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Abberline's Ripper Choice

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  • Abberline's Ripper Choice

    Hello Everyone,

    i hope this hasn't been posted before but here goes . i have read more than once that Abberline's prime suspect was Severin Klosowski (George Chapman)...but...was that his PERSONAL one? i have also read that he was interviewed after he retired and he wouldn't really comment on the whitechapel murders at all but to make some general statements including some hints that he knew a lot more than he could say. My question is that though...did he have a personal choice, was Chapman that choice or did he have a top 3, or did he mention elsewhere some of his private suspicions?

  • #2
    I think the interview to which you are referring was with Nigel Morland,the founder-editor of the criminologist.
    Morland claimed in a report in the evening news 28th june 1976 that during a meeting with Abberline he was told 'you'd have to look for him not at the bottom of London society but a long way up'.
    This was altered slightly in the introduction he wrote to Spierings book Prince jack.This time he gave Abberlines words as follows 'I cannot reveal anything except this - of course we knew who the ripper was ,one of the highest in the land'
    You can lead a horse to water.....


    • #3
      Abberline was one of the hierarchy involved in the Ripper case who chose not to publish his memoirs in later years, and in doing so we probably missed out on a great treasure trove of information. So all we have to go on is the few interviews he did participate in.



      • #4
        I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but it was said that when George Godley arrested Chapman aka Klosowski, Abberline said to him, "George, you've caught Jack the Ripper at last!" Of course, much as I respect Abberline, if that is what he thought it doesn't mean he was right.


        • #5
          Of course, much as I respect Abberline, if that is what he thought it doesn't mean he was right.

          Agreed !


          • #6
            As good as it is, apparently that quote never actually took place though.



            • #7
              Originally posted by Adam Went View Post
              Abberline was one of the hierarchy involved in the Ripper case who chose not to publish his memoirs in later years, and in doing so we probably missed out on a great treasure trove of information. So all we have to go on is the few interviews he did participate in.

              And how can I find those few interviews?


              • #8
                Hi Krinoid,if you look under "Press Reports" on your left, and scroll down to pall Mall Gazette, 24th March 1903 and 31st March 1903 ,you will find the interviews Abberline gave to journalists at the Pall Mall Gazette concerning his suspicions about Klosowski.
                Best Wishes,
                Last edited by Natalie Severn; 09-08-2010, 12:12 AM.

