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Fenian Brotherhood 1864-1897

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  • Fenian Brotherhood 1864-1897

    This may already be known or been mentioned but I just discovered that Find My Past are hosting full digitised files from the Foreign Office FO 5/ series- Fenian Brotherhood volumes 1 to 48 covering 1864 to 1897. The database is searchable by name (of recipient or sender of correspondence but not full text search ) or by date. There is also a browsable version

    The years covering 1888 contain Foreign Office correspondence relating to the investigation of J S Walsh, McKenna, 'Carroty Man' and others connected to the supposed plot to assassinate Balfour -a subject that has some crossover with the Whitechapel murders. It's not unseen material but it's a nice opportunity to view this primary source material for those interested in this research avenue who can't get to the National Archives​

  • #2
    Click image for larger version

Name:	millen.jpg
Views:	262
Size:	124.0 KB
ID:	804160

    An oldie but a goodie


    • #3

      Throwback Thursday and here's the Jubilee Plot
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Anyone familiar with the three names associated with a 'Nihilist' plot on the Imperial family attending the Jubilee celebrations in London in 1887?


        • #5
          Carroty Man - Blotchy ? Well you never know

