The letters all have different handwriting and the signature all differs.
The letter to Dr oppenshaw is in my opinion crucial to the mystery. In that letter mention is made of a scalpel.microscope and a slide used with a microscope.
It has been suggested that the sending of the kidney was instigated by a medical student.i have to ask who else in victorian times would have that knowledge of those type of instruments other than persons connected with medicine.
It was also suggested that the kidney was linked to Eddowes by reason of Brights disease. if that be the case i still come back to my beleif that the organs were not removed by the killer at the scene but by other persons. If this be the case then as i said before a mediacl student could have quite easily have been resposible.
The letter to Dr oppenshaw is in my opinion crucial to the mystery. In that letter mention is made of a scalpel.microscope and a slide used with a microscope.
It has been suggested that the sending of the kidney was instigated by a medical student.i have to ask who else in victorian times would have that knowledge of those type of instruments other than persons connected with medicine.
It was also suggested that the kidney was linked to Eddowes by reason of Brights disease. if that be the case i still come back to my beleif that the organs were not removed by the killer at the scene but by other persons. If this be the case then as i said before a mediacl student could have quite easily have been resposible.