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  • #76
    Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
    But oh my dear boy I thought the scenario was that I had terrified you so much that you wouldn't go to the police. Because if I'm convicted of murder you would be convicted of misprision of felony. Isn't that right?

    And if I was so concerned about you going to the police why have I told you that I am the killer in the first place?
    You can never be sure, David. That is your weakness. And I am a big problem for you. The only way you can solve that problem is by murdering others and letting me know about it. That is what you believe.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Pierre View Post
      Not if you were a serial killer. For each murder you commit, I know what you have done.
      But my dear boy I thought we'd established that you didn't actually know what I'd done, which is why I needed to provide some kind of proof to you that I had committed the murders in the first place

      The problem for me is that as soon as I do that you can then go to the police.

      Originally posted by Pierre View Post
      For each murder you commit, I prefer to not notify the police.
      Well that's up to you my dear boy but how do I know whether you will or you won't?

      And if you won't, and I know it, then my correspondence idea was not so bad after all was it?


      • #78
        [QUOTE=David Orsam;414947]

        Not a very good one then my dear boy?
        The best you could do.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Pierre View Post
          You can never be sure, David. That is your weakness. And I am a big problem for you. The only way you can solve that problem is by murdering others and letting me know about it. That is what you believe.
          Or murder you my dear boy.

          Much easier I think.

          Although if you are such a big problem for me, I'm rather baffled as to why I told you about those murders in the first place.


          • #80
            [QUOTE=David Orsam;414950]
            But my dear boy I thought we'd established that you didn't actually know what I'd done, which is why I needed to provide some kind of proof to you that I had committed the murders in the first place
            No, David, that´s not the point. You did give me proof for each murder but you did it because I refuse to acknowledge you as the murderer.

            The problem for me is that as soon as I do that you can then go to the police.
            The problem for me is that as soon as I do not go to the police they can make an example of me.

            Well that's up to you my dear boy but how do I know whether you will or you won't?
            You are rather sure that I will not go to the police. But you can never be totally sure, that is your problem.

            And if you won't, and I know it, then my correspondence idea was not so bad after all was it?
            Since you are not sure, it is a terrible idea.


            • #81
              Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
              Or murder you my dear boy.

              Much easier I think.

              Although if you are such a big problem for me, I'm rather baffled as to why I told you about those murders in the first place.
              It is not an option.

              You are baffled but your life depends on it.


              • #82
                Originally posted by David Orsam View Post

                But oh my dear boy I thought the scenario was that I had terrified you so much that you wouldn't go to the police. Because if I'm convicted of murder you would be convicted of misprision of felony. Isn't that right?

                And if I was so concerned about you going to the police why have I told you that I am the killer in the first place?
                This post of yours is an interesting conclusion of our hypothetical situation.

                You are the cat and I am the rat.

                From my perspective.

                For you it is the opposite.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                  No, David, that´s not the point. You did give me proof for each murder but you did it because I refuse to acknowledge you as the murderer.
                  Yes, indeed, my dear boy, thus meaning that you can't be convicted of misprision of felony because you knew nothing.

                  Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                  The problem for me is that as soon as I do not go to the police they can make an example of me.
                  But the problem for me, my dear boy, is that as soon as I prove to you that I am the killer you can then go to the police, safe in the knowledge that by doing so you can't possibly be charged with any crime.

                  Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                  You are rather sure that I will not go to the police. But you can never be totally sure, that is your problem.
                  So my dear boy why have I told you that I am the killer and, worse, why I am trying to prove to you that I am the killer when I'm not entirely sure if you won't go to the police.

                  Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                  Since you are not sure, it is a terrible idea.
                  Yes you are right my dear boy, if I'm not sure. So also a terrible idea to tell you anything in the first place, no?


                  • #84
                    [QUOTE=David Orsam;414957]

                    Yes, indeed, my dear boy, thus meaning that you can't be convicted of misprision of felony because you knew nothing.
                    But I believe that you have proof that I knew about every murder.
                    But the problem for me, my dear boy, is that as soon as I prove to you that I am the killer you can then go to the police, safe in the knowledge that by doing so you can't possibly be charged with any crime.
                    That depends on the character of the proof, indeed.

                    So my dear boy why have I told you that I am the killer and, worse, why I am trying to prove to you that I am the killer when I'm not entirely sure if you won't go to the police.
                    You are never sure, that is your weakness.

                    Yes you are right my dear boy, if I'm not sure. So also a terrible idea to tell you anything in the first place, no?
                    Not as terrible as the alternative.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                      But I believe that you have proof that I knew about every murder.
                      Oh no, my dear boy, that's not right, you must be getting confused.

                      Perhaps you have forgotten that I asked you in #4: "What do you mean by "knew about the murders committed by him" my dear boy?"

                      And in your charming way you replied in #5: "I knew it, because you told me."

                      Then more recently you told me the scenario is as follows:

                      "you were a killer and I told you I don´t believe you, and you desperately wanted me to believe you "

                      So I know that your only knowledge comes from what I have told you but you have told me you didn't believe me. So I can't possibly believe that you have proof that you knew about every murder.

                      Please do keep up with the story my dear boy.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                        Not as terrible as the alternative.
                        The alternative seems to me to be not to tell you that I have committed murder which does not seem all that terrible an alternative to me.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
                          Oh no, my dear boy, that's not right, you must be getting confused.

                          Perhaps you have forgotten that I asked you in #4: "What do you mean by "knew about the murders committed by him" my dear boy?"

                          And in your charming way you replied in #5: "I knew it, because you told me."

                          Then more recently you told me the scenario is as follows:

                          "you were a killer and I told you I don´t believe you, and you desperately wanted me to believe you "

                          So I know that your only knowledge comes from what I have told you but you have told me you didn't believe me. So I can't possibly believe that you have proof that you knew about every murder.

                          Please do keep up with the story my dear boy.
                          No, David, it is you who are confused now. I wrote to you:

                          "But I believe that you have proof that I knew about every murder."
                          But you wrote here above:

                          "...I can't possibly believe that you have proof that you knew about every murder."
                          I wrote that I believe, not you.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
                            The alternative seems to me to be not to tell you that I have committed murder which does not seem all that terrible an alternative to me.
                            Of course it does not seem to be a terrible alternative to you. You are not a serial killer in 1888.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                              "But I believe that you have proof that I knew about every murder."
                              What I'm saying my dear boy is that your supposed knowledge of the murders only comes from what I told you. You know that and I know that.

                              This charming new factor that you have introduced into the scenario that somehow you think I have proof of your knowledge makes no sense in circumstances where you are also telling me that you don't believe me.

                              I mean, even you don't have proof of your knowledge!

                              So the story has gone wrong somewhere.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Pierre View Post
                                Of course it does not seem to be a terrible alternative to you. You are not a serial killer in 1888.
                                I thought I was my dear boy.

                                Please don't depart from your character in mid-conversation. It's very unprofessional.

