I listened to a podcast called the "House of Mystery" which had an interview with Tom Wescott. In it he claimed that the police officers who wrote down the word "Juwes" were possibly mistaken and that it could have been "Iwmes" standing for International Working Men's Educational Society. Tom Wescott concludes that it looks "exactly" like juwes if you write it out in cursive. I write in cursive all the time and I personally can't see any correlation between the two words.
It's Tom wescott's opinion that it was written by JTR and that as it was white chalk against black it was easy to see by residents who did not see it until later. What are people's opinions on this argument?
It's Tom wescott's opinion that it was written by JTR and that as it was white chalk against black it was easy to see by residents who did not see it until later. What are people's opinions on this argument?