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Ripper Tours

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  • Ripper Tours


    Often been interested in doing one of the 'meet at the tube station' type Ripper guided tours.

    I guess I should have done one of these a long time ago before most of the scenes were building sites which I believe they are at the moment. Anyhoo... any advice on which to go for and why? I'll be in Laaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrdon first week of June. Thanks

  • #2
    Hi Geddy

    I did the Richard Jones tour in December, that one was with Phil Hutchinson

    and it was extremely good, the group was a resonable size about 30 the night I went, no silly theories put forward and a guide who knew the subject back to front.

    they use a selection of guides on this tour, all of whom are well known in Ripperology, check out the details :

    The Original Jack the Ripper Tour that is widely considered the best in London and is conducted by guides who have written books on the Whitechapel Murders.

    cost is still £10 i think, and you do need to book.

    Last edited by Elamarna; 04-16-2016, 12:44 PM.


    • #3
      I would suggest, doing it off your own back it's not hard to find all the locations, there all within easy walking distance of each other. Print a little map off, use the satnav on your phone, you can do it all in a couple of hours.


      • #4
        Cheers Sir Cat, yeah I can do the walk easy enough. I think I have one of those guide books that might help but I guess I was looking for the 'atmosphere' and meeting some like minded folk.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Geddy2112 View Post
          Cheers Sir Cat, yeah I can do the walk easy enough. I think I have one of those guide books that might help but I guess I was looking for the 'atmosphere' and meeting some like minded folk.

          Now you come to mention it, I had never considered that!!! Perhaps I should look at going on one, myself. If you do go on a tour, please let us know what it was like and whether you'd recommend it!


          • #6
            I was in London today for another reason but have never been to the murder sites so I quickly dropped into Mitre Square. Lots of building work going on in the area but I guess this is as good as it gets.

            Will let you know how the tour goes in early June.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              To add what a complete plonker I was. I was so tired on Friday and wet with the rain I walked along Commercial Road and Whitechapel Road towards Mitre Street that I totally forgot to have a nosey down Henriques St and Goulston Street.... DOH!!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by The Station Cat View Post
                If you do go on a tour, please let us know what it was like and whether you'd recommend it!
                Booked for the first Friday in June, hoping for a nice informative evening.
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Since you picked Discovery Tours you won't be disappointed.



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jmenges View Post
                    Since you picked Discovery Tours you won't be disappointed.

                    Would someone who has done more than one of the tours mind critiquing them? Let me know some of the differences in the tours?




                    • #11
                      While I've not gone on a tour myself, Ally and I interviewed Richard Jones (founder of Discovery Tours) and his expert guides Philip Hutchinson and John Bennett several years ago. My guess is that there are more tours now than there were then, and the differences come down to the size of the group (Rumbelow's can be quite large) and the accuracy of the information told by the guide (many are notoriously bad at facts).

                      You can hear our 2009 chat about Ripper tours here:

                      Last edited by jmenges; 05-26-2016, 06:04 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jmenges View Post
                        While I've not gone on a tour myself, Ally and I interviewed Richard Jones (founder of Discovery Tours) and his expert guides Philip Hutchinson and John Bennett several years ago. My guess is that there are more tours now than there were then, and the differences come down to the size of the group (Rumbelow's can be quite large) and the accuracy of the information told by the guide (many are notoriously bad at facts).

                        You can hear our 2009 chat about Ripper tours here:

                        Thank you, Jonathan,

                        Now if my sister just cooperates, I might get to take one of those tours in August.

                        I enjoyed the 'cast.



                        • #13
                          Well I've had my tour and generally it was a brilliant experience.
                          I arrived on time at Aldgate East and was ticked off the list. The tour was split into two groups of about 30 people and we set off bang on time at 7pm. My group’s tour guide was Lindsay Siviter. ( She was of course very knowledgeable and very friendly, she managed the group very well and tried to keep everyone informed and entertained.
                          We made our way up Gunthorpe Street and spoke about Martha Tabram and Emma Smith. The first funny ‘event’ happened here whilst passing the White Hart pub as a lovely young Gentleman drinking outside the pub claimed he was ‘Jack the Ripper’ at which point one of the group exclaimed ‘more like Peter the Pri*k!’
                          We made our way to Thrawl Street and was told Mary Ann Nichols was seen here on the night of her murder. (We did not visit Buck’s Row!) We spoke about the lodging houses and the Frying Pan public house. We discussed the Double Event and that the site of the first murder of that night was approximately 12 min walk away, Lindsay explained the events surrounding the murder of ‘Long Liz’ and she actually hinted that she believed Jack was still at the scene when the horse reared up! Interesting. I was quite disappointed not to have visited this murder scene as to me it would have been important to work out some timings for the double event.
                          We turned onto Brick Lane and was told how World Famous it was for Indian Cuisine nowadays at which point comedy point two happened. A lovely man from one of the Curry Houses told us to come back after our tour to eat as they served Jack his last Curry before he killed Mary Jane Kelly. (I don’t have source for this, although it would have been Curry sauce I guess.)
                          From Brick Lane we made our way to Hanbury Street. We stood on the spot of 29 Hanbury Street the scene of the murder of Annie Chapman, we spoke for a while about her history and how she was the ‘Starbucks of 1880 London’ due to her connections with coffee.
                          From Hanbury Street we turned into Wilkes Street and then Fournier Street stopping at Christchurch Spitalfields. We stood and spoke about the Ten Bells pub opposite and the ‘Hollywood’ element of Jack the Ripper. Photographs were shown of the actors and actresses associated with some Jack the Ripper films. Lindsay informed us it was the 1988 Michael Caine film that encouraged her to become involved with the case… not a lot of people know that. At this point it was pointed out that most of the properties in Fournier St are quite old and as they were back in 1888, one recently selling for £3 million. You could probably buy my whole town for that!
                          We made our way along White’s row and paused at the end to discuss Mary Kelly’s horrific murder in Miller’s Court. We were about as close as we could get to the spot considering the building works going on. We spoke about Dorset Street and at this point we were shown a brand new photograph of Dorset Street that our host had recently discovered. I've not personally seen this photograph before and I'm sure it will turn up on the forums soon enough. We also spoke about the boarding house across the road in Crispin Street which still stands today.
                          We turned into Bell Lane and made our way to Goulston Street via Petticoat Lane. We stopped here to discuss the graffiti in the door way. Our host did consider this to have been written by the killer and exclaimed her astonishment that Sir Charles Warren was called there at 5 am, it must have been important. She did again hint at the Free Mason connection at this point.

                          We made the short walk via Gravel Lane to Mitre Square and stood with other groups to end our tour. Luckily we managed to stand at the exact spot the body was found. Again more photographs were shown and more explanation on how the area had changed throughout the years. Pictures of Catherine Eddowes horrific injuries were shown. At this point Lindsay showed a picture of who Hollywood keeps telling us who Jack was, of course Sir William Gull. She categorically denied he could be the killer and explained how she has been lucky to be working with his family to produce his first Biography. She did hint however he did know who the killer was and the word ‘Prince’ was mentioned. Our tour ended at this point and we all dispersed to find our way home.
                          Over all it was an excellent couple of hours entertainment, I guess it was aimed more at the people who knew little or nothing about the area of the killings and some ‘facts’ mentioned have been questioned on these boards many times. I was rather disappointed not to visit two of the five murder sites as I feel this is rather important but I guess there are logistical reasons for these omissions. I think I counted at least ten other tours on our route.. Jack is still big business I guess. Very enjoyable, very good host and look forward to doing another tour at some point in the future. Hoping the new Dorset Street photo reaches here soon and Lindsay’s new Gull biography brings forward some more talking points.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Very enjoyable and detailed review, Geddy-- thanks for posting! I've never been over for a Ripper Tour, but your report almost made me feel like I was there with you!
                            Pat D.
                            Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.

