Originally posted by David Orsam
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In the 1990s we were treading new ground and trying to understand what was going on. I wholly agree with you that the Pensions Bill was of considerable importance to Monro and he certainly saw his resignation as entirely to do with it. He was probably right, but, as said, it seems that he was in bad odour. I don't know, but I feel that not receiving a knighthood was a very hard slap in the face and I'm not sure if his actions over the pensions fully explains it. Mind you, I have no idea what he could have done to deserve it. I think our 1990s thinking was that Monro seemed almost to be Teflon Man, standing alone in defence of his men, but that the absence of a knighthood might reveal that he wasn't so pure and clean.The important thing, I think, is that we really don't know a a lot about these men andwe need to if we are to properly assess them.