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The GSG - Did Jack write it? POLL

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  • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    perhaps. But what do we know about the prevalence of anti jewish (or any grafitti, for that matter) in the area? not much-dosnt seem like there was a lot of it around. and besides-what about grafitti found right above a victims bloody apron? too much of a coincidence for me.
    Hard to say, I don't know how prevalent this kind of graffiti was, Abby. The late Martin Fido hypothesised that the graffiti was left by an angry patron who felt he'd been swindled by a Jewish trader. The apron just happened to be found there.

    If I was a killer who ducked into an alleyway, and my murder weapon was found under some graffiti, would that automatically mean they were connected?

    Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    id go with the majority of police officers who did think it was from the killer, and connected with jews, so much they had it washed off.
    Supt Arnold thought it was unconnected but still had it scrubbed as a precaution.


    • Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post

      Was the message (anti) semitic ?
      Hence the parentheses. It's open to interpretation but it's easy to read what the author was getting at.

      The Jewish people have been persecuted throughout history, most would say unfairly. The GSG author felt they weren't as blameless as they made out to be.


      • Originally posted by Harry D View Post
        Hence the parentheses. It's open to interpretation but it's easy to read what the author was getting at.

        The Jewish people have been persecuted throughout history, most would say unfairly. The GSG author felt they weren't as blameless as they made out to be.
        The author could have been a Jew.

        Yes, it`s easy to look back a century later and say oh yes it was more anti-semitic stuff.
        But zoom into the details and go back to the locale in Sept 88 and ask yourself what specifically the jews were been blamed for, and then bung a piece of a victims`s clothing under it.
        Last edited by Jon Guy; 06-19-2019, 03:42 PM.


        • Originally posted by Harry D View Post

          Supt Arnold thought it was unconnected but still had it scrubbed as a precaution.
          Do you have a source for this please ?


          • Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post

            Do you have a source for this please ?
            Complete JTR A-Z


            • Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post

              The author could have been a Jew.
              Could a Jewish immigrant write in a "schoolboy's round hand"? How many of them were literate?


              • Originally posted by Harry D View Post

                Could a Jewish immigrant write in a "schoolboy's round hand"? How many of them were literate?
                YES !!
                Most of the educated people in Whitechapel were Jewish


                • Originally posted by Harry D View Post

                  Complete JTR A-Z
                  Aha.. yes, of course. There is none.


                  • Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post

                    YES !!
                    Most of the educated people in Whitechapel were Jewish
                    And would a jewish immigrant write in cockney double-negative?


                    • Originally posted by Jon Guy View Post

                      Aha.. yes, of course. There is none.
                      You'll have to take that up with messieurs Begg & Skinner:


                      • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                        rinse and repeat post 2771.

                        All you verified was that he died from a stroke. You dont know the facts when it comes to gull , go back and read the chapter on gull from knights book and just might learn something. knights research has nothing to do with Joseph gorman where gulls concerned .who by the way i keep telling you recanted the ''i made the whole thing up'' statement long ago , but like i said you only want to believe what you want to so please stop crying about that .
                        knight’s book is the last place I’d look to for facts. Can you really not understand Fishy that your are the only person that gives credence to this drivel? The ship sailed long ago. It’s over. Get a life!

                        I haven’t just verified that he had a stroke I’ve rebutted your nonsense about him recovering. He could even carry on seeing patients!! It’s hardly strenuous work but his stroke made it impossible. So how could he have committed mutilations that were far more strenuous than things he couldn’t do?!

                        A toddler could understand this Fishy and so can you. You’re just to dishonest to admit it.

                        As for overwhelming evident you might want to dismiss a few suspects you been trying to pin theses murders on as they surely have been discarded well over 40 years ago.
                        i haven’t tried to pin these murders on anyone. I, like others, have discussed various suspects. I have said that anyone was the ripper. But I’ll tell you something for nothing Fishy if any single suspect had had half the evidence against him as the Gull fantasy does I’d have abandoned it years ago. Hold on.......oh yeah, everyone has abandoned it......except for Fishy.

                        ill will see your 1000 and gladly raise it 1000 if you can prove that anyone on this planet can replicate in dark, in 5 minutes all the damage that was done to eddowes . strange after 130 years you think that someone would have tried it already but noooooooooooooo . Because it cant be done ...thats why.

                        That is by far and away the stupidest post I’ve ever read. EVER.

                        ok I’ll nip out tonight at dark and butcher a prostitute and remove a kidney just to see if it can be done!!

                        > you think that someone would have tried!!!>


                        By the way you never replied to the nonsense you spouted about Halse.

                        William Gull


                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • Blah blah blah still not listening , go check the facts on gull. knights research about his life is spot on. I was talking about an experiment on an dead animal similar to a human like a pig for instance , geez how dumb can you get . rinse and repeat 2771.. stop looking for the boogie man in the long black coat and top hat carrying a gladstone bag ,he dosent exist. im sure packer stem and fisherman agree
                          Last edited by FISHY1118; 06-19-2019, 11:31 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                            perhaps. But what do we know about the prevalence of anti jewish (or any grafitti, for that matter) in the area? not much-dosnt seem like there was a lot of it around. and besides-what about grafitti found right above a victims bloody apron? too much of a coincidence for me.
                            Hi Abby, stopping-by to see where the boards are at

                            I'm inclined towards the "too much coincidence" argument also. What's the lifespan of chalk graffito? I know that the board has discussed how the writing woulda-shoulda been erased by a resident Jew almost immediately. But, I'm also thinking that chalk is not spray paint; meaning, the natural elements of the weather and population are going to dissolve the chalk material away more instantaneous than the type of King Robbo or Banksy graffito that we are accustomed to in the 21st century. And yes, I am aware that there writing was written in a semi-exposed area, not fully given to the rain; still, the "newness" of chalk has a short lifespan. I think of children who make chalk drawings on the pavement and outside walls; and, how those scribbles and sketches appear faded the very next day even tho the only element that they were exposed to being the outside air.
                            What we have is a comprehensible sentence written in its' entirety. Although the verbiage is debated, there was no remark of a letter or word being "eroded" (to suggest that the grafitto had been long standing and had time to suffer some form of destruction). Whether it was ever explained or not, I get the impression that the grafitto was recent, something that had been written within hours (not days nor weeks) of finding the bloody piece of apron. So, for me, this raises the "coincidence" flag.

                            What makes it too much coincidence is the bloody apron being found directly below the grafitto. It could be easier to dismiss the coincidence IF it had been reported that the bloody piece had been found under an archway and the grafitto was written (further up the staircase OR on a wall opposite from where the piece was found OR just elsewhere in general). But, to find the apron directly under the writing just means that Jack the Ripper just happened to randomly discard a piece of evidence in such an incidental way so that it happened to perfectly and directly land under a grafitto which may be (mis)interpreted as anti-Semitic lingo within a neighborhood commonly known for its' Jewish markets...

                            I think I'll stick with "Jack the Ripper wrote it". Hope all's well, been a while since I've shared my two pence

                            there,s nothing new, only the unexplored


                            • Nowhere is it said that the apron piece was "directly" below the graffito. Indeed, Long only discovered the writing as he searched the passage for signs of blood after finding the apron, which suggests that the two items weren't in the same field of view.
                              Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                              "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                              • Constable Alfred Long'' The apron was lying in the passage leading to the staircase of Nos. 106 to 119, a model dwelling-house. Above on the wall was written in chalk'', "The Jews'' . i guess one could make the argument the apron was directly below the writing based solely on the word ''above'' that long uses. each to his own interpretation i guess

