Originally posted by David Orsam
I'll make you a deal. I'll accept his retraction on Jarvis if you accept his statement that it's a fact that London detectives were covertly investigating the Parnell matter. Fair?
David, before I got out of high school I learned you can't trust politicians or officials at their word. 80% of what they say or do is face-saving and pandering. We also know there's a lot of coercion going on. Giving the circumstances at the time, the weight of the accusations, Monro's bailing, etc. it doesn't seem illogical that Labouchere was onto something and was compelled somehow to give in and make a public apology and claim mistaken identity on the part of his sources, who the day before were adamant, positive, and ready to give evidence. That's not a 'conspiracy theory' it's merely a possibility.
Yours truly,
Tom Wescott