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Swanson Family Tradition

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  • Swanson Family Tradition

    I see that Nevill Swanson, Jim Swanson's son and Donald Swanson's great grandson, is continuing the family tradition of claiming that Donald Swanson solved the Ripper case.

    Subsequent to an article in the Sunday Telegraph of 9 November 2008, about Cutbush as a possible Ripper, Nevill Swanson responded in the Editor's letters section of the Sunday Telegraph of 16 November 2008, wherein he states that "the identity was proved, beyond all reasonable doubt, at the time..." -

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    Treat me gently I'm a newbie.

  • #2
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    Psychology in Action,

    Letters to the Telegraph contained the following,

    Letters to the Telegraph

    16 November 2008

    the Ripper

    The article pointing the finger at Thomas Hayne Cutbush as being the Ripper reinforces a theory I have long held that there is an industry which would die were the identity of the Ripper ever to be proved.

    However, the identity was proved, beyond all reasonable doubt, at the time. My great grandfather, Donald Sutherland Swanson, was the detective in total charge of the Ripper murders. His private papers contain his handwritten identification of Aaron Kosminski as the Ripper.

    Along with others of his papers, I have loaned them to the Metropolitan Police Museum at new Scotland Yard, where researchers may be able to study them.

    Nevill Swanson, Worcester
    Back to top
    Regards Mike


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
      [quoting Nevill Swanson] Along with others of his papers, I have loaned them to the Metropolitan Police Museum at new Scotland Yard, where researchers may be able to study them.
      I thought the book had actually been donated to the museum. That's what was reported at the time.


      • #4

        Beyond reasonable doubt eh?

        Reasonable to whom?


        Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


        • #5
          Mr Swanson's remark that Aaron Kosminski was identified, seems obviously wrong.


          • #6
            Are these papers something new or are they the same Swanson material we have seen before?


            • #7
              While the first part of the article may be correct as far as it concerns the 'Ripper industry', I can prove without any doubt that the author of the article is a liar (I say a liar).

              His grandfather (which diligent aptitude in the 'Jack the Ripper' case I would argue very strongly and of whom ineptitude may easily be proven on the basis of the reports he wrote by his own hand) could never have solved the case by discovering the identity of 'Jack the Ripper' simply because there has never been a 'Jack the Ripper', whatever the name you put on 'him'.

              I really hope this man is going to sue me for whatever reasons he would find adequate!


              Is it possible to get in contact with the newspaper that published the article ?


              • #8
                Hi Canucco,

                Can you please explain what you mean when you say that there has never been a Jack the Ripper? Thanks.



                • #9
                  I could do better than explain 'that there has never been a Jack the Ripper'.

                  I could give you the solution of the case from Fairy Fae to Rose (Catherine ?) Mylett.

                  I could create an earthquake in the Ripper planet and make Scotland Yard tremble on his foundation.

                  I could butcher with one sweep of the pen Mr Begg, Fido and Evans all together.

                  I could send Mr Rumbelow and Mr Wilson back to their schooltabel crying in a corner of the class.

                  I could turn upside down the conception the people of England has of the city of London's history.

                  Indeed it is exactly what I offered to do to the administrators of this site with a little of their help.
                  I got no answer.

                  You still want me to explain what I mean when I say 'there has never been a Jack the Ripper ?'.


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by Canucco dei Mergi View Post
                    I could do better than explain 'that there has never been a Jack the Ripper'.

                    I could give you the solution of the case from Fairy Fae to Rose (Catherine ?) Mylett.

                    I could create an earthquake in the Ripper planet and make Scotland Yard tremble on his foundation.

                    I could butcher with one sweep of the pen Mr Begg, Fido and Evans all together.

                    I could send Mr Rumbelow and Mr Wilson back to their schooltabel crying in a corner of the class.

                    I could turn upside down the conception the people of England has of the city of London's history.
                    I very much doubt it.

                    Treat me gently I'm a newbie.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Canucco dei Mergi View Post
                      I could do better than explain 'that there has never been a Jack the Ripper'.

                      I could give you the solution of the case from Fairy Fae to Rose (Catherine ?) Mylett.

                      I could create an earthquake in the Ripper planet and make Scotland Yard tremble on his foundation.

                      I could butcher with one sweep of the pen Mr Begg, Fido and Evans all together.

                      I could send Mr Rumbelow and Mr Wilson back to their schooltabel crying in a corner of the class.

                      I could turn upside down the conception the people of England has of the city of London's history.

                      Indeed it is exactly what I offered to do to the administrators of this site with a little of their help.
                      I got no answer.

                      You still want me to explain what I mean when I say 'there has never been a Jack the Ripper ?'.
                      No, I guess not but thanks anyway.



                      • #12

                        But don't you just love modesty.

                        Treat me gently I'm a newbie.


                        • #13
                          So put me to the test, Stewart.

                          I'll fight you with bare hands and no tricks.

                          You have no chance (I'm not kidding)
                          But it will be an honour for me because you are a great adversary.
                          Really. I already told you on more than one occasion.

                          But put me to the test!!!!!!
                          (and let me be the best...well, for the rime).

                          You perfectly know that if I am not called on the ring by some of you I have no chance of being accepted.


                          • #14
                            Hi Canucco Dei Mergi,

                            Swanson was undoubtedly sloppy in his official reports, and in many instances far less reliable than the newspapers of the time. That is an indisputable fact.

                            But calling a living person a "liar" is a serious business.

                            Although I have agreed with many opinions you have posted, I think it is about time you stopped your rather arrogant sniping, revealed your true identity [the meaning of "Mergi" is interesting, to say the least] and, as far as the evidence goes in support of your position, put your money where your mouth is, which translates as "Put up, or shut up."

                            Ye who can make the earth tremble, ye who can turn England's history upside down—are you simply a sad w*nker, trapped in the fantasies of solitary vice?

                            Or not?

                            Come on, big boy, show us what you've really got.


                            Never believe anything until it has been officially denied.


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Canucco dei Mergi View Post
                              So put me to the test, Stewart.
                              I'll fight you with bare hands and no tricks.
                              You have no chance (I'm not kidding)
                              But it will be an honour for me because you are a great adversary.
                              Really. I already told you on more than one occasion.
                              But put me to the test!!!!!!
                              (and let me be the best...well, for the rime).
                              You perfectly know that if I am not called on the ring by some of you I have no chance of being accepted.
                              I'm sure that you would be too good for me - and I just couldn't bear the embarrassment.

                              Treat me gently I'm a newbie.

