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The GOGMAGOG-letter

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  • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
    Great minds, yes indeed. Was Socrates a scientist? Was Descartes a scientist? Was Sartre a scientist? Have they been peer-reviewed? Is the scientist a scientist because of his name, because of his titles or because of his education or methods?

    Regards, Pierre
    Pierre - your ignorance of history in the field of science and in the field of philosophy is amazing for such a self-proclaimed expert. In Socrates day there was no profession called "scientist". They had what was called "natural philosophers". There were some mathematicians, such as Pythagoras and Archimedes, and some of them put their ideas to practical uses (like Archimedes), but most did not. Aristotle is usually considered the first major scientist of the ancient world TODAY, but in his day he was a natural philosopher and teacher (of Alexander the Great for example). Aristotle is the first ancient writer to try to figure out the basic beginnings of everything on the planet - whose writings we have more or less completely. Much of what he said has since been disproved, but even so it was quite impressive.

    Other philosophers who discussed their opinions on what made up matter did put down these ideas but their works were lost to us except for small excerpts or synopsis that were copied down in encyclopedias like Pliny the Elder's "Natural History" (you remember him - he was the savant and Roman Admiral, who was killed by the fumes from Mt. Vesuvius in the eruption of 79 A.D. that destroyed Pompeii and Herculenium - not to be confused with his nephew Pliny the Younger who left us an account of his Uncle's death in his surviving letters).

    Socrates left no writings. His teachings (as they are) are found in the books of Plato, his greatest student, and in those of Xenophon the Athenian soldier and historian (hero of the "Anabasis"). Historians using these two sources, as well as Aristophanes' play "The Clouds" and a passage in Thucydides' "History of the Peloponnesian War" to figure out what Socrates actually said, as they ascribe the ideas given in Plato's works like "The Symposium" and "The Republic" as mostly Plato's, but Xenophon makes Socrates seem more accessible on a lower level. What both do show is Socrates creation of the "question and answer" method now called after him:
    "The Socratic Method". It was a great step forward, as it was to arrive at the truth - though many have bent it to arrive at their own concepts of the truth. Socrates himself has been accused of this in some of Plato's dialogs, but these may be Plato himself doing it. After all, Plato does have Socrates talk of the need for a "philosopher king" to rule in "The Republic", but it seems to many scholars that this is Plato's belated attempt at wish fulfillment that Socrates should have had such a post, rather than being tried and condemned by Athens and put to death with hemlock.

    Rene Descartes was one of several figures in the early 17th Century who revolutionized scientific curiosity and method. His chief is the "Critique of Pure Reason", which showed how to properly reason out a problem, but in particular aimed at application to scientific efforts. Still he and his contemporaries (Sir Francis Bacon comes to mind) were also into other fields. Bacon was Lord Chancellor of England for awhile, until he was impeached and removed for corruption in the reign of King James I of England and Vi of Scotland (this was before the unification of Scotland and England in 1707). Bacon did conduct scientific experiments on his own, and died from a severe cold contracted when he tried to use snow in a 17th Century attempt at food refrigeration (I kid you not on that!). Others in the movement were Giordano Bruno (who fell under the disapproval of the Inquisition and was burned at the stake in 1600) and Galileo (who ended up under house arrest for insisting that Copernicus' theory of a sun centered solar system was proved by his own findings). Descartes concentrated on mathematics, pointing out that it gave the firmest and surest background to proving all issues in science, and basically he connects the ancient mathematicians to modern math by giving the feet to modern algebra. However, like Bacon he had other abilities, and he would die in Stockholm in the 1630s when he went there to be an advisor to Queen Christina.

    Why you put Jean-Paul Sartre on the three choices you gave is anyone's guess! Sartre, the father of the movement of "existentialism" was a writer, not (as far as I recall) a scientist. He wrote a novel or two also (most notably "Nausea"). He also was a bit too fond of the left of center views of the students of his period - and frequently supported the Soviet Union in it's actions, as opposed to the U.S. Perhaps because you are French (at least I believe so) you think highly of him, but "existentialism" was already on the decline during the last decade or so of Sartre's life.

    My answer is not going to please you, and I suspect it is too long, and really not on the topic of the GogMagog Letter, but you insisted on responding to an earlier comment of mine so I had to offer a little response. No doubt you will tear it apart - or try to do so.



    • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
      Great minds, yes indeed. Was Socrates a scientist? Was Descartes a scientist? Was Sartre a scientist? Have they been peer-reviewed? Is the scientist a scientist because of his name, because of his titles or because of his education or methods?

      Regards, Pierre
      If your basing it I your methods, another failure in qualifying a a scientist,

      if in your name, we know it not,

      if on your education or titles, those you refuse to disclose.

      So we all have to say Pierre a scientist is not.
      G U T

      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


      • Originally posted by SuspectZero View Post
        I believe you said you were a scientist. No?
        yes, all the time.

        Is he now saying he is a philosopher, well that is not a scientist, never has been and never will be

        From Pierre

        "That the paper should have the ID and address of the writer."

        Without those details how could the police be expected to contact the writer?

        " They could have believed so without having evidence. "

        a belief based on what?

        When i said evidence that would include the letter itself and plus suspicions they had, if nothing else, it was a moral duty on the part of the editor.

        "And who cares if you call everything "he" says "a personal opinion"? "

        PIERRE does because on 23rd December he said

        "Gut feeling", "personal opinions" and stuff like that can not be used to write history."

        "Yes. Do note that. That is his personal opinion."

        Actually he said

        "Hi Amanda,

        No. I´m a scientist.

        Regards Pierre "


        I am a scientist but not within the field of natural science.

        Pierre "

        "Hi Steve,

        I have several exams within the social sciences.

        Regards Pierre "


        • What is known as a good all rounder?


          • Originally posted by Pierre View Post
            Great minds, yes indeed. Was Socrates a scientist? Was Descartes a scientist? Was Sartre a scientist? Have they been peer-reviewed? Is the scientist a scientist because of his name, because of his titles or because of his education or methods?

            Regards, Pierre
            Hi Pierre,

            Scientist or nay, you're definitely something of an enigma. I'm therefore going to respond, somewhat uncharacteristically, with a quote:

            "Curiouser and curiouser"


            • Originally posted by DJA View Post
              What is known as a good all rounder?
              Or a great artist, I think most can guess what sort of artist I mean.
              G U T

              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


              • I think Pierre may see himself as a scientist by this definition: "A scientist is a person engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a scientist may refer to an individual who uses the scientific method. The person may be an expert in one or more areas of science." - Wikipedia
                or by this:
                "A person who is trained in a science and whose job involves doing scientific research or solving scientific problems" - Merriam Webster


                • Interesting at one point dear old Pierre bless his little cotton socks, said he'd taken a few exams in the social Sciences, not even that he'd passed them or had a degree of any kind.

                  Yet still so down on anyone without academic qualifications.

                  Go figure.
                  G U T

                  There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                  • Originally posted by GUT View Post
                    Interesting at one point dear old Pierre bless his little cotton socks, said he'd taken a few exams in the social Sciences, not even that he'd passed them or had a degree of any kind.

                    Yet still so down on anyone without academic qualifications.

                    Go figure.
                    sorry Gut

                    but he did say long ago:

                    "No. I don´t have a university degree. I have several. "

                    but when asked to confirm:

                    Originally Posted by curious4

                    "I see. In?"

                    the reply

                    "You really are curious for a lot of things, aren´t you. I think that´s an excellent quality if you are doing research."

                    Regards Pierre 26-10-2015

                    However before that date 6-10-2015
                    the following exchange took place

                    Originally Posted by Pierre

                    "No. I´m a scientist."

                    Originally Posted by Shaggyrand

                    "Pierre, could you be a little bit more specific on that? Psychology? Physics? A biologist? Library science? Crowd-science? Doing some PAR or participatory monitoring? Just curious. I do not mean to overstep your comfortable boundaries or pry much."

                    reply by Pierre

                    "Torn between beeing rude and polite."

                    Simply evasive, Never going to tell anyone Anything at all
                    Last edited by Elamarna; 01-09-2016, 05:30 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
                      sorry Gut

                      but he did say long ago:

                      "No. I don´t have a university degree. I have several. "

                      but when asked to confirm:

                      Originally Posted by curious4

                      "I see. In?"

                      the reply

                      "You really are curious for a lot of things, aren´t you. I think that´s an excellent quality if you are doing research."

                      Regards Pierre 26-10-2015

                      However before that date 6-10-2015
                      the following exchange took place

                      Originally Posted by Pierre

                      "No. I´m a scientist."

                      Originally Posted by Shaggyrand

                      "Pierre, could you be a little bit more specific on that? Psychology? Physics? A biologist? Library science? Crowd-science? Doing some PAR or participatory monitoring? Just curious. I do not mean to overstep your comfortable boundaries or pry much."

                      reply by Pierre

                      "Torn between beeing rude and polite."

                      Simply evasive, Never going to tell anyone Anything at all
                      Maybe simply nothing to tell.

                      My bad I meant degree in any science field.

                      But that's just based in the horse twaddle he posts.
                      Last edited by GUT; 01-09-2016, 06:02 PM.
                      G U T

                      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                      • This thread has turned into 6 men and a baby.
                        Clearly the first human laws (way older and already established) spawned organized religion's morality - from which it's writers only copied/stole,ex. you cannot kill,rob,steal (forced,it started civil society).
                        M. Pacana


                        • Life is much happier when you open your heart to the philosophy of Pierre. As you know, following his methods, I have identified Jack the Ripper as a civil servant called Edward Fairfield who, I believe, prowled around Whitechapel pretending to be Bishop Bedford of the East End.

                          I mentioned yesterday that I have a data source explaining how this is consistent with Pierre's theory of JTR being a police official and as a gift to this forum and I will reveal it here and now.

                          Between his letters to the Times of 1 and 9 October 1888, Fairfield wrote again to the Times on 3 October 1888 (published in the Times of 4 October) using the initials "H.P.B." in which, showing his arrogance and contempt of the police, he revealed his cunning plan in its entirety.

                          As you can see below, the letter is clearly from the same person. It starts, as he always does, "Sir, - Perhaps you will allow me..." and makes the usual ironic prediction at the end, this time about another Titus Oates.

                          The plan he reveals is that he will accuse an innocent man of being the Ripper to collect the inevitable reward!!

                          Pierre has interpreted all the clues correctly pointing to a police official, such as the chevron on Eddowes' face and the letter signed GOGMAGOG (meaning "a protector of the people of London") although it has a deeper hidden meaning because Gog and Magog were two separate individuals and the killer was saying he had a split personality, being both Fairfield and the pretend Bishop of the East End.

                          Basically, Fairfield was deliberately planting clues which pointed to a certain police official. Eventually he would frame him to collect the large reward but he was foiled by the fact that the authorities never offered the reward.
                          Attached Files


                          • Originally posted by David Orsam View Post
                            Life is much happier when you open your heart to the philosophy of Pierre. As you know, following his methods, I have identified Jack the Ripper as a civil servant called Edward Fairfield who, I believe, prowled around Whitechapel pretending to be Bishop Bedford of the East End.

                            I mentioned yesterday that I have a data source explaining how this is consistent with Pierre's theory of JTR being a police official and as a gift to this forum and I will reveal it here and now.

                            Between his letters to the Times of 1 and 9 October 1888, Fairfield wrote again to the Times on 3 October 1888 (published in the Times of 4 October) using the initials "H.P.B." in which, showing his arrogance and contempt of the police, he revealed his cunning plan in its entirety.

                            As you can see below, the letter is clearly from the same person. It starts, as he always does, "Sir, - Perhaps you will allow me..." and makes the usual ironic prediction at the end, this time about another Titus Oates.

                            The plan he reveals is that he will accuse an innocent man of being the Ripper to collect the inevitable reward!!

                            Pierre has interpreted all the clues correctly pointing to a police official, such as the chevron on Eddowes' face and the letter signed GOGMAGOG (meaning "a protector of the people of London") although it has a deeper hidden meaning because Gog and Magog were two separate individuals and the killer was saying he had a split personality, being both Fairfield and the pretend Bishop of the East End.

                            Basically, Fairfield was deliberately planting clues which pointed to a certain police official. Eventually he would frame him to collect the large reward but he was foiled by the fact that the authorities never offered the reward.
                            Fascinating. Of course Fairfield was forgetting that Titus Oates, after being a perjured witness against the Catholics (this time possibly against the Jews/"Juwes") was eventually condemned to a brutal public whipping.

                            No doubt that might have happened (or worse) to Fairfield.



                            • Originally posted by Varqm View Post
                              This thread has turned into 6 men and a baby.
                              G U T

                              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                              • Originally posted by GUT View Post
                                Pierre's probably the baby.
                                “If I cannot bend heaven, I will raise hell.”

