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These search terms have been highlighted: casebook littlechild letter authenticity
Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Forums > Ripper Discussions > Police and Officials > Individual Police Officials > Littlechild, Chief Inspector John George > The Littlechild Letter Authenticity
View Full Version : The Littlechild Letter Authenticity
15th March 2007, 10:04 AM
I would like to know if anyone knows what tests were done on the Letter and all that is known about it?
I would appreciate some input on this...Thanks!
Glenn L Andersson
15th March 2007, 10:25 AM
Leather Apron,
I don't remember off hand what was done about it, but the letter WAS subjected to rigorous scientific and objective tests on both paper and signature, and the letter HAS been comfirmed to be absolutely genuine.
This was done already when the letter was discovered and the "Ripperologist" who found it would not in any way have any "motives" whatsoever. After all, he is one of the very few who says that the guilt of the suspect that letter refers to "can not be proven". In spite of he being the one who found the letter.
How many researchers display such honesty?
As far as I know, the letter was tested very thoroughly by independent scientists and experts.
All the best
15th March 2007, 12:44 PM
I can confirm Glenns post.
Having seen the said letter (I think you have too, havent you Glenn?), its provedence has been verified.
Glenn L Andersson
15th March 2007, 12:53 PM
Hi Monty,
No, I never got the chance to see the actual original letter.
All the best
15th March 2007, 02:15 PM
I was lucky then.
15th March 2007, 02:41 PM
I've seen the actual letter and heard from the finder the story of its discovery. There is no reason to suspect there is anything questionable about it.
15th March 2007, 03:09 PM
This is going to sound odd but the genuiness of the Littlechild letter (which I have no cause to doubt) is, in the context of what it contains and what it led to, almost incidental. The main impetus of the letter was to point at a suspect (Tumblety) by implcation (Dr.T.) but any case against Tumblety had to be built from evidence ouside of the letter itself.
The letter pointed a finger, so to speak, but offered no explicit evidence against the man identified as the focus of that implication.
15th March 2007, 08:55 PM
Ok..Seeing as you all seem to agree, I will accept that it is real. In fact I was just thinking about how Spryder recently discovered the pictures of "Frenchie" so Evans story sounds like it could have happened.
As I research this further Ill post some links on this thread or any info I find as to the tests that were done.
OMG! I just thought of something! A solid unquestionable fact concerning the JTR cases? Something that seems very rare indeed!
Thanks Everyone!
16th March 2007, 01:03 AM
There's nothing about the Littlechild Letter that even smacks of it being less than authentic. Someone hoaxing a new document would include much more dramatic content that wasn't so muddled and rambling. As it is, the Littlechild letter does as much to discredit Tumblety as a suspect as it does raising him in the first place.
If you want a textbook example of completely unbelievable text (ignoring Canter's bizarre comments to the the contrary)... well, let's not derail this thread.
If you automatically question items based upon their age and not having been seen for years then most all of the police documents, photos and etc. are just as likely to be forged -- which is to say, not bloody likely.
16th March 2007, 09:12 AM
What, a Ripper-associated document someone is suggesting might be a forgery? Whatever next!
From the tone of his letter, I never thought that Littlechild really saw Tumbelty as a probable JtR suspect. He was, after all, only replying to Sims' apparent mention of a 'Dr D', and was being helpful when he suggested that it could have been 'Dr T'.
It always amused me that Tumblety could have ever been suggested as JtR - you've only got to look at him! He'd have stuck out a mile in the East End - and anywhere else, for that matter. But nevertheless, as he was named by a former police officer, his candidacy can't be totally ruled out.
The latter part of Littlechild's letter is also of interest. Harry Thaw was an American millionaire married to Evelyn Nesbitt, a model and, er, actress. Thaw shot Evelyn's former lover Stanford White, in public in a nightclub, and pleaded insanity and was placed in a mental institution. Because of his money he could do what he liked in the institution, and just walked out of the place one day. From what I recall, he was re-captured but pronounced sane and released. Shows what can be done when you have the necessary wherewithal. The novel Ragtime by E Doctorow was based on the case, and there was a film in the fifties called Girl In The Red Velvet Swing in which Evelyn was portrayed by Joan Collins, no less. I would have to say that Littlechild's description of what Thaw got up to in his London hotel kind of suggests the sort of man he was.
16th March 2007, 09:19 AM
Stewart told me the story some weeks (or is it a month or so?) back regarding the discovery of the Littlechild Letter.
Without going into too much detail (and most know the story anyway), Stewart was contacted by this chap who was selling up his book shop. He wanted to know if Stewart was interested in any of his old stuff. Now anyone who knows Stewart (not that I do particularly well) knows a) his extreme interest in collecting particular books and b) his unbounded kindness to others, so he went took look out of interest and maybe buy a few things to help this chap out.
The letter was amongst a collection of G R Simms correspondence, of which the book shop owner had no idea about nor interest in, and Stewart obtained it. This transaction happend in 1993 and I believe the letter was authenticated around the late 1990s, I may be wrong on that.
The reason the letter was written was in response to a Sims letter asking questions about the murderer. And, just for convenience, Ive posted the casebook copy below.
The Littlechild Letter
8, The Chase
Clapham Common S.W.,
23rd September 1913
Dear Sir,
I was pleased to receive your letter which I shall put away in 'good company' to read again, perhaps some day when old age overtakes me and when to revive memories of the past may be a solace.
Knowing the great interest you take in all matters criminal, and abnormal, I am just going to inflict one more letter on you on the 'Ripper' subject. Letters as a rule are only a nuisance when they call for a reply but this does not need one. I will try and be brief.
I never heard of a Dr D. in connection with the Whitechapel murders but amongst the suspects, and to my mind a very likely one, was a Dr. T. (which sounds much like D.) He was an American quack named Tumblety and was at one time a frequent visitor to London and on these occasions constantly brought under the notice of police, there being a large dossier concerning him at Scotland Yard. Although a 'Sycopathia Sexualis' subject he was not known as a 'Sadist' (which the murderer unquestionably was) but his feelings toward women were remarkable and bitter in the extreme, a fact on record. Tumblety was arrested at the time of the murders in connection with unnatural offences and charged at Marlborough Street, remanded on bail, jumped his bail, and got away to Boulogne. He shortly left Boulogne and was never heard of afterwards. It was believed he committed suicide but certain it is that from this time the 'Ripper' murders came to an end.
With regard to the term 'Jack the Ripper' it was generally believed at the Yard that Tom Bullen of the Central News was the originator, but it is probable Moore, who was his chief, was the inventor. It was a smart piece of journalistic work. No journalist of my time got such privileges from Scotland Yard as Bullen. Mr James Munro when Assistant Commissioner, and afterwards Commissioner, relied on his integrity. Poor Bullen occasionally took too much to drink, and I fail to see how he could help it knocking about so many hours and seeking favours from so many people to procure copy. One night when Bullen had taken a 'few too many' he got early information of the death of Prince Bismarck and instead of going to the office to report it sent a laconic telegram 'Bloody Bismarck is dead'. On this I believe Mr Charles Moore fired him out.
It is very strange how those given to 'Contrary sexual instinct' and 'degenerates' are given to cruelty, even Wilde used to like to be punched about. It may interest you if I give you an example of this cruelty in the case of the man Harry Thaw and this is authentic as I have the boy's statement. Thaw was staying at the Carlton Hotel and one day laid out a lot of sovereigns on his dressing table, then rang for a call boy on pretence of sending out a telegram. He made some excuse and went out of the room and left the boy there and watched through the chink of the door. The unfortunate boy was tempted and took a sovereign from the pile and Thaw returning to the room charged him with stealing. The boy confessed when Thaw asked whether he should send for the police or whether he should punish him himself. The boy scared to death consented to take his punishment from Thaw who then made him undress, strapped him to the foot of the bedstead, and thrashed him with a cane, drawing blood. He then made the boy get into a bath in which he placed a quantity of salt. It seems incredible that such a thing could take place in any hotel but it is a fact. This was in 1906.
Now pardon me -- it is finished. Except that I knew Major Griffiths for many years. He probably got his information from Anderson who only 'thought he knew'.
Faithfully yours,
J. G. Littlechild
George R. Sims Esq.,
12, Clarence Terrace,
Regents Park N. W.
To me its one of the most important finds regarding this case. As it names a contempary suspect perviously unknow prior to 1993.
7th June 2007, 07:25 PM
Hi all
At JtR Forums (, AP Wolf has wondered about the genuineness of the Littlechild letter and stated, "What confuses me here though is that the case I believe Littlechild refers to in his 1913 letter is the case where Thaw horsewhipped and abused a certain Fred D. Grump, a young man in a hotel room, but this didn't happen until 1917, so how come Littlechild knew about this particular case in 1913?"
However, as I pointed out to AP at JtRForums, "Check this book extract ( out, AP, -- from Tragic Beauty: The Lost 1914 Memoirs of Evelyn Nesbit edited by Deborah Paul. It appears to refer to the London hotel incident, and was actually written by her in 1914, referring to what happened at the hotel in 1906. The account matches squarely what Littlechild says in his letter to George R. Sims. Case closed, AP.”
Grey Hunter
7th June 2007, 08:52 PM
I wasn't sure whether to respond to this nonsense thread initiated by 'Leather Apron' or not. I am fully aware that it was all started by A. P. Wolf over on How's Forums and I have privately emailed A. P. telling him what I think of it. I also thank those of you who have shown support on this thread - it is greatly appreciated.
I consider the initial post to be an insult and the implication it contains amounts to defamation of character. The history of the provenance of the letter is widely known and totally open. It is beyond question and was subjected to scientific testing by Dr. Audrey Giles in 1996. She declared that there was no reason to regard it as anything but genuine. The paper was even examined by the paper expert Peter Bowers. But all this information is in the public domain - it's just that some idiots choose to post before doing any research themselves first. They expect someone else to tell them to save them the trouble.
I was speaking to another long-time Ripper student the other night and he said that he has lost a lot of interest in the subject as a result of some of the unpleasant people who frequent the message boards.
I know what he means, I have always assisted others in this field and often end up getting a kick in the teeth. This thread takes the biscuit. Don't expect me to appear on these boards again.
7th June 2007, 09:03 PM
Earlier today I posted similar sentiments to Grey Hunter's above - that AP's accusation (Leather Apron must be on his payroll) was tantamount to character assassination. AP made his assertions without first giving even a brief thought to the provenance of the letters, which is known and considered impeccable. Obviously, the provenance of an item should be the FIRST thing considered when trying to determine it's legitimacy.
I'm not sure which pisses me off more - AP making his original post on Howard's site out of his usual desperate jealousy, or Leather Apron spreading the disease here at the Casebook.
I will say to Grey Hunter that for all but TWO of us in the message board community, your credibility, character, and honesty - and the legitimacy of the Littlechild letter - are under absolutely no doubt.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott
P.S. I would hope that in the case of Leather Apron, this thread was the result of ignorance and not maliciousness.
Grey Hunter
7th June 2007, 09:08 PM
Many thanks for that Tom, I have printed out all the messages and I am taking legal advice.
Sam Flynn
7th June 2007, 09:12 PM
I could not agree more with everything you just said - Stewart's sincerity, integrity and generosity of spirit are beyond reproach. I am genuinely upset by all this.
7th June 2007, 09:24 PM
GH - you know that those of us in the field that you have assisted, and who know how valuable that assistance has been, would never dream of kicking you in the teeth in this or any other way. This was a ridiculous thread started by someone who obviously didn't know what they were talking about and posted before they engaged their brain, and it really should be simply ignored.
7th June 2007, 09:35 PM
Stewart, I don't think AP was accusing you of participating in or concealing a forgery. I think he was questioning the message, not the messenger.
Me, I believe the the Littlechild letter, and the Swanson marginalia....way to go on the Diary, though.
7th June 2007, 09:36 PM
perhaps im missing something here, but ive read these 2 pages and am wondering what the fuss is about? it appears pretty tame to be talking about defamation of character issues.
7th June 2007, 09:40 PM
I've PM'd you with a brief explanation.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott
Grey Hunter
7th June 2007, 09:43 PM
Just in case anyone else is wondering, like dougie, the crass insulting part of the message has been edited out by Stephen Ryder. This may be seen and understood by anyone who looks at the bottom of the post and sees that it has been edited by Stephen.
7th June 2007, 09:58 PM
ok thanks for the message, it explains things ,it just wasnt apparent from what i read on this thread,of course i hadnt noticed the editing otherwise i might have guessed that the main offending part had been removed
7th June 2007, 10:12 PM
Gee..I feel as if Ive been hit in the head by a 2 by 4 by some nameless person with no respect for Man or God!
I assure you all my question was borne of ignorance and the question was part of my research. It is the opinions of others in the know that I wish.
Grey Hunter..Im sorry if I offended you. Are you Stewart P Evans himself?
If so I assure you I meant no defamation of character however considering that I feel as if I have been "Ripped up in the middle of the night with not a soul to help me" I feel as if these rude comments call into question credibility of the "Rippers" themselves.
Again..I feel as if I were Catherine Eddowes ask ing a simple question. "Sir..Can you help me..I seem to lost and confused I have lost my way but I believe I am in Mitre Square. If you will only point me in the right direction I feel as if I can make it home before Leather Apron gets round me."
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These search terms have been highlighted: casebook littlechild letter authenticity
Casebook: Jack the Ripper - Forums > Ripper Discussions > Police and Officials > Individual Police Officials > Littlechild, Chief Inspector John George > The Littlechild Letter Authenticity
View Full Version : The Littlechild Letter Authenticity
15th March 2007, 10:04 AM
I would like to know if anyone knows what tests were done on the Letter and all that is known about it?
I would appreciate some input on this...Thanks!
Glenn L Andersson
15th March 2007, 10:25 AM
Leather Apron,
I don't remember off hand what was done about it, but the letter WAS subjected to rigorous scientific and objective tests on both paper and signature, and the letter HAS been comfirmed to be absolutely genuine.
This was done already when the letter was discovered and the "Ripperologist" who found it would not in any way have any "motives" whatsoever. After all, he is one of the very few who says that the guilt of the suspect that letter refers to "can not be proven". In spite of he being the one who found the letter.
How many researchers display such honesty?
As far as I know, the letter was tested very thoroughly by independent scientists and experts.
All the best
15th March 2007, 12:44 PM
I can confirm Glenns post.
Having seen the said letter (I think you have too, havent you Glenn?), its provedence has been verified.

Glenn L Andersson
15th March 2007, 12:53 PM
Hi Monty,
No, I never got the chance to see the actual original letter.
All the best
15th March 2007, 02:15 PM
I was lucky then.

15th March 2007, 02:41 PM
I've seen the actual letter and heard from the finder the story of its discovery. There is no reason to suspect there is anything questionable about it.
15th March 2007, 03:09 PM
This is going to sound odd but the genuiness of the Littlechild letter (which I have no cause to doubt) is, in the context of what it contains and what it led to, almost incidental. The main impetus of the letter was to point at a suspect (Tumblety) by implcation (Dr.T.) but any case against Tumblety had to be built from evidence ouside of the letter itself.
The letter pointed a finger, so to speak, but offered no explicit evidence against the man identified as the focus of that implication.
15th March 2007, 08:55 PM
Ok..Seeing as you all seem to agree, I will accept that it is real. In fact I was just thinking about how Spryder recently discovered the pictures of "Frenchie" so Evans story sounds like it could have happened.
As I research this further Ill post some links on this thread or any info I find as to the tests that were done.
OMG! I just thought of something! A solid unquestionable fact concerning the JTR cases? Something that seems very rare indeed!
Thanks Everyone!
16th March 2007, 01:03 AM
There's nothing about the Littlechild Letter that even smacks of it being less than authentic. Someone hoaxing a new document would include much more dramatic content that wasn't so muddled and rambling. As it is, the Littlechild letter does as much to discredit Tumblety as a suspect as it does raising him in the first place.
If you want a textbook example of completely unbelievable text (ignoring Canter's bizarre comments to the the contrary)... well, let's not derail this thread.
If you automatically question items based upon their age and not having been seen for years then most all of the police documents, photos and etc. are just as likely to be forged -- which is to say, not bloody likely.
16th March 2007, 09:12 AM
What, a Ripper-associated document someone is suggesting might be a forgery? Whatever next!
From the tone of his letter, I never thought that Littlechild really saw Tumbelty as a probable JtR suspect. He was, after all, only replying to Sims' apparent mention of a 'Dr D', and was being helpful when he suggested that it could have been 'Dr T'.
It always amused me that Tumblety could have ever been suggested as JtR - you've only got to look at him! He'd have stuck out a mile in the East End - and anywhere else, for that matter. But nevertheless, as he was named by a former police officer, his candidacy can't be totally ruled out.
The latter part of Littlechild's letter is also of interest. Harry Thaw was an American millionaire married to Evelyn Nesbitt, a model and, er, actress. Thaw shot Evelyn's former lover Stanford White, in public in a nightclub, and pleaded insanity and was placed in a mental institution. Because of his money he could do what he liked in the institution, and just walked out of the place one day. From what I recall, he was re-captured but pronounced sane and released. Shows what can be done when you have the necessary wherewithal. The novel Ragtime by E Doctorow was based on the case, and there was a film in the fifties called Girl In The Red Velvet Swing in which Evelyn was portrayed by Joan Collins, no less. I would have to say that Littlechild's description of what Thaw got up to in his London hotel kind of suggests the sort of man he was.
16th March 2007, 09:19 AM
Stewart told me the story some weeks (or is it a month or so?) back regarding the discovery of the Littlechild Letter.
Without going into too much detail (and most know the story anyway), Stewart was contacted by this chap who was selling up his book shop. He wanted to know if Stewart was interested in any of his old stuff. Now anyone who knows Stewart (not that I do particularly well) knows a) his extreme interest in collecting particular books and b) his unbounded kindness to others, so he went took look out of interest and maybe buy a few things to help this chap out.
The letter was amongst a collection of G R Simms correspondence, of which the book shop owner had no idea about nor interest in, and Stewart obtained it. This transaction happend in 1993 and I believe the letter was authenticated around the late 1990s, I may be wrong on that.
The reason the letter was written was in response to a Sims letter asking questions about the murderer. And, just for convenience, Ive posted the casebook copy below.
The Littlechild Letter
8, The Chase
Clapham Common S.W.,
23rd September 1913
Dear Sir,
I was pleased to receive your letter which I shall put away in 'good company' to read again, perhaps some day when old age overtakes me and when to revive memories of the past may be a solace.
Knowing the great interest you take in all matters criminal, and abnormal, I am just going to inflict one more letter on you on the 'Ripper' subject. Letters as a rule are only a nuisance when they call for a reply but this does not need one. I will try and be brief.
I never heard of a Dr D. in connection with the Whitechapel murders but amongst the suspects, and to my mind a very likely one, was a Dr. T. (which sounds much like D.) He was an American quack named Tumblety and was at one time a frequent visitor to London and on these occasions constantly brought under the notice of police, there being a large dossier concerning him at Scotland Yard. Although a 'Sycopathia Sexualis' subject he was not known as a 'Sadist' (which the murderer unquestionably was) but his feelings toward women were remarkable and bitter in the extreme, a fact on record. Tumblety was arrested at the time of the murders in connection with unnatural offences and charged at Marlborough Street, remanded on bail, jumped his bail, and got away to Boulogne. He shortly left Boulogne and was never heard of afterwards. It was believed he committed suicide but certain it is that from this time the 'Ripper' murders came to an end.
With regard to the term 'Jack the Ripper' it was generally believed at the Yard that Tom Bullen of the Central News was the originator, but it is probable Moore, who was his chief, was the inventor. It was a smart piece of journalistic work. No journalist of my time got such privileges from Scotland Yard as Bullen. Mr James Munro when Assistant Commissioner, and afterwards Commissioner, relied on his integrity. Poor Bullen occasionally took too much to drink, and I fail to see how he could help it knocking about so many hours and seeking favours from so many people to procure copy. One night when Bullen had taken a 'few too many' he got early information of the death of Prince Bismarck and instead of going to the office to report it sent a laconic telegram 'Bloody Bismarck is dead'. On this I believe Mr Charles Moore fired him out.
It is very strange how those given to 'Contrary sexual instinct' and 'degenerates' are given to cruelty, even Wilde used to like to be punched about. It may interest you if I give you an example of this cruelty in the case of the man Harry Thaw and this is authentic as I have the boy's statement. Thaw was staying at the Carlton Hotel and one day laid out a lot of sovereigns on his dressing table, then rang for a call boy on pretence of sending out a telegram. He made some excuse and went out of the room and left the boy there and watched through the chink of the door. The unfortunate boy was tempted and took a sovereign from the pile and Thaw returning to the room charged him with stealing. The boy confessed when Thaw asked whether he should send for the police or whether he should punish him himself. The boy scared to death consented to take his punishment from Thaw who then made him undress, strapped him to the foot of the bedstead, and thrashed him with a cane, drawing blood. He then made the boy get into a bath in which he placed a quantity of salt. It seems incredible that such a thing could take place in any hotel but it is a fact. This was in 1906.
Now pardon me -- it is finished. Except that I knew Major Griffiths for many years. He probably got his information from Anderson who only 'thought he knew'.
Faithfully yours,
J. G. Littlechild
George R. Sims Esq.,
12, Clarence Terrace,
Regents Park N. W.
To me its one of the most important finds regarding this case. As it names a contempary suspect perviously unknow prior to 1993.

7th June 2007, 07:25 PM
Hi all
At JtR Forums (, AP Wolf has wondered about the genuineness of the Littlechild letter and stated, "What confuses me here though is that the case I believe Littlechild refers to in his 1913 letter is the case where Thaw horsewhipped and abused a certain Fred D. Grump, a young man in a hotel room, but this didn't happen until 1917, so how come Littlechild knew about this particular case in 1913?"
However, as I pointed out to AP at JtRForums, "Check this book extract ( out, AP, -- from Tragic Beauty: The Lost 1914 Memoirs of Evelyn Nesbit edited by Deborah Paul. It appears to refer to the London hotel incident, and was actually written by her in 1914, referring to what happened at the hotel in 1906. The account matches squarely what Littlechild says in his letter to George R. Sims. Case closed, AP.”
Grey Hunter
7th June 2007, 08:52 PM
I wasn't sure whether to respond to this nonsense thread initiated by 'Leather Apron' or not. I am fully aware that it was all started by A. P. Wolf over on How's Forums and I have privately emailed A. P. telling him what I think of it. I also thank those of you who have shown support on this thread - it is greatly appreciated.
I consider the initial post to be an insult and the implication it contains amounts to defamation of character. The history of the provenance of the letter is widely known and totally open. It is beyond question and was subjected to scientific testing by Dr. Audrey Giles in 1996. She declared that there was no reason to regard it as anything but genuine. The paper was even examined by the paper expert Peter Bowers. But all this information is in the public domain - it's just that some idiots choose to post before doing any research themselves first. They expect someone else to tell them to save them the trouble.
I was speaking to another long-time Ripper student the other night and he said that he has lost a lot of interest in the subject as a result of some of the unpleasant people who frequent the message boards.
I know what he means, I have always assisted others in this field and often end up getting a kick in the teeth. This thread takes the biscuit. Don't expect me to appear on these boards again.
7th June 2007, 09:03 PM
Earlier today I posted similar sentiments to Grey Hunter's above - that AP's accusation (Leather Apron must be on his payroll) was tantamount to character assassination. AP made his assertions without first giving even a brief thought to the provenance of the letters, which is known and considered impeccable. Obviously, the provenance of an item should be the FIRST thing considered when trying to determine it's legitimacy.
I'm not sure which pisses me off more - AP making his original post on Howard's site out of his usual desperate jealousy, or Leather Apron spreading the disease here at the Casebook.
I will say to Grey Hunter that for all but TWO of us in the message board community, your credibility, character, and honesty - and the legitimacy of the Littlechild letter - are under absolutely no doubt.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott
P.S. I would hope that in the case of Leather Apron, this thread was the result of ignorance and not maliciousness.
Grey Hunter
7th June 2007, 09:08 PM
Many thanks for that Tom, I have printed out all the messages and I am taking legal advice.
Sam Flynn
7th June 2007, 09:12 PM
I could not agree more with everything you just said - Stewart's sincerity, integrity and generosity of spirit are beyond reproach. I am genuinely upset by all this.
7th June 2007, 09:24 PM
GH - you know that those of us in the field that you have assisted, and who know how valuable that assistance has been, would never dream of kicking you in the teeth in this or any other way. This was a ridiculous thread started by someone who obviously didn't know what they were talking about and posted before they engaged their brain, and it really should be simply ignored.
7th June 2007, 09:35 PM
Stewart, I don't think AP was accusing you of participating in or concealing a forgery. I think he was questioning the message, not the messenger.
Me, I believe the the Littlechild letter, and the Swanson marginalia....way to go on the Diary, though.
7th June 2007, 09:36 PM
perhaps im missing something here, but ive read these 2 pages and am wondering what the fuss is about? it appears pretty tame to be talking about defamation of character issues.
7th June 2007, 09:40 PM
I've PM'd you with a brief explanation.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott
Grey Hunter
7th June 2007, 09:43 PM
Just in case anyone else is wondering, like dougie, the crass insulting part of the message has been edited out by Stephen Ryder. This may be seen and understood by anyone who looks at the bottom of the post and sees that it has been edited by Stephen.
7th June 2007, 09:58 PM
ok thanks for the message, it explains things ,it just wasnt apparent from what i read on this thread,of course i hadnt noticed the editing otherwise i might have guessed that the main offending part had been removed
7th June 2007, 10:12 PM
Gee..I feel as if Ive been hit in the head by a 2 by 4 by some nameless person with no respect for Man or God!
I assure you all my question was borne of ignorance and the question was part of my research. It is the opinions of others in the know that I wish.
Grey Hunter..Im sorry if I offended you. Are you Stewart P Evans himself?
If so I assure you I meant no defamation of character however considering that I feel as if I have been "Ripped up in the middle of the night with not a soul to help me" I feel as if these rude comments call into question credibility of the "Rippers" themselves.
Again..I feel as if I were Catherine Eddowes ask ing a simple question. "Sir..Can you help me..I seem to lost and confused I have lost my way but I believe I am in Mitre Square. If you will only point me in the right direction I feel as if I can make it home before Leather Apron gets round me."