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The word JUWES

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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by MysterySinger View Post
    I think that all possible avenues are worth looking at - given that the identity of JTR has yet to be discovered. So my suggestions are simply an invite to discuss the possibilities to anyone who cares to consider them. I cannot know anymore than anyone else.

    Assuming the double event murders were both by the same hand then there is no reason why he couldn't have gone out with the intention of committing more than one murder that day. Similarly, I cannot see any reason why the events of that morning may not have been timed to co-incide with the day of worship.

    The seemingly accepted view is that JTR was interrupted during his murder of Stride and felt the need to go on to commit another one. However, as has been pointed out, no one but JTR could really know the reason so all possibilities are still available.

    I agree 90% with your post, the one point we will disagree on is cannot see any reason to assume the events were timed for lets say religious .

    Debate is good

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  • MysterySinger
    Originally posted by GUT View Post
    Actually Psalm 117:24

    Refers to the Sabath (Saturday) not Sunday.

    Sunday inly became a day if Worship after Christ.

    But hey let's not let facts get in the way.
    Well we are talking about 1888.

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  • MysterySinger
    I think that all possible avenues are worth looking at - given that the identity of JTR has yet to be discovered. So my suggestions are simply an invite to discuss the possibilities to anyone who cares to consider them. I cannot know anymore than anyone else.

    Assuming the double event murders were both by the same hand then there is no reason why he couldn't have gone out with the intention of committing more than one murder that day. Similarly, I cannot see any reason why the events of that morning may not have been timed to co-incide with the day of worship.

    The seemingly accepted view is that JTR was interrupted during his murder of Stride and felt the need to go on to commit another one. However, as has been pointed out, no one but JTR could really know the reason so all possibilities are still available.

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  • GUT
    Originally posted by MysterySinger View Post
    From the web "For Christians, Sunday, the Lord’s Day, is a special day consecrated to the service and worship of God. It is a unique Christian festival. It is “the day the Lord has made” (Ps. 117 (118):24). Its nature is holy and joyful. Sunday is the day on which we believe God acted decisively to liberate the world from the tyranny of sin, death, and corruption through the Holy Resurrection of Jesus".

    So was it someone with an axe to grind against the Church or done to cause maximum offence to Christians in the area?
    Actually Psalm 117:24

    Refers to the Sabath (Saturday) not Sunday.

    Sunday inly became a day if Worship after Christ.

    But hey let's not let facts get in the way.

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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by MysterySinger View Post
    From the web "For Christians, Sunday, the Lord’s Day, is a special day consecrated to the service and worship of God. It is a unique Christian festival. It is “the day the Lord has made” (Ps. 117 (118):24). Its nature is holy and joyful. Sunday is the day on which we believe God acted decisively to liberate the world from the tyranny of sin, death, and corruption through the Holy Resurrection of Jesus".

    So was it someone with an axe to grind against the Church or done to cause maximum offence to Christians in the area?
    With all due respect that’s sounding very Pierre like, always feel there is a tendency to read far more into things than is actually there.

    Does not mean you are wrong, just that i find the more complicated you make things, the more likely in my opinion they are to be wrong.

    You asked did he go out to kill 2?

    Both Suspectzero and I have given you our, agreed not clear, views. What is you opinion on it MysterySinger?



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  • MysterySinger
    Originally posted by Elamarna View Post

    The answer to the first part of your post depends on what you believe i guess.

    If you are Pierre and a few others, who may not agree with his suspect, the answer is yes, the double killing had a purpose.

    If you feel that he was disturbed while killing Stride and was thus unsatisfied the answer will be no.

    Of course there is the view that Stride is by a different hand, so obviously no.

    We can not at present know the answer.
    There are 2 or 3 theory’s which, if not public, are floating about and I include Pierre in this group, which could possibly change that; only time will tell.

    Why may I ask do you think the day of he week could be of significance, am I missing something?


    From the web "For Christians, Sunday, the Lord’s Day, is a special day consecrated to the service and worship of God. It is a unique Christian festival. It is “the day the Lord has made” (Ps. 117 (118):24). Its nature is holy and joyful. Sunday is the day on which we believe God acted decisively to liberate the world from the tyranny of sin, death, and corruption through the Holy Resurrection of Jesus".

    So was it someone with an axe to grind against the Church or done to cause maximum offence to Christians in the area?

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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by SuspectZero View Post
    hi Steve,
    I do respect your opinion, and I have seen your posts in regards to this belief. However, there are a few police officials that seem to believe otherwise and they were what I would call the "first responders."
    Of course I accept those reports, but they were based on opinion, not on hard evidence and so in my view are subject to debate.

    Unfortunately the truth is we do not know, there will be some who accept the link, and some like me who don't.

    I did say I did like your view, the first time I have heard that interpretation.

    Agree 100% with your reply to Mysterysinger

    all the best


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  • Elamarna
    Originally posted by MysterySinger View Post
    Did he go out with the intention of doing 2 murders and is it any co-incidence that it was on a Sunday?

    The answer to the first part of your post depends on what you believe i guess.

    If you are Pierre and a few others, who may not agree with his suspect, the answer is yes, the double killing had a purpose.

    If you feel that he was disturbed while killing Stride and was thus unsatisfied the answer will be no.

    Of course there is the view that Stride is by a different hand, so obviously no.

    We can not at present know the answer.
    There are 2 or 3 theory’s which, if not public, are floating about and I include Pierre in this group, which could possibly change that; only time will tell.

    Why may I ask do you think the day of he week could be of significance, am I missing something?



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  • SuspectZero
    Originally posted by MysterySinger View Post
    Did he go out with the intention of doing 2 murders and is it any co-incidence that it was on a Sunday?
    Not sure you you are asking that question of but I'll answer it from my point of view. I don't know. In order for me to answer that, I would need to know what he was thinking exactly when he started out that night, which I don't.

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  • SuspectZero
    Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
    For what it is worth I will repeat what I have said before.

    Until some firm evidence is provided that the apron and GSG are linked I will continue to believe that the writing as no relationship to the murders.

    Of course such proof does not exist. As far as I know, it is circumstantial. based on the location of the piece of Apron, and writing found near to it.

    There are a hundred, if not more explanations of what the GSG means, none of which can be proven.

    Must say Suspectzero that I do like yours, unfortunately I don't believe it.

    I am quite prepared to accept that i may be 100% wrong on my view of the GSG

    hi Steve,
    I do respect your opinion, and I have seen your posts in regards to this belief. However, there are a few police officials that seem to believe otherwise and they were what I would call the "first responders."
    Last edited by SuspectZero; 01-18-2016, 03:53 PM.

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  • Elamarna
    For what it is worth I will repeat what I have said before.

    Until some firm evidence is provided that the apron and GSG are linked I will continue to believe that the writing as no relationship to the murders.

    Of course such proof does not exist. As far as I know, it is circumstantial. based on the location of the piece of Apron, and writing found near to it.

    There are a hundred, if not more explanations of what the GSG means, none of which can be proven.

    Must say Suspectzero that I do like yours, unfortunately I don't believe it.

    I am quite prepared to accept that i may be 100% wrong on my view of the GSG


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  • MysterySinger
    Did he go out with the intention of doing 2 murders and is it any co-incidence that it was on a Sunday?

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  • SuspectZero
    Originally posted by Pierre View Post

    You are being more metaphorical in your interpretation than me.

    But he did not kill or write on the wall by impulse or at random. It was very well planned.

    Regards, Pierre
    I never said it was impulse or random. He was sending a deliberate message.

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  • Pierre
    Originally posted by SuspectZero View Post
    What if Juwes was a reference to the earlier encounter with the 3 men outside the Socialist Club? If the spelling of Juwes was deliberate and not just a spelling error then what if the killer was trying to say that if he hadn't been interrupted by them, there would have only just been Stride?
    Just a thought...

    You are being more metaphorical in your interpretation than me.

    But he did not kill or write on the wall by impulse or at random. It was very well planned.

    Regards, Pierre

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  • PC2267
    Originally posted by SuspectZero View Post
    What if Juwes was a reference to the earlier encounter with the 3 men outside the Socialist Club? If the spelling of Juwes was deliberate and not just a spelling error then what if the killer was trying to say that if he hadn't been interrupted by them, there would have only just been Stride?
    Just a thought...

    Oh now I DO like this theory!!! Very very deep!!!!!!

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