Originally posted by Abby Normal
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That is the kind of stuff that has Kosminski-ites opening the champagne bottles, but Lechmereians normally avoid doing that, since we are not supposed to. And personally, I prefer a nice Italian claret.
As you know, I always thought that Cable Street was out of the way to be a good bolthole during the double event night. Mary Ann Street is another thing altogether, but it would normally have been occupied by his mother, his second stepdad and his daughter. Arriving there with the odd kidney and uterus may not have been a good idea.
As for the catīs meat business, there is still no telling when it commenced (as far as I know). But I donīt think that Lechmere (or should we speak of "the killer" instead?) learnt anatomy mainly or solely from that source. It would, however, be a place to learn knife skills, although such things can be aquired in other ways too.