Originally posted by Scott Nelson
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Eddowes/Conway and Nichols were both Sutton's inpatients together from December 1867. At least in my opinion.
Both were part of a published study on rheumatic fever. The strep that causes it can eventually reside in the gut.
It can infect/cause problems throughout the body.Related to neurasthenia/chronic fatigue syndrome.Some families are genetically prone.
We are looking at Gull-Sutton disease. Often misunderstood.
Due to Kate's kidney problems,that would make her a star patient research wise.
I suspect she also had cancer, due to Mitre Square mutilations. Unrelated to the above,however suggests she was still a patient.
Mary Ann Kelly had her own experiences with Sutton when she was about 9 years old.
Sutton was her church's Vestry Board medical officer (along with Thomas Stevenson).
Suffice to suggest she was blackmailing him .... again. The others joined in.
All about Sutton's sexual orientation.
Lusk might have renovated a small section of the London Hospital. Also attempted to join the Freemasons
Sutton was Gull's protege. Openshaw,who started the London Hospital Lodge, was Sutton's.
Sutton quoted St. Luke's gospel in a Freemason like manner.
Sutton was known to investigate illness by touch.
There is so much on Sutton ..... Stride's cachous,Chapman's TB,etc,etc.
He is the link between the five victims.
As the trainee nun told us ..... Mary Kelly was the key.
Really doubt Jack's identity was that big a secret in certain circles.
Look at how quickly Abberline was sent in.
One gigantic cover up.
Dave Adams.