Originally posted by Sam Flynn
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I think you unfairly critique the possible value you offer here, if we stay within defined realms.
If we use the Canonical Group as the most likely of all the women that were killed during the relevant period by Jack The Ripper, we do have medical and investigative opinion on those deaths to use as the criteria, so we can sort of gauge probabilities fairly well.
The Ripper sought victims among the working street class prostitutes out after midnight alone. Whether they were or were not soliciting on that night.....lets set aside for the moment. He gets alone with them in secluded settings, probably in most cases acting as a client would, and when he does he does not engage in sex but rather he likely chokes, then kills them. Lets leave signature issues like "cuts and preferences" from that point on aside as well.
He is known to take things with him when he leaves though....not just biological material and ripped cloth.... he also took Annie's Rings.
So generally, thats an MO. He meets, gets discrete, gets them off their feet, makes their lives till then complete, and leaves sometimes with a treat.
The specifics of Jack though, as I believe you recognize, arent in those details.
Because any man who killed a prostitute with a knife outdoors after midnight and robbed them of something would fit. And we know that other men did just that aside from Jack.
All the best Sam