Has this been discussed before or not ?
I was just idly googling around (I confess, it's those arson attacks against
Jewish businesses and homes which fascinate me)..and I came to John Bennett's comment about Leornard Matters's photo of Durwood Street :
" Matters' photograph has been widely published, showing as it does Durward Street looking east towards the huge Kearly and Tonge warehouses near Vallance Road"
Of course, there was also a huge Kearly and Tonge warehouse in Mitre Square too.
Is this just one of the other huge coincidences that we are always finding in the Ripper Case...or did our killer work sometimes for Kearly and Tonge, and thus knew the frequentation of the sites, was a familiar face, and knew the policeman's beat off by heart ?
Did he drink regularly in the Roebuck after work, and know Polly, I wonder ?
We know that informal (Jewish) clubs were often held in pub rooms, and that Durwood Street had an important Ashkenazi cemetary. What info do we have on the Roebuck ?
I was just idly googling around (I confess, it's those arson attacks against
Jewish businesses and homes which fascinate me)..and I came to John Bennett's comment about Leornard Matters's photo of Durwood Street :
" Matters' photograph has been widely published, showing as it does Durward Street looking east towards the huge Kearly and Tonge warehouses near Vallance Road"
Of course, there was also a huge Kearly and Tonge warehouse in Mitre Square too.
Is this just one of the other huge coincidences that we are always finding in the Ripper Case...or did our killer work sometimes for Kearly and Tonge, and thus knew the frequentation of the sites, was a familiar face, and knew the policeman's beat off by heart ?
Did he drink regularly in the Roebuck after work, and know Polly, I wonder ?
We know that informal (Jewish) clubs were often held in pub rooms, and that Durwood Street had an important Ashkenazi cemetary. What info do we have on the Roebuck ?