Thanks for the reply, Michael
The del Junco comparison isn't definitive, of course, but I thought it might provide an example of a serial under similar circumstances (Prostitute killer who murders his victims within a few minutes of meeting them, and killing within a small area; pressurized by increasing police presence, yet at the same time not being suspected
and still stalking his objects). There were differences in the signature, so maybe if del Junco hadn't been identified by a woman who survived his attack, perhaps there would now be debate about the connection between her death and the others'
There isn't really any proof that Kelly ever lived in France, worked in the West End, or even that she was twenty-six
Like the other victims in the canon, Kelly lived a fairly regular life until desertion; desperation forced her, and them, onto the street. I take your point that Kelly had her own room, unlike the others, but she was still penniless, and she doesn't even appear to have had a secondary occupation, unlike Chapman, Stride and Eddowes. The different location and privacy of Kelly's death could be in part responsible for the differences in her murder.
Thank you again,
The del Junco comparison isn't definitive, of course, but I thought it might provide an example of a serial under similar circumstances (Prostitute killer who murders his victims within a few minutes of meeting them, and killing within a small area; pressurized by increasing police presence, yet at the same time not being suspected
There isn't really any proof that Kelly ever lived in France, worked in the West End, or even that she was twenty-six
Thank you again,