I have no stake in casebook beyond the fact it is a very useful common area loaded with information. That being said, the Pinkerton data dump was a gold mine! Thank You Mr. Beveridge! The plotting and correlations are done and I am anticipating an article in February's edition of the Examiner. I do not brag and this is as close as it gets, If you are curious about the the 1888 criminal backdrop, you will want the February issue. I am an old,somewhat jaded, researcher, and I found it fascinating. Dave
I have no stake in casebook beyond the fact it is a very useful common area loaded with information. That being said, the Pinkerton data dump was a gold mine! Thank You Mr. Beveridge! The plotting and correlations are done and I am anticipating an article in February's edition of the Examiner. I do not brag and this is as close as it gets, If you are curious about the the 1888 criminal backdrop, you will want the February issue. I am an old,somewhat jaded, researcher, and I found it fascinating. Dave