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Inspector William Nixon Race & The SUN

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  • #16
    Yes Howard,it seems that for every claim or insinuation made by one senior policeman there exists an equally strong rebuttal -or as you suggest here,a dismissal.
    Inspector Abberline dismissed as complete nonsense Macnaghten"s preferred suspect---"the drowned doctor"[Druitt] as Abberline put it,and is equally dismissive Of Anderson"s low class Polish Jew "caged in a lunatic asylum"[Kosminski].
    And Abberline"s emphatic statement that the Ripper"s identity was never known, is endorsed by the City Commissioner of Police,Henry Smith ,who also endorsed Macnaghten"s claim that "nobody ever got a good view of the suspect"------Smith added that the witness-Lawende-could not be "led"---"I could not lead him in any way" Henry Smith states,"You will easily recognise him ,then?"I asked,"oh NO! he replied[Lawende]"I had only a short look at him".
    Abberline eventually did have a suspect he named and that was George Chapman but that is for another thread.
    What I am trying to say here is that NONE of them knew who the Ripper was----or had the remotest idea who the Ripper was and if they did know for sure then Macnaghten, Abberline and Smith would have been certain to have known and they did not.
    But it has to be admitted,that if indeed Thomas Cutbush was the Ripper or had committed any of the Whitechapel murders such as that of Frances Coles,for example ,murdered just days before Thomas Cutbush was "arraigned "[or got well out of the way to put it bluntly as he was sent to Broadmoor for life soon after ],then that would have been a hugely distressing situation for Supt.Charles Cutbush to be placed in----a Scotland Yard chief of long standing ,recently retired and who Macnaghten believed was Thomas"s uncle.So ,in my opinion, the reason Thomas Cutbush was so trashed as a suspect by Macnaghten-----and in a SEVEN PAGE DOCUMENT in February 1894 but for who-exactly?----is precisely because this was a deep embarrassment to Scotland Yard.How dare Race commit such outrageous indiscretions to a National Newspaper with a large public circulation throughout the British Isles.
    A most delicate matter,How, the nephew of a respected, long serving Police Chief, accused of being Jack the Ripper in a series articles in a National newspaper .
    And if you read Macnaghten"s memoranda you can see he presents absolutely no good reason why Thomas Cutbush couldnt have been Jack the Ripper save to say the ripper"s rage" grew in intensity" and culminated in the Miller"s Court glut".Well actually we do not know that that was the case.He could have killed and mutilated like that for a number of reasons we know nothing about on that particular night.The next time could have been the Pinchin Street torso which Macnaghten will have none of.....


    • #17
      Dear Nats:

      Yes, I understand that the MM doesn't actually provide the reasons why those who felt those three were better suspects than Cutbush wound up in the document other than Macnaghten only stating that they were. It isn't satisfactory in that sense, in my view.

      Unless I missed something Nats...hasn't Robert Linford shown that there's no evidence of Uncle Charles being related to THC in the first place?

      Back to you...and sorry for the slow reply.


      • #18
        Thanks Howard,
        Robert appears to have discovered this to be the case, but its clearly believed by Macnaghten that Thomas Cutbush was a "nephew" of the late superintendent.Now as Ap Wolf has continuously shown in his research into the family-along with Debra Arif and Robert Linford"s concurrent research,this family have a lot of very unusual connections-----including a connection to the very same Lord Grimthorpe that Thomas Cutbush wrote lengthy letters to.Now Lord Grimthorpe was a very very dark horse----to discover "how" dark read Frank Harris on his jolly get togethers with Lord Randolph Churchill.
        Last edited by Natalie Severn; 09-23-2009, 08:06 PM.

