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  • Corsets

    I wear corsets daily and I've just begun to wonder how on Earth did Ripper get through these things? They're solid. Is there an explanation I've missed?
    O have you seen the devle
    with his mikerscope and scalpul
    a lookin at a Kidney
    With a slide cocked up.

  • #2
    Hi Tani

    simple: none of the victims were wearing corsets.

    Their garments were listed by the police. They were typically wearing a bodice, a chemise and similar.

    I haven’t looked at prices but I imagine a corset world be much more expensive and generally for the middle and upper classes.


    • #3
      Polly Nichols wore a corset (stays). It was loose and easily moved.
      aka drstrange


      • #4
        Originally posted by drstrange169 View Post
        Polly Nichols wore a corset (stays). It was loose and easily moved.
        You are right, brown stays, short, are mentioned.
        As they were short they were not like a regular corset.

        As I understand it, short stays covered only the abdomen.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Kattrup View Post

          You are right, brown stays, short, are mentioned.
          As they were short they were not like a regular corset.

          As I understand it, short stays covered only the abdomen.
          Therefore, could Nichol's brown "stays" have reduced the overall damage to her abdomen caused by the blade of the knife used by the Ripper?

          In other words, does this indicate the Ripper underestimated the defensive attributes of Nichol's attire that covered her abdomen and this then resulted in the Ripper leaving the scene without achieving his goal of eviscerating her like he does subsequently with Chapman, Eddowes and Kelly?

          Does this hint at inexperience on the part of the man who attempted to cut open Nichol's abdomen?

          And could Nichol's relatively minimal abdominal injuries in comparison to the Ripper's future victims, have not been because the Ripper was interrupted, but rather that he was unable to cut Nichols abdomen open like he had intended; through inexperience or inability to bring a blade sufficient for the job?
          Last edited by The Rookie Detective; 11-26-2024, 10:17 AM.
          "Great minds, don't think alike"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kattrup View Post
            Hi Tani

            simple: none of the victims were wearing corsets.

            Their garments were listed by the police. They were typically wearing a bodice, a chemise and similar.

            I haven’t looked at prices but I imagine a corset world be much more expensive and generally for the middle and upper classes.
            Will have to look this all up, thanks.
            Last edited by Tani; 11-26-2024, 05:15 PM.
            O have you seen the devle
            with his mikerscope and scalpul
            a lookin at a Kidney
            With a slide cocked up.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kattrup View Post
              Hi Tani

              simple: none of the victims were wearing corsets.

              Their garments were listed by the police. They were typically wearing a bodice, a chemise and similar.

              I haven’t looked at prices but I imagine a corset world be much more expensive and generally for the middle and upper classes.
              Nah, even servants had corsets. People could buy them cheaply second hand. It's the same way everyone wears underwear today. I'd be very surprised if they were not worn as they offer an additional layer of warmth and protection in days where coats and other outer garments were more expensive.
              O have you seen the devle
              with his mikerscope and scalpul
              a lookin at a Kidney
              With a slide cocked up.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tani View Post

                Will have to look this all up, thanks.
                Look up corsets? Count me in.



                • #9
                  One of Jane Coram's works was of Polly's corpse.Never posted on Casebook,however Jane did allow some of us a copy.
                  Anyone with one may be able to throw some light on this discussion.
                  Her work was very accurate.


                  • #10
                    I have just wondered that maybe one reason Kelly was in a state of almost complete undress is because her corset needed to come off. The chemise/slip is worn beneath the corset and would have been the last thing left on.
                    O have you seen the devle
                    with his mikerscope and scalpul
                    a lookin at a Kidney
                    With a slide cocked up.

