I said – “Divided over two suspects”.
The section even begins with the fact there are now TWO suspects.
“The police are embarrassed with two definite descriptions of the man suspected of the murder. “
The section even begins with the fact there are now TWO suspects.
“The police are embarrassed with two definite descriptions of the man suspected of the murder. “
It wasn't as if the two were mutually exclusive.
Yes, that whole article was lifted from the Daily Telegraph and republished in the Echo of that same evening.
Then, a week later on the 19th the Echo write that “some” authorities put more reliance on Hutch, and others on Cox. The police are still looking for two suspects after a week.
Then, a week later on the 19th the Echo write that “some” authorities put more reliance on Hutch, and others on Cox. The police are still looking for two suspects after a week.
What it tells us is that neither the Daily Telegraph nor the Echo were able to find out from police why the witness did not come forward.
No indication they are repeating an incorrect 'mantra'. Clearly the Echo are on-board with this belief – they subscribe to it as well.
Clearly not.
Otherwise, why would they have reported on the previous two consecutive days of reporting that Hutchinson's statement had been "very reduced" in importance and "considerably discounted"? I ask again, why do you think the Echo borrowed more or less the same terminology from their "morning contemporaries" when the latter reported enthusiastically about Hutchinson? To illustrate their folly; to highlight their misunderstanding; to demonstrate, by extension, that they were the better investigative journalists.
Remember that quote from the Echo, 14th November?
"There is not, so it is declared, the slightest reason for doubting Hutchinson's veracity"
"So it is declared", i.e. wrongly, by the morning newspapers, who failed to appreciate that Hutchinson was not corroborating a pre-existing Astrakhan description, as initial appearances might have suggested.
Correct, and nowhere does the Daily News attribute the veracity of the witness to the fact both descriptions agree - two separate issues
The fact remains Hutchinson was cleared by Abberline, and the police had no intention of informing the press why he did not come forward