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The Lusk Letter - Swanson's Transcription
Hi Stewart,
Thanks for posting that. It seems that the ambiguity in the shapes of the letters in the Sir/Sor opening are present in this transcript as well. Comparing the end of that word to the "for" later in the message it doesn't look particularly like the last two letters are "or," but then the letter shapes of the I's, O's and R's here change throughout the message as well.
Dan Norder
Ripper Notes: The International Journal for Ripper Studies
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Originally posted by Dan Norder View PostHi Stewart,
Thanks for posting that. It seems that the ambiguity in the shapes of the letters in the Sir/Sor opening are present in this transcript as well. Comparing the end of that word to the "for" later in the message it doesn't look particularly like the last two letters are "or," but then the letter shapes of the I's, O's and R's here change throughout the message as well.SPE
Treat me gently I'm a newbie.
Great item, thanks for posting that Stewart.I was wondering if anyone knew when the convention of signing handwritten letters at the bottom left of the document became in vogue.
It seems to me that perhaps the reason we see "Catch me when you can" in 3 lines is because the first line was started too close to the right border, and when he writes the second line he also aligns it towards the right side as well. Im assuming it was written to resemble the overall appearance and alignment of the original, it seems quite close.
This particular letter..not so much the sample with it, I find chilling. Its a casual letter in that its not all knife threats and blood spilling, to a Local man hunting the Ripper. It reminds me of Zodiak reaching out to validate he was a real person. The obvious difference being the Zodiak chose his own name.
Best regards all.
Thanks Stewart!
This is pure supposition and fancy, but the lip-smacking way he wrote about the knife suggest to me that it was in front of him when he wrote the letter. Given that this letter is not signed Jack the Ripper, and given its attachment, I think there is a strong possibility that this is the only communication from the murderer himself. And as I've written on other threads, I've long thought that a knife wasn't just a knife with this guy!
Originally posted by thewastelandr View PostThat's interesting what you said... "a knife wasn't just a knife with this guy!" It is his tool of choice, like a writer with his pen, a wizard with his wand. The extension of his arm.
Welcome wastelandr.
Are there 2 letters where the "t" in tother is?
Originally posted by thewastelandr View PostWhy thank you.
courtesy of
–adjective, pronoun Older Use. that other; the other.
Also, t'other.
1175–1225; ME the tother for thet other, var. of that other the other
Originally posted by thewastelandr View PostThat's interesting what you said... "a knife wasn't just a knife with this guy!" It is his tool of choice, like a writer with his pen, a wizard with his wand. The extension of his arm.Joan
I ain't no student of ancient culture. Before I talk, I should read a book. -- The B52s
I've said before that I see Jack as someone who loved his knife and cutting things up. His choice of victims was due to convenience, I think. He just wanted to play with his knife.
That is a great link back to the Jungle Book! It's such a philosophical movie.Best,