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Experiences of the East End

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  • #16
    You know, Ive never had one ounce of trouble there.

    Then again, maybe its the fact that I look as if Id take yer arm as soon as look at yer.

    And do you know what, I would.


    Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


    • #17
      On my many hundreds of evenings spent in the East End, I have never - but never - come across serious trouble. Only on a few occasions have I seen it meted out on someone else (I saw a couple of muggers trying to grab a guy's case from him about three months ago and one guy getting a kicking in Hanbury Street a year ago).

      You just need to be sensible - in the daytime, everywhere is absolutely fine, even the backstreets, so long as you don't bring out an expensive mobile phone, your money and an SLR camera all at the same time as a gang of teenagers are heading your way. Don't present opportunities and you'll wonder what you were worrying about. Also remember not to have cameras out when there's kids nearby, as in the UK people will instantly wonder what you're up to (I can think of a certain respected boardie who had that problem last year) and the same goes for policemen/police stations (ditto with same boardie).

      Even the 'scary' streets are fine so long as you're not drawing attention to yourself. You would be very, very unlucky indeed to have any hassle and only slightly less unlucky to have someone even speak to you. If the drunks and the homeless ask you for cash, you just say no and walk away. Nothing will come of it.

      Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


      • #18
        Ive walked these streets about 10 times since 1988,and had no trouble,but I can understand a perception of being unsafe. Bell Lane and Toynbee St are still quite dark and dead after sunset, and despite my best impression of an unapproachable hooded street thug,I still feel the need to look around at the sound of footsteps.
        I was startled by a nun in Gun St in 1988,who came up behind me and asked me if I was lost.Sure she was a ghost.

