Sam Flynn: Phillips certainly mentioned anatomical knowledge, which Baxter turned into anatomical SKILL in his summing up.
Sorry, Gareth - this can be nothing but an unsubstatiated guess of yours. There is every reason to believe that what Baxter relayed was what Phillips said. As you can see, the press did not cover Phillips´ testimony, and so you have no idea what terminology he used. He could have said "surgeon", "post-mortem room", "skill" or anything else like that - and it seems he actually did. And it apparently was quite enough to have his fellow medicos question it, on account of their profession - and themselves.
Baxter's assertion that the killer must have been accustomed with the dissection room seems to have been conjured out of thin air...
No, it seems to be a quotation from Phillips´ testimony. Once again, the press did not take down all Phillips said, because it was unsuited for the general public. If you want to claim that Baxter made things up out of thin air, then you must also be able to produce some sort of evidence for that. If he HAD done so, he would no doubt have been brandished a phantasist in the papers. And James Risdon Bennett would have cleared Phillips and put all the blame on Baxter.
That never happend though, and so we once again arrive at your eminent wording when we are to answer the question "Why?": Go figure!
...and it is perhaps significant that Baxter said this almost as a prelude to trotting out his pet theory that the killer was involved in the black market organ trade.
Once again, if he had gravely misqouted Phillips, we would have heard of it. The american doctor matter cannot be used to alter that - the whole world was listening, and there was no room for lying on behalf of a coroner.
Sorry, Gareth - this can be nothing but an unsubstatiated guess of yours. There is every reason to believe that what Baxter relayed was what Phillips said. As you can see, the press did not cover Phillips´ testimony, and so you have no idea what terminology he used. He could have said "surgeon", "post-mortem room", "skill" or anything else like that - and it seems he actually did. And it apparently was quite enough to have his fellow medicos question it, on account of their profession - and themselves.
Baxter's assertion that the killer must have been accustomed with the dissection room seems to have been conjured out of thin air...
No, it seems to be a quotation from Phillips´ testimony. Once again, the press did not take down all Phillips said, because it was unsuited for the general public. If you want to claim that Baxter made things up out of thin air, then you must also be able to produce some sort of evidence for that. If he HAD done so, he would no doubt have been brandished a phantasist in the papers. And James Risdon Bennett would have cleared Phillips and put all the blame on Baxter.
That never happend though, and so we once again arrive at your eminent wording when we are to answer the question "Why?": Go figure!
...and it is perhaps significant that Baxter said this almost as a prelude to trotting out his pet theory that the killer was involved in the black market organ trade.
Once again, if he had gravely misqouted Phillips, we would have heard of it. The american doctor matter cannot be used to alter that - the whole world was listening, and there was no room for lying on behalf of a coroner.