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The GSG - Did Jack write it? POLL

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  • Originally posted by Harry D View Post
    Why? The stairwell was the perfect place for a killer to stop and clean himself up. Better than walking the streets with blood/faeces caked hands.

    Another point worth considering is whether someone could've written in 'good, round schoolboy hand' under such poor lighting conditions. The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that the graffito was written earlier in the day and therefore not by the killer.
    Yes. So why did he pass up so many to specifically stop at that one? He would have had to walk past any number of spots before getting to that one. If covered in blood and feces this would make far more sense.

    And if the PC is to be believed (and he states it pretty definitively in the hearing) the apron wasn't there when he passed right after the murder. This means JTR would have had to go somewhere in waiting, come back out, and decided to bring the apron with him. All to toss it at some random doorway that just happened to have anti Jewish graffiti written?

    As far as the graffiti being written earlier in the day, maybe it was. I don't see why it is any more likely that it was someone else who wrote it. JTR could have just as easily wrote it earlier in the day and "signed" it with the apron that night if you want to believe it was written earlier. This makes some sense if he went back out and instead of leaving the apron in his den or burning it, specifically brought it out to mark that graffiti.


    • People keep referring to the graffiti as being anti-Jewish. We simply don't know if that is true. It could also be pro-Jewish and know matter what people think it means only the author knows for sure.



      • If anybody thinks the graffiti could not be pro-Jewish (i.e., Jews are not going to take the blame for something they didn't do) ask yourself how reasonable is it to think that Jewish people would constantly see anti-Jewish graffiti and not respond when all it takes is a wall and a piece of chalk? You see examples of that all the time when you see a lot of graffiti in a particular place. People respond to insults with an insult of their own. It is just human nature. I don't see why it would be any different in 1888.



        • Might I direct you to post #540 by Batman:

          "The message being 'unclear' is a new modern view of the writing. Nobody has provided evidence that the contemporary view of the investigators was confused over what the writing said or meant. Not only are they clear about it, but the Old Jewry chimed in by saying they agreed with the investigators on what it meant and what its purpose was.

          "To cast suspicion on the Jews". Warren, Smith, Swanson, Long, Halse all provide us with this view and based on the investigation there and then at the time, it appears they come up with this NOT after, but maintained it throughout.

          The view, nor the writing itself, has ever been reduced in status in the contemporary. If you can show so, please do, but we have no less than five investigators, 3 of whom as seniors officials, clearly understanding it and explaining it to us."

          It is clear from Batman's post that the view at the time was understood and explained as blaming the Jews. The view that it wasn't this is a modern one based on OUR not understanding the GSG. People of the time clearly did understand it for what it was.


          • Hello Dane,

            Unless Warren himself wrote the GSG, he was simply stating his opinion as to what it meant. His conclusion in the matter is a moot point.

            And even if it can be shown with absolute metaphysical certainly that the GSG is anti-Jewish, it does not necessarily follow that the killer (if indeed he was the author) was a Gentile. He might have been Jewish and simply used the message as a way to get the police off track.



            • Originally posted by Dane_F View Post
              Yes. So why did he pass up so many to specifically stop at that one? He would have had to walk past any number of spots before getting to that one.

              A fact which is better illustrated with a plan view of the distance.
              Regards, Jon S.


              • A possible explanation is that he originally intended to take the apron home as a souvenir and abandoned the idea as to dangerous at the exact place where it was found.



                • Originally posted by Dane_F View Post
                  Yes. So why did he pass up so many to specifically stop at that one? He would have had to walk past any number of spots before getting to that one. If covered in blood and feces this would make far more sense.
                  He wanted to put as much distance as possible between himself and the crime scene before he cleaned up?

                  Originally posted by Dane_F View Post
                  And if the PC is to be believed (and he states it pretty definitively in the hearing) the apron wasn't there when he passed right after the murder. This means JTR would have had to go somewhere in waiting, come back out, and decided to bring the apron with him. All to toss it at some random doorway that just happened to have anti Jewish graffiti written?
                  That's the thing, I don't believe PC Long. We aren't given any reason why he was so certain that the apron wasn't there originally. It would've been easily missed first time around. Not so much after the murder, when the police were on high alert.


                  • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                    A possible explanation is that he originally intended to take the apron home as a souvenir and abandoned the idea as to dangerous at the exact place where it was found.

                    He may even have heard or saw something [or even thought he did] that spooked him.
                    G U T

                    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                    • Hello GUT,

                      I think that it is even possible that he really was not aware (at least for awhile) that he was still holding the apron piece when he began his flight home.



                      • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                        Hello GUT,

                        I think that it is even possible that he really was not aware (at least for awhile) that he was still holding the apron piece when he began his flight home.

                        G'day c.d. I had a similar thought just after I made the last post the adrenaline was probably pumping so hard, he didn't realise he had it, when he did...
                        G U T

                        There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                        • Hello GUT,

                          I guess my main problem with the GSG is why, with no other communication in the case (I am assuming that all the letters were fake), does he now decide to communicate rather than simply get home as quickly as possible? And, as far as we know, the GSG does not refer to what just happened. That is very odd. Plus, if this communication were so important to him, it now gets erased. Had it been me, I would be plenty pissed at the actions of the police. Why then no further communication? I don't think that there is any doubt that the same killer was at work at Miller's Court and yet with plenty of time, a good sized wall, and the dramatic impact writing in blood would have, there is no message.



                          • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                            Hello GUT,

                            I guess my main problem with the GSG is why, with no other communication in the case (I am assuming that all the letters were fake), does he now decide to communicate rather than simply get home as quickly as possible? And, as far as we know, the GSG does not refer to what just happened. That is very odd. Plus, if this communication were so important to him, it now gets erased. Had it been me, I would be plenty pissed at the actions of the police. Why then no further communication? I don't think that there is any doubt that the same killer was at work at Miller's Court and yet with plenty of time, a good sized wall, and the dramatic impact writing in blood would have, there is no message.


                            G'day again c.d.

                            Well even the GSG why so small if he wanted to leave a message.
                            G U T

                            There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                            • Originally posted by GUT View Post
                              G'day again c.d.

                              Well even the GSG why so small if he wanted to leave a message.
                              Hello GUT,

                              Good point, although it could be argued that the apron was doing the talking.



                              • Originally posted by c.d. View Post
                                Hello GUT,

                                Good point, although it could be argued that the apron was doing the talking.

                                G'day c.d.

                                Which someone off to work could easily have picked up and dropped on the rubbish pile and we'd never have heard of it.

                                it just doesn't work for me [most of the time anyway] as the way to deliver a message.
                                G U T

                                There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.

