Originally posted by Fisherman
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I vacillate about the Thames Torso Killer being the Whitechapel Murderer. At times I have thought it is too much of a stretch to have two serial killers in the same general period and locality. At others I think the crimes are too different in pattern, and Torso Killer is operating in a bit of a wider area, while Whitechapel Murderer looks very limited in range.
Then again, the mystery of how Jack gets his relative understanding of internal anatomy may be explained by him also doing the torso crimes. And, since we don't know where Jack really started or how he progressed, we can't rule out a more varied development.
Thames Torso Murderer is pretty good at disarticulating joints. Jack appears to make no attempt at this when he has the chance with Kelly, however.
Torso guy also appears to be hiding his bodies, or disposing of them in a way that distances himself from the crimes. Jack is not doing this, he's an exhibitionist. (I can't imagine the adrenaline buzz this guy gets after the Dutfield's Yard near-miss. And he goes on to do it again that night. Unbelievable.)
The Torso Killer does dump at least one parcel under the figurative noses of witnesses, however, on (if I count correctly) October 29 1884 in Fitzroy Square. That's within a fifteen minute window of police patrols, very reminiscent of Jack and the patrols around Mitre Square. One might be tempted to think he is timing police patrols, a suggestion which provokes howls of derision from those who think Jack is a disordered thinker and driven by delusional compulsion.
June 1889 Torso Killer inquest:
At the inquest on June 17, it was stated that, "the division of the parts showed skill and design: not, however, the anatomical skill of a surgeon, but the practical knowledge of a butcher or a knacker. There was a great similarity between the condition, as regarded cutting up, of the remains and that of those found at Rainham, and at the new police building on the Thames Embankment." The London Times of June 5, reported that "in the opinion of the doctors the women had been dead only 48 hours, and the body had been dissected somewhat roughly by a person who must have had some knowledge of the joints of the human body."
However, Whitechapel guy is clearly making a display. Torso guy is seemingly trying to get rid of his body parts. Seems to be a significant difference in approach.
This whole issue of the anatomical knowledge appears to be a factor of some importance. I get the impression it may have been overstressed by contemporaries, but on the other hand, finding organs under membranes and layers of fat in the near pitch dark would be difficult without experience.
A knacker or a butcher. I get a hunch this is more what we are looking for.
It's a real poser, that one. Very tempting to think that Torso Guy is also Jack. If he is, he's capable of changing his M.O. dramatically. If that's the case, all bets are off, and we should be looking at a whole bunch of other murders in the general time frame and locality for linked patterns. That would mean a quite extraordinary killer to rival H.H. Holmes or Albert Fish.
My conservative view at this time is that these are different guys.