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Mtg with Joe Chetcuti,Robert,Neil Story May 10 2014

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  • Mtg with Joe Chetcuti,Robert,Neil Story May 10 2014

    It was a great pleasure to meet Joe Chetcuti who lives in California and was over here for a few days to meet up with people and do some sightseeing etc .Joe has written some terrific articles on Tumblety ,his leading suspect over the years and is still researching him.He was able to meet Jane Coram and her family and other friends he has made during his JtR research.And of course London,especially its East End where he was off to meet Don Rumbelow that Saturday afternoon.Four of us, Joe, Robert who posts on here regularly and Neil Story the author met for a delicious meal of fish and chips and ice cream sundaes at the Liberty Bounds pub on Tower Hill last Saturday 10th May.Here are some pictures we took . Great to meet you Joe-sorry you couldn't stop longer and don't forget to give Roger[Palmer] my very best wishes!

    picture 1] shows Joe Robert and me ; Pic 2]Neil Storey and Joe Chetcuti; Pic 3] Robert at the Liberty Bounds on Tower Hill London
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Natalie Severn; 05-13-2014, 04:32 AM.

  • #2

    Hello Norma. Thanks for posting these.

    Hope you are well.



    • #3
      Thanks Lynn-yes fine but after a year or more free of any kind of virus or whatever the hay fever season brought both Andy and me a week of feeling rotten!
      hope you are well too xx


      • #4
        Hi Nats

        It was very nice meeting you, Joe and Neil. I enjoyed it a lot, and I'm up for a repeat next year for more fish and chips - I mean - for another meeting with valued friends and colleagues.


        • #5
          It was so good to meet you Robert too after years and years of reading your sterling postings ! Yes looking forward too to our next meeting !


          • #6
            Did Joe mention my glass eye to anyone?


            • #7
              YES and he said you never remove it when people are eating Scott


              • #8
                How cool is this! I do know that Joe meeting up with Don Rumbelow wasn't in his plans. I also know that he had the time of his life!

                The Ripper's Haunts/JtR Suspect Dr. Francis Tumblety (Sunbury Press)


                • #9
                  Scott, don't ever look at the sun - you'll burn a hole in the back of your head.

                  This is from Joe Chetcuti:

                  Scott Nelson has no glass eye, but he does look very distinguished when wearing his Colonel Klink monocle.

                  Thank you for posting the photos, Norma. I'm so glad that Neil Storey took pictures last Saturday! I could see why Neil receives standing ovations for his presentations at Ripper Conferences. The man has a dynamic personality and he is extremely knowledgable in numerous subjects.

                  I thoroughly enjoyed the sites of London and the peaceful environment of the East Sussex village where I stayed. But it is the sharing of good company with Ripperology friends that truly stands out. I will remember that most of all.

                  I had the pleasure of meeting Chris Phillips at the British Library St. Pancras. Adrian Morris kindly joined me for a roast pork dinner on Brushfield Street. It was great to shake hands with Ricky Cobb, Lindsay Siviter, and John Bennett at the White Hart Pub. And I had a splendid time on Sunday night during John Bennett's Ripper Walk. He does a top-notch job.

                  I headed for the Tower Hill Ripper Walk on Saturday, but I got soaking wet in a rain storm on my way there and had to change plans. (We Californians wouldn't know how to operate an umbrella even if our lives depended on it.) I don't think Don Rumbelow conducts Ripper Walks from Tower Hill on Saturdays, but it would be an honor to meet him some day. The man is a legend.

                  Spending time with the great artist Jane Coram and her husband & daughter was a pure delight. They are such a talented and warm-hearted family. Friends like that are worth a mountain of gold.

                  But the most impressive part of the vacation was watching Robert chug down three tall 'Knickerbocker Glories' in less than a minute at the Liberty Bounds. The 16 year olds just couldn't keep up with him.

                  It was a memorable vacation and I'm glad you were a big part of it, Norma. There are plenty of good people in this Ripperology field of ours. Helpful people with good hearts, and it's a pleasure to be with you all.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Robert and Joe-first my apologies to Neil Storey for spelling his name wrongly---I knew the correct spelling it was just a typo-[twice in fact ] but sorry Neil. Neil and I agreed we would swap books as he said he would like a copy of my book on James Hanratty and the A6 in exchange for him sending me a copy of his book which sounds fascinating and I am looking forward very much to reading.

                    Yes Joe, Saturday was really great!


                    • #11
                      Hi Joe,Robert and Neil ! This photo of me was taken today- I had just cleaned out the shed after winter and discovered that some field mice had found an entire pack of premier bird seed and scoffed the lot -I am laughing at the thought of some very fat field mice who must have thought they were in heaven.What a mousey whiff there was though-
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Natalie Severn; 05-20-2014, 12:29 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Natalie Severn View Post
                        I am laughing at the thought of some very fat field mice who must have thought they were in heaven.What a mousey whiff there was though-
                        That'd be the bird-seed. Smells more like mice than mice do
                        Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                        "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                        • #13
                          You may be right Sam---how they got up there on the top shelf beggars belief but get there they did and it looked like they might have had a party!


                          • #14
                            I'm surprised no squirrels were involved, Nats.


                            • #15
                              Hi Robert, I doubt they could have squeezed into the shed….even the mice must have had trouble getting out after their binge

