Originally posted by The Baron
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Jeff has just produced a reasoned, balanced and cautious post which I also called excellent. He has simply proposed a possibility. He has not stated that this is what occurred or even that this is what he believes occurred but you jump up and down waiving flags because you see it as some kind of anti-Druitt victory.

Jeff is right to be cautious. Jeff is right to suggest and discuss possibilities. None of us know for certain.
As ive pointed out to you before ( many times) I’ve never once stated that Druitt was definitely the ripper. Or that Macnaghten was definitely correct. It’s called caution. You, on the other hand appear to be able to give a cursory glance at the available evidence and come up with definite facts. You appear to have the same kind of magical powers that Fish is ascribing to Dr Phillips. What do you base your absolute certainty on and why haven’t you solved the case with this kind of ability?