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How did JtR see in the dark?

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Another quite simple point but I’ll stand correcting on the detail about Dew.

    Kelly was known in the area. Walter Dew knew her I believe. How hard would it have been for these powerful Freemasons with police officers of many ranks in their number to have found her? Wouldn’t Crook have described her as they were torturing or beating her for info? Kelly looked nothing like Eddowes. Mistaken identity is hogwash.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    You’re wriggling on the hook like a Fishy

    Respond to the facts.

    She wasn’t a Catholic.
    She didn’t live where Knight said that she did.
    Crook and Cook were provably not one and the same as Knight claimed.
    Sickerts Cleveland Street studio didn’t exist.
    The hospital where she was allegedly taken by the Freemasons didn’t exist.
    And her alleged after effects of the operation was simple epilepsy which she inherited from her mother Sarah.

    How can you have so many central props to a theory categorically demolished by cold hard facts and yet you still say - I don’t care, I still believe?

    Its just not honest.
    No response Fishy? How the hell can you have an integrity when you read the above? Proper research has left the Knight theory irrevocably in tatters. How can you still believe it? No one with a genuine regard for truth would continue. You’ve simply picked a theory that you like. If someone proved that Sickert was in Nicaragua at the time of the murders and Netley was dead you’d still dishonestly press on.

    Knight was an utterly discredited fantasist. Even Joseph admitted that it was a lie. The game has been up since Simon’s research in 1976.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    Final fact... Again, read marriots book chapter 8 eddows murder would have taken at least 15 minutes possibly more to do all the removal of her organs and place them around her. Not 3 mins or 4 mins .
    And there are medical experts that disagree. If you choose as your reliable sources Stephen Knight, Patricia Cornwell and Trevor Marriott then you’ll be ignoring the vast majority of ripper experts. Which you will do of course because you’ve selected a theory that you like and you’ll only accept opinion that appears to support your nonsense. Not an honest approach. It’s why no one believes the Knight fantasy for a minute.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    Ahhh so mrs long is irrelevant when it suit you hmmmmmm
    I didn’t say she was irrelevant. Typical conspiracy theorist. Only hearing what he wants to hear.

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  • FISHY1118
    Final fact... Again, read marriots book chapter 8 eddows murder would have taken at least 15 minutes possibly more to do all the removal of her organs and place them around her. Not 3 mins or 4 mins .

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  • FISHY1118
    Ahhh so mrs long is irrelevant when it suit you hmmmmmm

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  • FISHY1118
    In reply to you first post p. C neil said he inspected the road surface for wheel marks but found none. It was also stated that a small pool of blood was found approx 10m away on the path. There were many wheel marks in bucks row from the stables and slaughterhouses there just wasn't any directly near nichols body was found .

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    oh im not sad im delighted , its funny to see people still looking for JTR WHEN ITS BEEN SOLVED 43 YEARS AGO
    You’re wriggling on the hook like a Fishy

    Respond to the facts.

    She wasn’t a Catholic.
    She didn’t live where Knight said that she did.
    Crook and Cook were provably not one and the same as Knight claimed.
    Sickerts Cleveland Street studio didn’t exist.
    The hospital where she was allegedly taken by the Freemasons didn’t exist.
    And her alleged after effects of the operation was simple epilepsy which she inherited from her mother Sarah.

    How can you have so many central props to a theory categorically demolished by cold hard facts and yet you still say - I don’t care, I still believe?

    Its just not honest.

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  • Michael W Richards
    I believe that the "murdered elsewhere" proposition was also considered with Kates murder. For my money using the empty warehouses in the square would be more likely than a carriage drop if that was the case.

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

    She may have been close to Flower & Dean, but she can't get in without money, and she had none.
    You may recall that some City detectives recognised her as one who worked the streets around Mitre Square, it was her patch.
    So, you have to ask yourself, if she has no money how is she going to get a bed for the night?, and how is she best able to rectify that situation?
    Maybe she whipped out a banjo and knocked off a couple of tunes Wick?

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  • Herlock Sholmes
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    And it also could be wildly accurate . The word of one medical opinion or several for that matter against another medical opinion 130 years apart . No sir that wont get you off the hook
    So now you’re accepting that it could have been wildly inaccurate and yet you still use this a proof? This is simple dishonesty. Every single modern medical opinion tells us that TOD estimations were close to guesswork. No facts can be inferred from information that was very likely to have been inaccurate. A child could understand this Fishy.

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    .....Heres another fact, Eddows was released from Bisopsgate police station at 1.00 P.C Hutt was the last person to see her as she left and closed the gate behind her ,ive yet to see any testimony of Hutts or anyone else for that matter that saw Eddows turned left to Mitre Square . So once again its speculation she did , after all had she turned right she was 200M from flower and dean st where she lived , she had been locked up most of the night Where do you think she went ? but hey then i would just be speculating also, and we cant have that . Fact, Eddows was found dead in Mitre square at 1.45 am hows she got there from Bisopsgate police station after being released at could have happen a number of ways . And yes even being dumped there via Mitre st entrance at 1.40 am
    She may have been close to Flower & Dean, but she can't get in without money, and she had none.
    You may recall that some City detectives recognised her as one who worked the streets around Mitre Square, it was her patch.
    So, you have to ask yourself, if she has no money how is she going to get a bed for the night?, and how is she best able to rectify that situation?

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  • FISHY1118
    Read post 152 again i made no mention whether lawende saw the ripper i was only concerned with what he said about eddows . But even better if it was eddows and the ripper makes even more easy to disprove 1.35 to 1.45 as to how he killed her.

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  • Wickerman
    Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post
    just for good measure ginger, horse drawn carriages were very common in the day and night even in the early hours of the morning. just because nobody came forward to say they seen or heard one around the time of the murders doesn't mean they weren't there so honestly your comment is speculation at best.
    I recall the police considered that in the first murder, that of Nichols. They said they checked the road for carriage marks, or for any indication the body had been dropped there. So, it's not like this idea is new. It was ruled out already, or maybe that is something else you missed.

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  • FISHY1118
    And it also could be wildly accurate . The word of one medical opinion or several for that matter against another medical opinion 130 years apart . No sir that wont get you off the hook

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