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Dempsey Street?

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  • Dempsey Street?


    Sorry if this isn't in the right place but I can't see anywhere else for it -

    Does anyone know what became of Dempsey Street, Mile End Old Town (as was)? I know (or I think) it joined up with the still extant Jubilee Street, which runs north-south from the Commercial Road towards the Mile End Road roughly halfway between Whitechapel and Stepney Green stations. I think it may have become Smithy Street but I am not sure?

    If you put 'jubilee street e1' into googlemaps you will see the streets I am on about.

  • #2
    Originally posted by tnb View Post
    Does anyone know what became of Dempsey Street, Mile End Old Town (as was)?
    It's gone!

    Dempsey Street, Hamlet of Mile End Old Town - 1873 OS Overlay (Click to Enlarge in flickr)
    Underlying Aerial Imagery: Copyright Google Earth, 2007
    Overlying Plots, Labels and Color-Shadings: Copyright Colin C. Roberts, 2010

    Dempsey Street, Hamlet of Mile End Old Town (Click to Enlarge in flickr)
    Underlying Aerial Imagery: Copyright Google Earth, 2007
    Overlying Plots, Labels and Color-Shadings: Copyright Colin C. Roberts, 2010


    • #3
      I see - it was parallel to Jubilee Street rather than joining it. I can't pretend I'm not a little disappointed but nevertheless thankyou very much septicblue. That is quite impressively quick! Can I ask where you get your OS images from, or is it something that is likely to be over my technological head (not hard)?

      Just in case you were wondering I was looking for it in relation to Sgt Thicke -although not for his role in 1888 but as part of an ongoing project related to Jack London's 'People of the Abyss'. Perhaps it's appropriate that the street is no more, given Thicke (aka Upright)'s insistence that his was the last 'decent' street in the area and London's chapter closing lament that 'soon enough Jonny Upright's street will be lost too' (I am paraphrasing).

      Many thanks again septic.


      • #4
        A small crumb of information (and rather belated!) but I had a relative who lived in Dempsey Street . The last time he appeared on the electoral register there was 1964 so it must have lasted at least until then......


        • #5
          Ancestry has Dempsey Street for 1965, which is when the Ancestry electoral records terminate.


          • #6
            London Gazette 8th Aug 1968 Click image for larger version

Name:	dempsey st 8th aug 1968.png
Views:	1596
Size:	118.6 KB
ID:	701210


            • #7
              Apparently what was once Dempsey St School :

              Jubilee Street, Stepney. Former Board School buit in 1882 and 1897-8, converted to housing in 2003 with added top floor.

