Originally posted by KatBradshaw
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What is that?
TRANSLATION: Qu'est-ce que c'est?
After seeing "It's a Kind of Magic" for D'Onston above, I realised a lot of Queen songs work:
Cutbush - Fat Bottomed Girls
Kosminski - Seaside Rendezvous
- Flick of the Wrist
Cohen - I'm Going Slightly Mad
Hutchinson - Liar
Dear Boss Author - Don't Stop Me Now
Barnett - Jealousy
Kidney - If You Can't Beat Them
Gull - God Save the Queen
Druitt - Don't Try Suicide
Tumblety - Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
- Killer Queen
Astrakhan Man - Another One Bites the Dust
Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low.
Unknown Male - The Invisible Man