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Surgical expertise, anatomical knowledge. So on and so forth..

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  • #16
    Originally posted by FutureM.D. View Post
    A two part question

    So my questions...




    Have a great day!
    Mathematics is not a strong point of yours either.

    Reading,writing and

    Does Mummy know you are on the computer again?


    • #17
      Originally posted by DJA View Post
      I didn't come on board as FutureM.D. ROFL!

      Most of what you are asking is easily found.

      Baxter was a coroner,not a doctor.

      Dr Phillips was a peer of Jack's and described a tool of trade used on Chapman.
      You imply your knowledge is superior.

      I was asked to form a professional kangaroo shooting team.
      Spotlighting at night time. Integral coolroom/trailer.
      No way I could do what Jack did.

      Thought the Cholera piece might have been of interest.
      Something few have been afforded.

      You come across as a delusional brat.
      Again, I don't think I'm a delusional brat. My screen name reflects my young aspirations, years ago.

      At times, I can be can be rude or presumptuous. It's something I'm working on.

      I still think you were a bit of a dick, right off the bat. But may bygones be bygones.

      I apologize for my rudeness. Olive Branch.

      You seem to know more than me. I want to be better informed. By saying Phillips was his peer, do you imply Phillips knew him? Or were they just contemporaries? Please illuminate the cholera point, if you will.

      Honestly, these aren't rude or rhetorical.I'm genuinely interested.

      Put the past aside? Help a brother out?


      • #18
        No sweat.

        Luckily you didn't catch me last week!

        Did you read my Cholera post on the previous page!


        • #19
          Originally posted by DJA View Post
          No sweat.

          Luckily you didn't catch me last week!

          Did you read my Cholera post on the previous page!
          I saw it. But I have no idea where you're going with it. I'm really not stupid, I just don't have a lot of time to dig into contemporary ripper research; though I wish I did.

          Can you clarify? Or point me in the right direction?


          • #20
            Honestly thought it was self evident.

            Jack had a lot of experience cutting people up.

            That month he was doing ~ 2 a day.

            Prolly do it with his eyes shut.


            • #21
              Originally posted by DJA View Post
              Honestly thought it was self evident.

              Jack had a lot of experience cutting people up.

              That month he was doing ~ 2 a day.

              Prolly do it with his eyes shut.
              See dude? Here's the problem. I don't know what you're driving at. I consider myself knowledgeable about the case. And I'm lost. We probably could have avoided an argument, we're just not speaking the same language. Im not sure if you're implying Phillips was the man, or an associate. 2 (2,what exactly) a day? Where does that come from?Okay, I'll happily assume you're on the right path. But from where does it start? I don't need a dissertation, just a hint. Where does this begin?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sam Flynn View Post
                Much as I welcomed them, I remain unconvinced by Prosector's suggestions, Jon - mainly because they revolve around Eddowes, leaving unanswered the rather cruder "procedures" wrought upon Nichols, Chapman and Kelly. To single out one victim doesn't give us much of a sample size by which to judge the killer's alleged skill. Even within the bounds of the Eddowes murder, singling out one or two aspects as evidence of surgical skill, whilst ignoring the crudeness of the rest of her killer's handiwork, is perhaps to miss a rather large elephant in the room.
                I agree to a point Gareth, though with Kelly we have no details of how cuts were made, so that only leaves Chapman, and we have that hint by Phillips that this killer was not a common butcher.
                Prosector has not provided a list of observations on Chapman's mutilations, as far as I know.
                Regards, Jon S.


                • #23
                  FutureM D.

                  Check your PMs.

                  Sent one a while back.

                  There was a Cholera outbreak in London during June 1866 which killed almost 6,000 people.

                  Our Jack started much of his post mortem research on over 50 of those during that month.

                  If I say any more ,someone might wake up.

                  Prolly not,knowing this bunch

                  That other guy from Colorado is on track though.

                  No fluoride in the drinking water eh!
                  Last edited by DJA; 11-29-2015, 11:12 AM. Reason: Added OP.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by DJA View Post
                    FutureM D.

                    Check your PMs.

                    Sent one a while back.

                    There was a Cholera outbreak in London during June 1866 which killed almost 6,000 people.

                    Our Jack started much of his post mortem research on over 50 of those during that month.

                    If I say any more ,someone might wake up.

                    Prolly not,knowing this bunch

                    That other guy from Colorado is on track though.

                    No fluoride in the drinking water eh!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
                      I agree to a point Gareth, though with Kelly we have no details of how cuts were made
                      I'd suggest that the Kelly photographs might provide us some insights there, Jon.
                      so that only leaves Chapman, and we have that hint by Phillips that this killer was not a common butcher.
                      Phillips' evidence also records the inefficient and messy manner by which Chapman's abdomen was opened up via three asymmetric flaps of flesh. Apart from being a very different technique to that employed on Eddowes, this aspect of Chapman's death suggests that her killer exhibited little or no surgical skills at all.
                      Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                      "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by DJA View Post
                        FutureM D.

                        Check your PMs.

                        Sent one a while back.

                        There was a Cholera outbreak in London during June 1866 which killed almost 6,000 people.

                        Our Jack started much of his post mortem research on over 50 of those during that month.

                        If I say any more ,someone might wake up.

                        Prolly not,knowing this bunch

                        That other guy from Colorado is on track though.

                        No fluoride in the drinking water eh!
                        Sounds like Henry Gawen Sutton, perhaps?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by DJA View Post
                          How would more than 50 post mortems researching Cholera and it's intestinal workings in June 1866 be for a starting point!
                          Jack was 30 back then.

                          Quite sure Dr Phillips recognised his handy work.
                          And what of Doctor Brown? You obviously consider his opinion worthless.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Observer View Post
                            And what of Doctor Brown? You obviously consider his opinion worthless.
                            He did an excellent post mortem,describing the removal of the kidney,etc.


                            • #29
                              Sorry slip of the pen, that should of read Doctor Bond.


                              • #30
                                Figured that.

