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The word JUWES

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  • #76

    It might have Don.. had it been spelled "The Ju's".

    But it wasn't, was it?

    "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


    • #77
      In the past, the term "Jewess" was sometimes used for Jewish women. This word, like "Negress", is now at best an archaism, and is generally taken as an insult
      Could Juwes be a misspelling of Jewess ? making the author of the GSG an angry Jewish woman ?



      • #78

        Your post number 75 on this thread was lifted -- without attribution -- from a 10-04-2010 post by "Krinoid." He too gave no attribution, but at least indicated it came from the old boards.

        Why is it so difficult to include a few quotation marks?

        "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


        • #79
          yes , i posted it earlier ( page 2) could not remember where i found it originally ! oh well .. figured some may have not seen it .. and it may be of some use .

          moonbegger .


          • #80
            Originally posted by Simon Wood View Post
            Hi Colin,

            What else could it possibly have been?


            Hi Simon,

            It couldn't have been anything else. I was supporting your argument. (At least I thought I was - need a bit more practise).

            Regards, Bridewell.
            I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


            • #81

              Originally posted by moonbegger View Post
              Could Juwes be a misspelling of Jewess ? making the author of the GSG an angry Jewish woman ?

              "The Jewess are the men..." makes even less sense than the original to me!

              Regards, Bridewell.
              I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.


              • #82

                yes , i posted it earlier ( page 2) could not remember where i found it originally ! oh well .. figured some may have not seen it .. and it may be of some use .

                So you twice in as many days claimed credit for someone else's research and writing. Saying you couldn't remember where you had found it is an admission you knew it wasn't your work and yet you willingly let people think so.

                I ask you again, why is it so difficult to at least include quotation marks?

                "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."


                • #83
                  Present day Jewry Street in London, the correct name formerly being Poor Jewry Lane, was misspelled in this Bowles plan of 1745, and Kent's 1823 Directory.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	JuryBowles1775.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	30.4 KB
ID:	664215

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	KentsDir1823.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	10.7 KB
ID:	664216
                  Last edited by Roy Corduroy; 08-30-2012, 12:57 AM.
                  Sink the Bismark


                  • #84
                    As an aside, there is a historical prophet type character from the 1600s called Theaurau John Tany

                    I have seen the word Jewes associated with this man on a couple of occasions indicating it was probably a common spelling. I would expect Juwes also to appear

                    Theaurau John Tany's first publication was called "I Proclaime From the Lord of Hosts The returne of the Jewes From their Captivity"

                    The tenuous Ripper connection I came across was that the modern print of Robert Donston Stephenson's book "The Patristic Gospels" has in the first pages a heraldic design dedicated to Theaurau John Tany which also contains the word Jewes (Iewes)

                    I haven't researched why the design should appear in Donston's book but suspect it is a coincidental edition by the publisher


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by moonbegger View Post
                      Hello all ,

                      Figured this may be of some interest ,

                      Simply put, the word "Juwe" and "Juwes" existed prior to the use of the word "Jew". This word "Jew" appears in the English language after the translation of the bible (King James) from Latin into Anglo-Saxon (English). Hence it is a relatively modern transliteration of the Hebrew, "Iudhi/Iudha".
                      Ergo, the word "Juwes" existed as the term for those referred to in historical documentation as "Jews" long long ago...and surprising, during 1888 and even TODAY! It exists in the British Museum Library (just down the road from Whitechapel) and the Bodlian Library, Oxford (just up the road from Whitechapel), in fact, up and down, and in me Laydis Chamber.
                      Who would know of this term "Juwes", in 1888? I ASSUME scholars of the ilk of Warren, Anderson, and of course, the Chief Rabbi.
                      Hic Rhodus hic saltus!

                      If this is so perhaps you could post a direct link at least. There is much medieval literature online.

                      If the word Juwes was so secret its strange that we know the spelling of the graffiti. It was recorded. Can someone tell us when the nature of the graffiti became public knowledge? Was it reported at the time?


                      • #86
                        Supe ,

                        So you twice in as many days claimed credit for someone else's research and writing. Saying you couldn't remember where you had found it is an admission you knew it wasn't your work and yet you willingly let people think so.
                        I ask you again, why is it so difficult to at least include quotation marks?
                        Don , I think the way i presented the re-post ( even without Q marks, which i was unfamiliar with in my original post ) was in a way that it would lead any well balanced reader to conclude that the meat in the pudding was not of my own making ..

                        But judging by your " twice in as many days" line Don, which is completely Wrong , inaccurate, fictional, I'm guessing that your a very much an ( over eager , rush to judgement ) sort of character , without actually taking the time divulge whats in front of you .

                        Yes i may have not credited the Unknown author , whom i think still remains ( UNKNOWN ) in my original post ( which was infact a lot longer than two days ago ) But in all honesty i find your pedantic and arrogant little rant a little over the top !

                        I ask you, why is it so difficult for you to divulge information that is in front of you and take it at face value without reading into it malice or fraud ?

                        Did i call you a LIAR in regards to your " two days ago" comment Don ?
                        No , because i believe in giving people the benefit of the doubt .. You should really try it sometimes .




                        • #87
                          Back to the point i was making ! before i got pulled over by the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Police !

                          FULL DISCLAIMER [ THIS IS NOT MY WORK ]

                          In addition to appearing in the Bible, the spelling of the word "Jews" as "Juwes" pops up in English Literature too, such as in the famous 14th C. work 'Piers Ploughman'. 'Piers Ploughman' is considered to be one of the great works of early English Literature. It has been published and re-published for over 600 years, including in the 19th Century.
                          The word ( Juwes ) was out there !

                          The question should be , who would have been familiar with it ?

                          moonbegger .
                          Last edited by moonbegger; 08-30-2012, 05:43 PM.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Supe View Post

                            It might have Don.. had it been spelled "The Ju's".

                            But it wasn't, was it?

                            It was a feeble attempt at humor Don, I figured we can also exchange pleasantries.



                            • #89
                              I believe that using one literal translation, allowing for the grammatical and spelling errors that one might find with semi-literate that "The Juwes (meaning the Jews...on Berner Street), "are not the men that will be blamed for nothing" (anything). "Nothing" could also mean for no good reason in this writing, but the double negative seems particularly awkward with that choice.

                              It could mean that the Jews killed Liz Stride and the writer believes that they will likely get away with it. Which to me suggests a Gentile and an antisemitic,....which I believe is precisely the kind of person Warrens thoughts were directed towards when assessing leaving the writing up for a while, waiting for a photographer. Israel Schwartz also suggests a gentile and an antisemitic suspect.

                              One wonders if a Jew might have written the grafitto after all. It might go well with Israels story Sunday night.



                              • #90

                                It was a feeble attempt at humor Don, I figured we can also exchange pleasantries.

                                My mistake, then, and I do apologize for misreading your post. Of course we can exchange pleasantries. But perhaps, as Tom Wescott once suggested under similar circumstances, because there are no aural cues in posts when there is any doubt we should include a smiley or LOL or the like.

                                Again, I apologize.

                                "To expose [the Senator] is rather like performing acts of charity among the deserving poor; it needs to be done and it makes one feel good, but it does nothing to end the problem."

