I was under the impression from your previous post to which I was answering that you were merely asking what exactly my theories about Mortimer were, not about that particular press report in particular, hence why I pointed you back to the article.
When it comes down to it, there is conflicting evidence about what happened in Berner Street that night. People can reconstruct different timetables to try to reconcile the differences, and they will all have their virtues and their deficiencies. But unless some new evidence emerges, no one is going to be proved right about this, and no one is going to be proved wrong. It will all remain just a matter of opinion.
In almost any other circumstance I would agree with you here, but in the case of Berner Street and, for the benefit of our debate, Fanny Mortimer, I disagree. It is difficult to conclusively "prove" anything, BUT we are lucky enough to have such a plethora of witnesses to the minutes preceding Liz Stride's murder, along with the aforementioned press reports, and other such information, that if we piece everything together in a sensible, logical fashion, then I believe we can, beyond all reasonable doubt, build a solid timeline of the events in Berner Street and therefore use that as a measuring stick for Mortimer's testimony - THAT is what i've done before and what I intend to do more thoroughly in the future, and THAT is how i've come to the conclusions I have about her testimony.
It really isn't all that complicated. Honestly.
So, with Tom proving himself to be more mouse than man, are you prepared to become my opponent debater in article format? Or do I have to debate with myself?
Indeed we have discussed all of this on JTR Forums before, along with Chris Phillips, which is why I was more than a little perplexed by some of the comments that have been made here.
All I want to say is....LOL!
I was under the impression from your previous post to which I was answering that you were merely asking what exactly my theories about Mortimer were, not about that particular press report in particular, hence why I pointed you back to the article.
When it comes down to it, there is conflicting evidence about what happened in Berner Street that night. People can reconstruct different timetables to try to reconcile the differences, and they will all have their virtues and their deficiencies. But unless some new evidence emerges, no one is going to be proved right about this, and no one is going to be proved wrong. It will all remain just a matter of opinion.
In almost any other circumstance I would agree with you here, but in the case of Berner Street and, for the benefit of our debate, Fanny Mortimer, I disagree. It is difficult to conclusively "prove" anything, BUT we are lucky enough to have such a plethora of witnesses to the minutes preceding Liz Stride's murder, along with the aforementioned press reports, and other such information, that if we piece everything together in a sensible, logical fashion, then I believe we can, beyond all reasonable doubt, build a solid timeline of the events in Berner Street and therefore use that as a measuring stick for Mortimer's testimony - THAT is what i've done before and what I intend to do more thoroughly in the future, and THAT is how i've come to the conclusions I have about her testimony.
It really isn't all that complicated. Honestly.
So, with Tom proving himself to be more mouse than man, are you prepared to become my opponent debater in article format? Or do I have to debate with myself?
Indeed we have discussed all of this on JTR Forums before, along with Chris Phillips, which is why I was more than a little perplexed by some of the comments that have been made here.
All I want to say is....LOL!
