With nearly 10,000 posts on this particular subject, i’m NOT going to parse through them all to determine IF this idea has been suggested before or NOT. If it has WELL THEN… pfft!
A working hypothesis of…. The Goulston Street Graffito.
The baffling aspect of the graffito arises from its’ uncommon sentence structure. Our mind works at odds against itself while attempting to decodify the double-negative of NOT and NOTHING. We speculate that this chalk-vandal must have been a simpleton by way of a poor English elementary education. However, my alternate [postulation|suggestion] being, the sentence makes perfect sense IF the wall-scribe was translating from a foreign language into English in his mind before he wrote it out. It’s a common phenomenon for multilingual people, we translate in our minds from our primary language into a secondary language (limited as that may be!) before we speak ALL WHILE maintaining the characteristics of the primary language. It’s why native Spanish speakers of North America (at times) offer me quizzical looks whenever i engage them with my secondary language of Spanish; even though i am speaking IN Spanish, I am thinking around how i would say it IN English first WHICH leads to uncommon phrasings for native speakers. That’s NOT to say that i’m not adept with Spanish, simply that i have only reached the conversational level, ripe with its’ limitations. (Of course, this fluency problem disappears once a person can immerse his or her thoughts within that secondary language without need of any internal translation)
In this case, this brick-despoiler may have been translating the idea in his head from German or Swedish into English… as best he could!
Why German or Swedish? Because the German and Swedish word for JEW is JUDE, spelled J-U-D-E… and someone who spoke English as a second language might know that the word JEW was pronounced with a W in English HOWEVER he might expect to spell the word akin to the spelling of the word in his native language; thus, JEWS becomes JUWES.
Again citing multilingual phenomenon, we attempt to spell foreign words phonetically while basing our spelling habits within our primary language.
German leanings:
Take Google Translate for what you will, i had to because i don’t read/write/speak German
SO plugging in the GSG results in…
die juden sind die männer denen man nichts vorwerfen kann
… which no doubt is a clunky translation STILL transferring the above Germanic sentence into Google Search results in several site options containing a German word that is so obvious that it doesn’t require a Rosetta Stone, that being ANTISEMITISMUS. One particular site imparted the following variation:
Juden, denen man nicht trauen kann
Or, in English:
The Jews are the men who CANNOT be trusted.
…which holds a very strong probability for what this archway-tagger would round-about be attempting to express in English.
Swedish leanings:
There’s NO saying that Jack the Ripper absolutely 100% wrote the grafitto, it’s well documented how walls and facades in East End ‘88 were defaced with antisemitic remarks, it’s placement along Goulston Street may NOT have been uncommon in this era, those ripperologists opposing the assertion that he did (in fact) write the grafitto have as much a legitimate claim as the ripperologists who believe that (yes, in fact) he did write it.
THEN AGAIN… if we go against forum etiquette by way of entertaining ‘speculative possibilities’ that Jack the Ripper DID write the graffito… one of the victims that night of the double-event WAS a Swede.
AND IF James Brown is to have heard Elizabeth Stride saying “No, not tonight, some other night” THEN we might conclude that she was talking with someone familiar to her (a chap from church, for example)… someone she had seen seen before [and|or] someone she might see again (regardless of the activity)… a fellow Swede, possibly.
A working hypothesis of…. The Goulston Street Graffito.
- English was NOT the [first|primary] language of the author of the graffito; English was his secondary language.
- The graffitist’s [first|primary] language was German or Swedish.
The baffling aspect of the graffito arises from its’ uncommon sentence structure. Our mind works at odds against itself while attempting to decodify the double-negative of NOT and NOTHING. We speculate that this chalk-vandal must have been a simpleton by way of a poor English elementary education. However, my alternate [postulation|suggestion] being, the sentence makes perfect sense IF the wall-scribe was translating from a foreign language into English in his mind before he wrote it out. It’s a common phenomenon for multilingual people, we translate in our minds from our primary language into a secondary language (limited as that may be!) before we speak ALL WHILE maintaining the characteristics of the primary language. It’s why native Spanish speakers of North America (at times) offer me quizzical looks whenever i engage them with my secondary language of Spanish; even though i am speaking IN Spanish, I am thinking around how i would say it IN English first WHICH leads to uncommon phrasings for native speakers. That’s NOT to say that i’m not adept with Spanish, simply that i have only reached the conversational level, ripe with its’ limitations. (Of course, this fluency problem disappears once a person can immerse his or her thoughts within that secondary language without need of any internal translation)
In this case, this brick-despoiler may have been translating the idea in his head from German or Swedish into English… as best he could!
Why German or Swedish? Because the German and Swedish word for JEW is JUDE, spelled J-U-D-E… and someone who spoke English as a second language might know that the word JEW was pronounced with a W in English HOWEVER he might expect to spell the word akin to the spelling of the word in his native language; thus, JEWS becomes JUWES.
Again citing multilingual phenomenon, we attempt to spell foreign words phonetically while basing our spelling habits within our primary language.
German leanings:
Take Google Translate for what you will, i had to because i don’t read/write/speak German
SO plugging in the GSG results in…
die juden sind die männer denen man nichts vorwerfen kann
… which no doubt is a clunky translation STILL transferring the above Germanic sentence into Google Search results in several site options containing a German word that is so obvious that it doesn’t require a Rosetta Stone, that being ANTISEMITISMUS. One particular site imparted the following variation:
Juden, denen man nicht trauen kann
Or, in English:
The Jews are the men who CANNOT be trusted.
…which holds a very strong probability for what this archway-tagger would round-about be attempting to express in English.
Swedish leanings:
There’s NO saying that Jack the Ripper absolutely 100% wrote the grafitto, it’s well documented how walls and facades in East End ‘88 were defaced with antisemitic remarks, it’s placement along Goulston Street may NOT have been uncommon in this era, those ripperologists opposing the assertion that he did (in fact) write the grafitto have as much a legitimate claim as the ripperologists who believe that (yes, in fact) he did write it.
THEN AGAIN… if we go against forum etiquette by way of entertaining ‘speculative possibilities’ that Jack the Ripper DID write the graffito… one of the victims that night of the double-event WAS a Swede.
AND IF James Brown is to have heard Elizabeth Stride saying “No, not tonight, some other night” THEN we might conclude that she was talking with someone familiar to her (a chap from church, for example)… someone she had seen seen before [and|or] someone she might see again (regardless of the activity)… a fellow Swede, possibly.
