My first post here so I hope I put it in the right place. I'm a beginner in ripperology, so excuse me if the question seems stupid. I have also to state that I'm french, and that I could make language mistakes.
So, the question is : do we know any graffito, apart from the Goulston Street one, which were allegedly made by the Ripper, or even signed "Jack the Ripper" ?
I've just read in the book "Leather Apron" (1888) : "The discovery of a piece of chalk-writing on the shutter of a house in Hanbury Street, next door to where the horrible assassination of the Chapman woman had taken place, greatly inflamated the public mind (...) (he) stated that he had now killed four and that he would give himself up to the police when he had killed sixteen." ( page 9 )
Does this graffito actually existed ? Is there any mention on newspapers or police reports ? Or is it a false information given by the writer, who mixed up with Ripper's letters ?
I've read in one dissertation on Goulston Street that they were several graffiti, thought to be hoaxes by police, related to the murders. Do we have any record ?
Answers welcomed
My first post here so I hope I put it in the right place. I'm a beginner in ripperology, so excuse me if the question seems stupid. I have also to state that I'm french, and that I could make language mistakes.
So, the question is : do we know any graffito, apart from the Goulston Street one, which were allegedly made by the Ripper, or even signed "Jack the Ripper" ?
I've just read in the book "Leather Apron" (1888) : "The discovery of a piece of chalk-writing on the shutter of a house in Hanbury Street, next door to where the horrible assassination of the Chapman woman had taken place, greatly inflamated the public mind (...) (he) stated that he had now killed four and that he would give himself up to the police when he had killed sixteen." ( page 9 )
Does this graffito actually existed ? Is there any mention on newspapers or police reports ? Or is it a false information given by the writer, who mixed up with Ripper's letters ?
I've read in one dissertation on Goulston Street that they were several graffiti, thought to be hoaxes by police, related to the murders. Do we have any record ?
Answers welcomed
