Originally posted by Sam Flynn
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i]at 1.35am The Ripper is allegedly seen by three men while talking quietly with Kate Eddowes .
ii]at 1.40 PC Harvey went down Church Passage -right to the end of it,looked around the square,saw and heard nothing at all when he was actually less than 50 feet away---not a rustle,not a glint of a knife or a movement of any kind while in the corner directly opposite him ie in his direct line of vision a woman was being murdered in.
iii]at 1.45 Kate Eddowes is found dead-her throat cut open,her body the same,intestines strewn over a shoulder ,kidney removed and the two tiny identical eye cuts on her eye lids.
When I think about that scene I can not accept that it could all be done in such a short time-the 9 minutes, that he is supposed to have done all this, the curious eye nicks, PC Harvey"s no see no hear stuff.PC Watkins no see no hear stuff. Morris no see no hear stuff .Blenkinsop"s no see no hear stuff and so on.
As far as the eye nicks go, I do not think it possible to have done these two ,almost identical ,tiny eye nicks ,blindfolded,Sam.
And I "ll leave it there and move on to discuss.