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P.C. Thain in action from the Old bailey records (mis-spelt Thame)

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  • P.C. Thain in action from the Old bailey records (mis-spelt Thame)

    Theft: burglary.
    13th September 1886

    924. GEORGE SANDERS (27) and THOMAS HOLMES (25) , Burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of William Wright, with intent to steal.
    THEMAS WILLIAM WRIGHT . I live at 14, Pinal Road, Shoreditch—on August 14th I went to bed, and on the 15th, about 1.15, I was aroused by a constable knocking at the area door—on going downstairs I found Sanders in a constable's custody, who asked me if I knew the prisoner—I said no—he then told me to make haste upstairs and get my clothes on—I did so, came down, and found the back door had been forced open to make an exit, Holmes having entered through the window—we arrested Holmes in the back workshop of the adjoining premises, partially concealed with shavings—the back door of these premises had been forced open—the shutters of the parlour window were forced, and the window was open—I had secured it the evening before—the back door was merely unfastened—it had been bolted top and bottom the night before.
    Cross-examined by Holmes. I fastened up the place myself—there was no injury to the place whatever.
    WILLIAM OAKLEY (Policeman J 296). On 15th August, about 1.15 a.m., I was in Pinal Road, and saw the prisoner Sanders with his head and shoulders in the breakfast parlour window of No. 14—I asked him what he was doing—he said "It is all right; I have only come down here with a woman; I gave her 1s. 6d.;" at the same time I heard a noise inside—I asked him where the woman was—he said "Inside"—I sent for assistance—we then searched the back premises, and found Holmes in a workshop next door—there was no woman inside—both prisoners were sober.
    JOHN THAME (Policeman J 96). On the morning of 15th Augus Oakley called me to 14, Pinal Road—I went to the back of the house, and finding no one there I looked over the wall of No. 12, and seeing a door open in there I went in, and found Holmes partially concealed under a heap of shavings, pretending to be asleep—I said "Halloa, what are you doing here?"—he said "All right, I have come here to have a sleep"—I said "It may do you, but it won't do me."
    The prisoners in their defence stated that they were intoxicated, and went down the area to sleep.
    GUILTY .
    They then both PLEADED GUILTY to previous convictions, Sanders at Clerkenwell in January, 1878, in the name of Henry Parker, and Holmes at Bedford in January, 1881, in the name of Walker.— Nine Months' Hard Labour each.

    I think that might be my new catch phrase,
    "It may do you, but it won't do me."

    P.s. note they both were sentenced previously under different names, interesting eh?
    Last edited by drstrange169; 01-09-2022, 05:45 AM.
    aka drstrange

  • #2
    So even the Old Bailey got names wrong?
    G U T

    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


    • #3
      Wrong or accepted they used two names.
      aka drstrange

