Originally posted by Sam Flynn
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Not that the Torsoripper could not have picked her up anywhere, if he had transportation.
There is no reason to rule that the other victims could not have come from any district in London, once again for the simple reason that we donīt know where they were picked up.
And, once again, if the Torsoripper had transportation, they could have been picked up at Buckingham Palace which was a round three miles away from the Ripper grounds. No problem.
The fact that most of the parts from these women were dumped in the West End is nothing but that - it tells us that they were dumped somewhere there. Nothing more. You are welcome to suggest that the killer lived there too, but not to imply that it is a near certainty. It is no such thing at all.
The same goes for the Ripper victims and the Torso ditto - I think you may agree that not knowing the identities of the latter means that we will have a very hard time proving that it is "almost certain" that they did not know each other. The suggestion is quite preposterous and has nothing at all to do with serious research.
It would be quite logical if they did not know each other, but it would not be impossible in any shape or form that they did. Itīs one of many unknown and unweighable factors involved in the case. Personally, I am fine with any version, that they knew each other and had tea together on Fridays, or that they never saw each other at all and were totally ignorant of each others presence in London.
I have no problem with that, I can take both versions in my stride. You, on the other hand, have a bias to feed - it is NOT comme il faut to suggest any link at all or even hint at such a possibility. And my, do you feed it!

Once again, however, the aim of the thread is another one, clearly defined in my former post to you.