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Pawn tickets in Mitre Square
Originally posted by Pierre View PostHi Jeff,
Thanks. I would have had no reason for worrying about the pawn tickets were it not for the names they contain.
And you canīt test things from 1888 against a website. You need data from the past.
I have a really big problem now, and that is the collection of sources pointing in a direction I do not wish them to point. Nothing has changed. On the contrary.
Here is an interesting book on serial killerīs communications by the way:
Clues From Killers: Serial Murder And Crime Scene Messages, Dirk C. Gibson.
Best wishes, Pierre
Dear Pierre
I really wish you would explain why you say its a problem!
Why do you not wish the data to point in one direction?
Why do you find the truth as you see it uncomfortable?
The often repeated comments that you hope you are wrong, are not what I expect from a historian or a scientist of any note.
The prime goal of such disciplines is to reveal the "truth".
If that is not possible then the goal must be to take us to a position closer to solution than when we started, be that in this field, studying the dead sea scrolls, an area we know you are interested in, or advances in medicine.
As an Historian surely you want the past to reveal its secrets?
However you claim to be uncomfortable with the solution you are studying here. One is tempted to ask why then study history?
Despite what you repeat, it is obvious to all that this "project" is of some importance to you.
To pretend it is not is somewhat self-defeating, when one spends several hours most days on this site, and spends time researching, it strongly suggests that this "project" is important and this forum is something you wish to be involved in.
I am like Jeff, I feel that you have made a worthwhile contribution in some areas, However the portrayal of yourself as some form of martyr to History, is at once both faintly amusing and very annoying.
Hope the research come to a good conclusion for you anyway.
SteveLast edited by Elamarna; 07-30-2016, 02:50 PM.
Originally posted by Errata View PostSo, I can't help it. I just want you to know what you are arguing.
I'm a genius. That and five bucks will get me a cup of coffee, but I am. I'm sure many people here are. Certainly there are several world class thinkers I admire, and hey, I'm a genius.
You want to know how many other names my full name spells out?
No idea. Not an effing clue. And I'm a genius so in theory if anyone was going to know how many other names my name spells out, it would be me.
Yes. I could sit down and devote a couple of days to making a list. But I haven't yet, and don't foresee doing it. It's not that its hard, it's that its a completely pointless task with little to no reward.
So you are arguing, in essence that either a genius or a psychotically dedicated individual actually sat down and Voldemort-ed his name rather that simply come up with a random alias. Not something a genius would do by the way, since a genius is smart enough to realize how much easier making **** up is.
So you are looking for Voldemort. I'm not kidding. Evil psychopath self obsessed to the point of compulsively playing Boggle with his own name, using it for nefarious undercover purposes in order to protect his real identity while still maintaining the sanctity of his own name in scrambled form. Such a singular form of narcissism that it became a major plot point in a fantasy book and movie for kids. For kids, because every adult wondered why he didn't just go with John Parker or something equally easy.
So you are looking for Voldemort. I just want to make that clear. How likely is it that some guy was actually pulling a Voldemort and got away with it?"Is all that we see or seem
but a dream within a dream?"
-Edgar Allan Poe
"...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."
-Frederick G. Abberline
Dear Pierre
I really wish you would explain why you say its a problem!
Why do you not wish the data to point in one direction?
Why do you find the truth as you see it uncomfortable?
because this is for real.
Best wishes, Pierre
[QUOTE=Pierre;389662]Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
Hi Steve,
because this is for real.
Best wishes, Pierre
Historians uncover truths that they may not like all the time, as do all scientists, it is part of the discipline, why do you find that hard?
your reply is not an answer, it is evasion.
so sad that you cannot give an answer which is meaningful.
Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
Sorry Pierre
Historians uncover truths that they may not like all the time, as do all scientists, it is part of the discipline, why do you find that hard?
your reply is not an answer, it is evasion.
so sad that you cannot give an answer which is meaningful.
SteveLast edited by GUT; 08-04-2016, 02:02 AM.G U T
There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.
[QUOTE=Pierre;389662]Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
Hi Steve,
because this is for real.
Best wishes, Pierre
How can that possibly be within reason? Facts about the past on many subjects crop up that were unknown previously - all it leads to is a deeper understanding of motivations or of causation. It does not make us totally uncomfortable, as most people don't care.
Originally posted by Paddy View PostI found an Emily Burel in the workhouse records she was said to be living at 52 Flower and Dean Street and the Workhouse dated Dec 1885 . Wife of Nathan..... Have copied details below.
Think this could be her....
Name: Emily Burel
Birth Date: abt 1853
Admission Age: 32
Admission Date: 14 Dec 1885
Discharge Date: 8 Apr 1886
Record Type: Admission and Discharge
Borough: Tower Hamlets
Parish or Poor Law Union: Stepney
Place: London, England
Title: Workhouses and Institutions, 1885-1887
Makes sense to me.
There is another 6 Dorset,possibly Court. Off Dorset Street.
Occupants in the 1881 Census.....a Barnett family. Not relatives though.
I don't know who the killer was but I'm entirely convinced that whoever it was didn't leave his name in anagram form at one of the crime scenes. Pierre, if you're relying on this kind of "evidence" to make a case for your suspect you're going down a well-trodden (and utterly discredited) route.I won't always agree but I'll try not to be disagreeable.
Originally posted by Bridewell View PostI don't know who the killer was but I'm entirely convinced that whoever it was didn't leave his name in anagram form at one of the crime scenes. Pierre, if you're relying on this kind of "evidence" to make a case for your suspect you're going down a well-trodden (and utterly discredited) route.
Originally posted by Bridewell View PostI don't know who the killer was but I'm entirely convinced that whoever it was didn't leave his name in anagram form at one of the crime scenes. Pierre, if you're relying on this kind of "evidence" to make a case for your suspect you're going down a well-trodden (and utterly discredited) route.
I am actually not relying on anything. I merely ask questions. Sometimes the sources kick back. I let them.
Hypothesis are preliminary working tools.
They are not the Bible.
Regards, Pierre
Originally posted by Pierre View PostIt is not for you to decide whether or not a serial killer expressed himself through letters and in what form.
In this case, however, I wasn't 'deciding whether or not a serial killer expressed himself through letters and in what form'. I was simply stating a fact based on what you have told us.
Although you initially said in#103 that we were dealing with "An anagram for a complete, full name with all the given names and the surname", it transpires that we are not dealing with an anagram at all because, according to you, not all the letters in the puzzle have been used to create 'the solution'.
That is why I said accurately: "I wouldn't mind, but the 'puzzle' Pierre is telling us the killer left for the police isn't even an anagram!"
Originally posted by David Orsam View PostYou are wrong actually Pierre. I can do this as much as anyone else if I want to.
In this case, however, I wasn't 'deciding whether or not a serial killer expressed himself through letters and in what form'. I was simply stating a fact based on what you have told us.
Although you initially said in#103 that we were dealing with "An anagram for a complete, full name with all the given names and the surname", it transpires that we are not dealing with an anagram at all because, according to you, not all the letters in the puzzle have been used to create 'the solution'.
That is why I said accurately: "I wouldn't mind, but the 'puzzle' Pierre is telling us the killer left for the police isn't even an anagram!"
Now, read this word puzzle from the BTK-killer. Compared to this, the mustard tin is a simple little thing.
Now, read this word puzzle from the BTK-killer. Compared to this, the mustard tin is a simple little thing.
You do not need to state the obvious again, i.e. telling us the contents of these different sources, but it would be interesting to hear some more theoretic and analytic comments for once.
One could, for example, start with such questions as:
What do you think about the BTK-killers communication?
What do you think he wanted to achieve?
What could a killer in Mitre Square have wanted to achieve with a communication in a mustard tin?
What are the differences between the two types of communication and what could they imply?
For example, you have a lot more redundant letters in the BTK-communication and there are many more words included in the communication he sent.
I am also very interested in the date of the murders and the communications left at this date as well as in a possible connection to the two sources, the mustard tin and the Goulston Street graffito. I am also very interested in what you think about the possible recipient(s) of these communications.
What are your theoretic and/or analytic opinions about this?Last edited by Pierre; 08-18-2016, 05:34 AM.