Originally posted by Ben
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I'm with PerryMason on the organs issue. I just see it as too much of a stretch to suggest that just because some tenants on occasion brought back raw meat to a lodging house that JTR could safely bring in human organs into one of these places without being noticed and easily dispose of them. ESPECIALLY if he did so the night of one of the murders.
Policeman: Did anyone notice anything unusual last night with any of your fellow tenants?
Tenant X: Not that I recall...Oh, well there was one bloke that came back in the middle of the night with a hunk of bloody entrails...I just figured he liked organ meat and got hungry in the middle of the night.
I'm not saying it is IMPOSSIBLE just unlikely. The only scenario I could envision where this would be plausible would be if he immediately wrapped the organs to a point where they couldn't be seen or smelled. Then maybe he could dispose of them later in the Thames or out in the countryside. Not out of the question...but it adds to the possibility of discovery. I just think that the fact that he got away likely means that everything went his way. Yes he took an incredible risk in killing women out on the open streets (the thrill of possibly being discovered probably added to his excitement). But I believe he probably planned some of this out ahead of time. He probably made 'dry runs' so to speak, knew the beats of the policemen of the area, knew how to listen for their approach, and knew how he was going to dispose of the organs ahead of time.
I simply can't see how the Ripper got away with murdering these women out in the streets of such a crowded area by leaving too much to chance.