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Correspondence from the 1980s concerning the 'marginalia'

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  • Trevor Marriott
    Originally posted by PaulB View Post
    It'll be a great article and if the information is there to be had then Adam is the man to get it. You can be confident of that. And, as you say, until it is published there is nothing more to say, but I expect you'll say it anyway.
    My lips are sealed

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  • PaulB
    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
    Well I will look forward to reading the article in question until then there is nothing more to say.:
    It'll be a great article and if the information is there to be had then Adam is the man to get it. You can be confident of that. And, as you say, until it is published there is nothing more to say, but I expect you'll say it anyway.

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  • Monty
    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
    Ye of little faith
    Quite the contrary, I have a mass amount of faith in you.


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  • Trevor Marriott
    Originally posted by Monty View Post
    Wow, 4 books Trevor!

    Will they contain such gems as Eddowes wasn't wearing an apron, Strides murder was too early to be one of Jacks and Chapman was left propped up against a fence?

    Or do we have to endure new wonderous theories which will astound and humour?

    Ye of little faith

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  • Trevor Marriott
    Originally posted by Chris View Post
    Trevor Marriott

    The answers to several of your questions can be found in the first few posts of this thread.

    As for whether every single one of those questions needs to be answered, I think Simon Wood's stance is a lot more reasonable:
    "Show me documentary evidence that in 1981 the News of the World had sight of the name Kosminski and all nagging doubts will crumble to dust."
    The questions certainly need to be asked !

    If only to hear someone say "we dont know what has been lost stolen or destroyed"

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  • Monty
    Wow, 4 books Trevor!

    Will they contain such gems as Eddowes wasn't wearing an apron, Strides murder was too early to be one of Jacks and Chapman was left propped up against a fence?

    Or do we have to endure new wonderous theories which will astound and humour?


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  • Trevor Marriott
    Originally posted by PaulB View Post
    Of course the newspaper will want to see what they are buying. I did not say otherwise. What I said is that you are absolutely flat out wrong in saying that the newspaper only pays on publication. And that isn't something we agree to differ over. You are wrong. 100%.

    And cut the unfunny remarks.

    And yes, it would be nice is everything could be proved, from the colour socks Jim Swanson was wearing the day he first contacted the NotW through to what the Inland Revue officer oversaw the tax return showing the NotW payment had for breakfast. But some things you just ain't going to find out.
    Well I will look forward to reading the article in question until then there is nothing more to say.:

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  • PaulB
    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
    No of course they dont !

    But it might answer a lot of the questions if they did would it not ?
    Of course the newspaper will want to see what they are buying. I did not say otherwise. What I said is that you are absolutely flat out wrong in saying that the newspaper only pays on publication. And that isn't something we agree to differ over. You are wrong. 100%.

    And cut the unfunny remarks.

    And yes, it would be nice is everything could be proved, from the colour socks Jim Swanson was wearing the day he first contacted the NotW through to what the Inland Revue officer oversaw the tax return showing the NotW payment had for breakfast. But some things you just ain't going to find out.

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  • Chris
    Trevor Marriott

    The answers to several of your questions can be found in the first few posts of this thread.

    As for whether every single one of those questions needs to be answered, I think Simon Wood's stance is a lot more reasonable:
    "Show me documentary evidence that in 1981 the News of the World had sight of the name Kosminski and all nagging doubts will crumble to dust."

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  • Trevor Marriott
    Good morning Monty

    Originally posted by Monty View Post
    Clearly that's untrue.

    There were plenty in the audience at Worcester. And your book was selling like hotcakes at Age Concern.

    Doesnt matter where they sell !

    Just the right size for propping up wobbly tables.

    [B]Well at least it remains in the public eye !

    Two more to follow will have to write a fourth so as to keep the tables steady [/B]


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  • Trevor Marriott
    Originally posted by PaulB View Post
    Trevor, I have worked for and with newspapers since I left school, which was shortly after the Ark beached itself atop Mt Arrarat - or it at least feels like it - and I know, as must you if you have had any dealings with newspapers at all, that a newspaper buys the exclusive rights to a story, and they pay up front and sometimes a very long time before publication, and if it is a good story they'll even recoup their money by selling foreign rights. The most sensational instance of a newspaper doing this is Stern buying the rights to the Hitler diaries.

    The newspapers will see and exmaine what they are buying first !

    Well we Begg to differ on this !

    I think you have been sitting up on that mountain for far to long and can see why your books are written on papyrus

    They don't have to do all that, Trevor.
    No of course they dont !

    But it might answer a lot of the questions if they did would it not ?

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  • PaulB
    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
    If I may throw another spanner into the marginlia works from my dealings with newspapers over the years I can say that newspapers will only pay any agreed sum of money on publishing the article.
    Trevor, I have worked for and with newspapers since I left school, which was shortly after the Ark beached itself atop Mt Arrarat - or it at least feels like it - and I know, as must you if you have had any dealings with newspapers at all, that a newspaper buys the exclusive rights to a story, and they pay up front and sometimes a very long time before publication, and if it is a good story they'll even recoup their money by selling foreign rights. The most sensational instance of a newspaper doing this is Stern buying the rights to the Hitler diaries.

    Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
    For those who are preparing or have already prepared this article they should be looking to provide documentary evidence to :

    Prove conclusivley that the name Kosminski was written in the documentation offered to the NOTW in 1981.

    Show that an amount of money was actually agreed and what that amount was, and show that it was physically paid to Swanson

    Show what the agreement was between Swanson and the NOTW in 1981

    Show any correspondence from the NOTW regarding the contents of what they were being offered

    Show the rights agreement between the NOTW and Swanson.

    Show correspondence fron the NOTW showing why they didnt publish it.

    Show correspondence between Swanson and the NOTW in 1987 when they supposedly gave the rights back.

    More of the above and less of hearing about what people beleive or suspect.

    Anything less will still leave a doubt

    I wonder if in this article, out of the blue we shall see the full handwriting experts report suddenly appear after Nevil Swanson saying he doesnt have permission to let anyone read it of have a copy, and the Met saying they no nothing about it and the curator of the crime museum saying his copy has gone missing?

    Anyone for a small wager ?
    They don't have to do all that, Trevor.

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  • Monty
    Clearly that's untrue.

    There were plenty in the audience at Worcester. And your book was selling like hotcakes at Age Concern.

    Just the right size for propping up wobbly tables.


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  • Trevor Marriott
    Originally posted by AdamNeilWood View Post
    I do have a name, Trevor.

    What are you offering?

    Best wishes

    ps You can remove your spanner for the time being.
    My apologies I was under the impression that the article you referred to was an article being prepared collectively by yourself and a number of other researchers.

    If all the questions are answered then I like many others will be very happy
    Last edited by Trevor Marriott; 07-15-2012, 09:37 AM.

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  • Trevor Marriott
    Originally posted by Monty View Post
    Yeah, I'd have a wager.

    I wouldnt dream of taking money from a pensioner !

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