Fatal flaw show
Hi GM,
I would not have doubted at all at all that this version was absolutely genuine if it were not for the fatal flaw above.
No English gentleman and scholar could possibly have committed this outrage. He would sooner have changed his name to Pat so he could come into the parlour for the craic than spell the verb to practise with a c, in the American way.
It's after being a shoddy fake, so it is.
Caz O'Really
Originally posted by The Good Michael
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I would not have doubted at all at all that this version was absolutely genuine if it were not for the fatal flaw above.
No English gentleman and scholar could possibly have committed this outrage. He would sooner have changed his name to Pat so he could come into the parlour for the craic than spell the verb to practise with a c, in the American way.
It's after being a shoddy fake, so it is.
Caz O'Really