accomplice Saturday afternoon? Isnt Wideawake the only possible candidate for that job?

  • #2

    If you check the October papers you will see the authorities were considering offering a pardon, so it wasn't the 'exception' when they eventually did make the offer.
    Also, it may not have applied to Hutchinson because the pardon would be limited to people who had not actually contrived (ie; "such a grant be limited to persons who have not been concerned in contriving, or in actually committing the murders").
    Anyone agreeing to act as an accomplice beforehand would be viewed as contriving in the murder.

    Happy New Year!
    Regards, Jon S.

