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Geoprofile of Jack the Ripper reveals Tabram and Nichols connection.

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  • Originally posted by Batman View Post
    James Hardiman's daughter Harriett, had died on 18 June 1888, from emaciation arising from nerve damage, caused by untreated congenital syphilis contracted from her mother, who died on 15 Sep 1888.

    James Hardiman died on 22 Dec 1891 from tuberculosis.

    In the days before Chapman's murder, his wife, Sarah, was dying. In the days after she died, Stride and Eddowes were murdered.
    Poor bastard.


    • Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
      Even in those cases he might have been able to come and go as he pleased, if 29 Hanbury Street is anything to go by - front and back doors unlocked and open all night. There were also various courtyards (like Miller's) where he might have had a room of his own, with nobody posted to supervise egress and ingress.
      There were also empty buildings. Just in Mitre Square alone there were a few. I think the man who made torsos likely used one of those places, the bodies could have been bled out before the dismemberment occurred, so not much to clean up if ones careful.

      This kind of bolt hole idea appeals to me on the murders that have extracted, and taken , organs. Tidy up, contents to a jar and an inside coat pocket, or left hidden at the location. Back alleys to home. Which I think was rented in his or his family's name(s). Might even have been married or in a relationship.


      • Originally posted by Trevor Marriott View Post
        I totally agree !!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Yeah.As posted before if living locally or passed through the district route to work 5-7 days a week,thats about 20-30 days a month
        and he found victims only at the end of the month and 8-9 - August 31,September 8,September 30,November 8-9 (Nov.8 if Blotchy,which to me was).
        I do not believe it,everyday there must have been streetwalkers and the unfortunates/victims starting from Stride did not care a killer was
        roaming about.The odds were/are about 30-2 or about 20-2 (minus 2 days off).Its overwhelming the killer was a visitor to the district,comes at the end of the month until or and at about the end of first week 8-9,leaves the district andcomes back again at the end of the month.And,in mt opinion if local or a pass-through worker he had the choice to prolong the duration of the murders to a year or more,he had the time.The murders,3-4 months duration, was more a "rush".In my opinion he remained killing in Spitalfields/Whitechapel because he was tied to the place,work for ex..

        Tabram at 7th of August could have been a victim.

        Clearly the first human laws (way older and already established) spawned organized religion's morality - from which it's writers only copied/stole,ex. you cannot kill,rob,steal (forced,it started civil society).
        M. Pacana


        • Originally posted by Batman View Post
          You would have to explain that in light of the Goulston St., apron drop. A visitor would still have to have a place to stay.
          Across Goulston St.was Bell Lane,which was the most straight/direct route, towards Crispin St. to the Spitalfields market.
          The market was busy.At 3;00 AM people could setup things and buyers came,especially Tuesdays,Thursday,Saturdays.He could be anonymous there.

          78LmC7k14kwEhgZ-8EB2uZE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwifsNS30ejeAhXGJt8KHY bYDrYQ6AEwA3oECAEQAQ#v=onepage&q=spitalfields%20ma rket&f=false

          Past 3:00 AM,even busier.

          -Times (London)
          September 11, 1888
          "The Whitechapel Murders"
          On Saturday morning, between half past 4 o'clock and 6, several carts must have passed through Hanbury-street, and at 5 o'clock, on
          the opening of the Spitalfields Market, the end of which the murder occurred was blocked with market vehicles, and the market attendents
          were busy regulating the traffic.

          Clearly the first human laws (way older and already established) spawned organized religion's morality - from which it's writers only copied/stole,ex. you cannot kill,rob,steal (forced,it started civil society).
          M. Pacana


          • The chances of JtR being unfamiliar with Whitechapel is low. We are looking for someone with very good knowledge of the streets. To the point that they can avoid encounters with PCs. JtR even seems to have avoided stakeouts, plainclothes and picking up bait. To this extent commuting, if occurring, would have to be from somewhere nearby and would have to have been often enough for the commuter to go around Whitechapel many times to learn the streets and become streetwise.

            This is more complex than the less complex answer that JtR knew the streets because he lived in Whitechapel and most importantly of all... understood Whitechapel.

            Furthermore, when we look at these types of serial offenders they tend to be offending against the very community they are a part of. The Whitechapel murders are not just murders of unfortunate women, they are also an attack on the Whitechapel society. A hatred for it as much as he hates unfortunate women. This seems most evident in the 'Open and Displayed' posing that he left many of his victims in. There was a shock value he anticipated in those who found the bodies including those who would have to deal with them professionally.

            As Shaw corrected said "Now all is changed. Private enterprise has succeeded where Socialism failed. Whilst we conventional Social Democrats were wasting our time on education, agitation, and organisation, some independent genius has taken the matter in hand, and by simply murdering and disembowelling four women, converted the proprietary press to an inept sort of communism."

            JtR murdered the people around him because he hates where he lives and he hates what he does there to survive. He blames the place for what it has done to him and his blame is focused on prostitutes whom he wishes to completely obliterate of their female persona. In them, he sees the worst that Whitechapel has brought out of humanity there.

            That's why it is more than likely we are searching for someone who lived there, knew the place extremely well and hated every inch of it.
            Bona fide canonical and then some.


            • Originally posted by Harry D View Post
              Poor bastard.
              The guy was literally surrounded by death.
              Bona fide canonical and then some.


              • Originally posted by Batman View Post
                JtR murdered the people around him because he hates where he lives and he hates what he does there to survive. He blames the place for what it has done to him and his blame is focused on prostitutes whom he wishes to completely obliterate of their female persona. In them, he sees the worst that Whitechapel has brought out of humanity there.

                That's why it is more than likely we are searching for someone who lived there, knew the place extremely well and hated every inch of it.
                Whatever his motives, the simple practicality of being out and about in that area, finding and eviscerating his victims and getting back to safety as soon as possible without being caught are probably the main reasons why we should be looking for a local.
                Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Gφtzendδmmerung, 1888)


                • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                  Very interesting batman.
                  I put this type candidate in the same boat as the jacob levy.

                  That same boat being imtriguing not really a serious suspect. But the type that we very well could be looking for.
                  He would be more the Aldgate area no?

                  James Hardiman is in the hot zone.
                  Bona fide canonical and then some.


                  • Originally posted by Varqm View Post
                    Yeah.As posted before if living locally or passed through the district route to work 5-7 days a week,thats about 20-30 days a month
                    and he found victims only at the end of the month and 8-9 - August 31,September 8,September 30,November 8-9 (Nov.8 if Blotchy,which to me was).
                    I do not believe it,everyday there must have been streetwalkers and the unfortunates/victims starting from Stride did not care a killer was
                    roaming about.The odds were/are about 30-2 or about 20-2 (minus 2 days off).Its overwhelming the killer was a visitor to the district,comes at the end of the month until or and at about the end of first week 8-9,leaves the district andcomes back again at the end of the month.And,in mt opinion if local or a pass-through worker he had the choice to prolong the duration of the murders to a year or more,he had the time.The murders,3-4 months duration, was more a "rush".In my opinion he remained killing in Spitalfields/Whitechapel because he was tied to the place,work for ex..

                    Tabram at 7th of August could have been a victim.

                    But what if he were a traveler who came to London for work, or specific reasons, and killed and then left London. The dates between the murders might suggest that

                    I dont altogether buy this suggestion that he was a local man. Although most of the murders took place in an around the back streets, which might point to a local man, they were all in close proximity to main thoroughfares, making it easy for the killer to quickly blend into area where people were moving about in numbers, while all the time the police were scouring the back streets.


                    • Originally posted by Batman View Post
                      The chances of JtR being unfamiliar with Whitechapel is low. We are looking for someone with very good knowledge of the streets. To the point that they can avoid encounters with PCs. JtR even seems to have avoided stakeouts, plainclothes and picking up bait. To this extent commuting, if occurring, would have to be from somewhere nearby and would have to have been often enough for the commuter to go around Whitechapel many times to learn the streets and become streetwise.

                      This is more complex than the less complex answer that JtR knew the streets because he lived in Whitechapel and most importantly of all... understood Whitechapel.

                      Furthermore, when we look at these types of serial offenders they tend to be offending against the very community they are a part of. The Whitechapel murders are not just murders of unfortunate women, they are also an attack on the Whitechapel society. A hatred for it as much as he hates unfortunate women. This seems most evident in the 'Open and Displayed' posing that he left many of his victims in. There was a shock value he anticipated in those who found the bodies including those who would have to deal with them professionally.

                      As Shaw corrected said "Now all is changed. Private enterprise has succeeded where Socialism failed. Whilst we conventional Social Democrats were wasting our time on education, agitation, and organisation, some independent genius has taken the matter in hand, and by simply murdering and disembowelling four women, converted the proprietary press to an inept sort of communism."

                      JtR murdered the people around him because he hates where he lives and he hates what he does there to survive. He blames the place for what it has done to him and his blame is focused on prostitutes whom he wishes to completely obliterate of their female persona. In them, he sees the worst that Whitechapel has brought out of humanity there.

                      That's why it is more than likely we are searching for someone who lived there, knew the place extremely well and hated every inch of it.
                      The idea that the ripper hated where he lived is an interesting one. I can well imagine a hatred of the East End and the women who walked its streets at night having been drummed into Charles Lechmere, for instance, by his mother.

                      What I don’t get is why you feel that having an intimate knowledge of the area, of H. Div., J. Div. and City police beats and inside info on the activities of plain clothes officers is less complex than that he had a rough knowledge of the area, carried out his attacks very quickly when he sensed no one was looking, and was simply lucky not to have been caught.


                      • The dates of the murders are interesting, perhaps suggesting a traveller, sailor etc. But maybe a traveller who had lived in Whitechapel most of his adult life and they were his dates off. IE - when he returned home.


                        • Originally posted by MrBarnett View Post
                          What I don’t get is why you feel that having an intimate knowledge of the area, of H. Div., J. Div. and City police beats and inside info on the activities of plain clothes officers is less complex than that he had a rough knowledge of the area, carried out his attacks very quickly when he sensed no one was looking, and was simply lucky not to have been caught.
                          Living there acquires the knowledge incidentally.

                          A commuter would have this knowledge of their own home area and so it would have to be additional knowledge learned by going to Whitechapel.

                          It's far from impossible, is close to the Marauder model, but the hot zone suggests a place of stay with someone who lived there.
                          Bona fide canonical and then some.


                          • James Hardiman description

                            Height – 5ft. 4.
                            Complexion – Fair
                            Colour of Hair – Light brown
                            Eyes – Blue
                            Bona fide canonical and then some.


                            • Originally posted by Batman View Post
                              Living there acquires the knowledge incidentally.

                              A commuter would have this knowledge of their own home area and so it would have to be additional knowledge learned by going to Whitechapel.

                              It's far from impossible, is close to the Marauder model, but the hot zone suggests a place of stay with someone who lived there.
                              Living in Spitalfields would have given him inside information on City of London police beats and plain clothes activity? Or the beats in Mile End and St George’s?


                              Are you telling us that when the ripper exited the scene at Hanbury Street his detailed knowledge meant he could be certain that no one was loitering in the passageway, no market workers would be walking along Hanbury Street, and no PC’s were patrolling it or using it to get to/from their beats?


                              • Originally posted by Batman View Post
                                Height – 5ft. 4.
                                Complexion – Fair
                                Colour of Hair – Light brown
                                Eyes – Blue
                                Where does that come from?

