Originally posted by Batman
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Not sure what you are saying here, Batman?
Semantics over "method" or "approach" seem pointless.
The point is the method used must be robust and consistent.
Did I not say statistics are useful, but that usefulness depends on the subject and the sample size used.
Your position is clear, and while i do not personally believe that the example you use can be easily transferred to the very small area of Whitechapel, you at least give some reasoning.
However, while not saying it could not be a police officer, i see nothing at all to support the idea it was.
To speculate that they bought their own uniforms, is not so far as you have shown, based on any factual evidence. You just think it fits the theory you have, great nothing wrong with that.
The problem here has been that when asked what lead you to suspect they bought their own uniforms you become defensive, and said it was for others to prove such was not the case.
That is not how science works, i know having worked in medical research for over 35 years,
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