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What did the copy-cat killer copy?

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  • Michael W Richards
    Originally posted by The Good Michael View Post

    I can say that someone could have planned to kill people with some similarities, such as approach and speed, but also could have changed the details. Good actors can play different roles in the same play with different accents, different character, and different movements and can be totally unrecognizable stylistically from role to role. Why could a murderer not do the same, change it up a bit? There was plenty of time between killings in which to decide what to do differently if one wanted to.

    Then again, different knives, different lighting, different moods, different states of inebriation, different levels of police presence, different physical issues...all these things could account for any perceived differences....or there are a dozen mimics running around.


    Would your presumption be that Annie Chapmans killer was simply a murderer then, just trying out ideas?

    EVERY murder has a motive,...and simply killing her wasnt Annie Chapmans killers motive. What was the apparent motive for killing Liz Stride...based on the evidence of course? Or Mary Kelly...if indeed she was in her own room and undressed when her killer attacked her?

    Why these women were killed seems too elusive a target for you maybe?

    Cheers Mike

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  • Robert
    My guess would be that Lechmere copied Cross, and Cross copied Lechmere. They were very close.

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  • Mr Lucky
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
    And what scent would that be?

    All the best,

    My belief is that the killer had a dread of an investigator asking a question similar to - "So, Mr Paul, when the other man sent you to find a policeman, the woman was still moving a little, and you didn't notice any blood or any injuries?"

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  • Mr Lucky
    Originally posted by caz View Post
    I don't think too many people today would go along with the early theory that the motive for murdering and mutilating any of these unfortunate women was to obtain their uteri. My belief is that the killer did what he did, and took what he took, because he could, and the shock value to his waiting audience was a bonus.
    Hi Caz,

    The organ theft for sale theory was pretty much sunk soon after the double event, despite the extra effort of the theft of Eddowes kidney, and this was all pre-Kelly of course, so if you can't pass the next crime off as the mythical organ stealer's, who's next on the most likely list ? - I wonder what went through the killer's mind when he read Dear Boss...

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  • Mr Lucky
    Originally posted by caz View Post
    Ooh, let me see. I'd say 33% of us would think he had; 33% of us would think he hadn't; 33% of us would think possibly, or possibly not; and the remaining 1% would insist the killer was mythical and put Stride's death down to suicide or an accident with the boot scraper.

    What would you think? I'd plump for the possibly, possibly not.
    Hi Caz,

    Well, I'd be tempted to put her down as another boot scrapper suicide, like the Pinchin street torso !!

    I really don't know actually , Caz, but the series victim count, pre-double event was still seen by most as four;- Smith onwards, so the killer may have assumed that there would be no question that Stride would be considered as anyone else's victim, The idea of killers having a fixed MO wasn't a contemporary idea as far as I know, so if he had killed all four (or even just Tabram onwards), then he hadn't had a fixed MO up to that point anyway, so why would he feel the need to start with Stride?

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  • Digalittledeeperwatson
    Hullo Errata.

    Originally posted by Errata View Post
    Um... off the top of my head, there is no mention of ovaries or vagina, but that could be considered the uterus. No mention of the bladder, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenal glands... And while the intestines were reported, we don't the extent. Duodenum to rectum? Just small intestines? Was the colon left inside?
    Thanks. I knew I hadn't fabricated that post. None of these are reported missing but none are listed either. Peculiar. It would be one hell of a thing if one found a missing report that stated they were all gone taken by the killer. Stocking up for the winter perhaps?

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  • Digalittledeeperwatson
    Hullo C4.

    Originally posted by curious4 View Post
    Hello Dig,

    Many thanks for your very kind words - I blush! Agree with you about the darkness. Also the apron was old and worn and I think I remember reading it was cotton, so would have been easily cut through. What surprises me, if he did use it to wipe his hands, is that it was not, er, messier. Blood on one corner and what "appeared to be" fecal matter - not much. If he was "posh", had gone to public (which for some reason means private in England) school, he would have played a game called "Hare and Hounds", which entails some players leaving a trail (of paper) and the other players have to follow the trail. I have wondered whether Jack could deliberately have laid a false trail with the apron piece, to make the police think he was going in another direction.

    All good wishes,
    I wonder if the killer didn't put the organs in something he brought with then put inside the apron piece. Or if he did have a recepticle if it was not sufficient for both the uterus and kidney. Hand wiping or knife wiping doesn't float so well with me given the lack of stuff on it. Yes leaving the apron may been a tactic to divert attention. Especially if he lived very close to their. Go home after murder. Deposit and clean up. Take a short walk and leave the apron. Go back home. Place it further away from the crime scene than his residence was.

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  • curious4

    Lawende water perhaps?

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  • Stephen Thomas
    Originally posted by Robert View Post
    According to the copycat theory it must be Eau de Clone.
    Or Chanel Non Canonical Five.

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  • Digalittledeeperwatson
    Hullo Caz.

    Originally posted by caz View Post
    Hi Diggy,

    Motivation is the very last thing we can judge, without knowing who killed any of these women, or if there was anything connecting victim and killer beyond the actual encounter that led to murder.


    Thanks for biting. There aren't really any apparent motivations for these killings. Especially the ones with mutilations. Killing for killing's sake? Or rather the killer(s) enjoyed it killing?

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  • Errata
    Originally posted by Digalittledeeperwatson View Post
    If I recall correctly, not every internal part is listed in #13. Poster Errata made mention of this not too long ago. Hullo Errata, if you are out there can you remind me what you had posted? I guess I could search for it but I really don't have the time. Or I could be remembering incorrectly as I am exhausted.
    Um... off the top of my head, there is no mention of ovaries or vagina, but that could be considered the uterus. No mention of the bladder, gall bladder, pancreas, adrenal glands... And while the intestines were reported, we don't the extent. Duodenum to rectum? Just small intestines? Was the colon left inside?

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  • curious4

    Originally posted by Digalittledeeperwatson View Post
    I will reiterate about the darkness. He may not have been able to see it with any clarity. And he is apparently fond of using a knife if the murder is any indicator. Not saying this is the decided case, but a relevant factor is the darkness.
    Hello Dig,

    Many thanks for your very kind words - I blush! Agree with you about the darkness. Also the apron was old and worn and I think I remember reading it was cotton, so would have been easily cut through. What surprises me, if he did use it to wipe his hands, is that it was not, er, messier. Blood on one corner and what "appeared to be" fecal matter - not much. If he was "posh", had gone to public (which for some reason means private in England) school, he would have played a game called "Hare and Hounds", which entails some players leaving a trail (of paper) and the other players have to follow the trail. I have wondered whether Jack could deliberately have laid a false trail with the apron piece, to make the police think he was going in another direction.

    All good wishes,

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  • Robert
    According to the copycat theory it must be Eau de Clone.

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  • Jon Guy
    Originally posted by Fisherman View Post
    And what scent would that be?
    The cachous ?

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  • Fisherman
    Originally posted by Mr Lucky View Post
    I think the killer is trying to throw the investigators off the scent.
    And what scent would that be?

    All the best,

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