Originally posted by Trevor Marriott
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It is surprising, because you have always insisted - and still do - that newspaper reports that contradict your baseless theory are secondary and not to be relied on.
It is pleasant, because it means you might still arrive at a truthful understanding of the Ripper-events.
I certainly hope you will apply an analysis of the sources on those reports, official or otherwise, which should form the basis of your theory.
Perhaps you would then understand, that if you wish to know what Eddowes was wearing, we have primary sources containing a firsthand account of what witnesses during the inquest said she was wearing.
Yes, Collard's list is a primary source - but it is not the only one!
Perhaps you would then realize that newspaper reports from the inquests are, in fact, also primary sources if you wish to know what was said during the proceedings. Bonus points for realizing, as you mention, that not all such reports are primary since there were such things as syndication and copying from one newspaper to another.
Perhaps you would then refrain from making broad, sweeping statements about sources and posters that disagree with you.
And perhaps you might stop accusing others of being gullible. "researchers have been naive enough to accept the old accepted theories without question"
The truth is that everyone else mainly accept the "old theory" because everybody knows that serious research has to based on the sources available. It is after a close reading of the sources, including questioning previous assumptions, that we can state as historical facts that Eddowes was wearing an apron when murdered, and that approximately half the apron was later deposited in Goulston Street.
So please don't pretend that others accept anything without question. Apply the categories of primary /secondary sources you refer to above, and see what happens to your theory.